Warped Tour 2010 (and whoring)

Hey guys!Well, it's finally that time of year again, the time in which I wake up long before anyone else just so that I can sit in front of my computer screen and surf the web all day. What a life, aye?Anyway, Warped Tour is right around the corner, and I'm sitting here holding my breath, waiting for that moment... If I go, that is. My mom is strict when it comes to things of this nature.Last...
June 12th, 2010 at 02:53pm

Original fiction vs. fanfiction

I don't think this is a very controversial subject, but everyone has his own opinion, right?When I started writing stories a couple years back, I began with fanfiction. I still mostly write about musicians and what not, but along the way, I've written a few original stories.Some people prefer original fiction, and some prefer fan. I was simply wondering what the ratio between the two was on this...
April 22nd, 2010 at 01:31am

Mibba seriously better be proud of me...

I deserve a gold star!Remember my last journal about me considering telling my therapist about my anorexia? Well, I took mibba's advice and told her today. My mind was racing the entire walk up the stairs. I was shaking so bad, and I had tears in my eyes before I even opened my mouth. I had no clue where to start.She's known for a few weeks that I want to lose weight, but she never knew it was...
April 13th, 2010 at 02:04am

I'm considering telling my therapist about my anorexia.

But I'm stubborn, so sadly I probably won't do it.It's just that everything is finally starting to catch up with me. Things started off slow, ya know. I lost a few pounds by simply cutting back on indulgences, but I started absolutely loving the feeling of being two pounds lighter than yesterday.When I lost about ten pounds, I remember my mom reminding me, "Don't get obsessed with this." But it...
April 11th, 2010 at 04:39am

Who here likes Forever the Sickest Kids?

Okay, so I'm in love with Forever the Sickest Kids. They're the jizz, yo. But something tells me that there aren't a lot of people on this website who like them too. Or am I wrong? Does anyone out there like Forever the Sickest Kids?If you DO like this dear band, then I just started a story about them I'm sure you'll love. ;3 HINT HINT. It's called "Skin and Bones."But getting back to the point, I...
March 17th, 2010 at 01:17am

Just a quick question

You people of Mibba are so wise, and that is why I need your intelligence. Alright, so when you go to the story page, you see the title of the story and what not. Below the title there are spaces for stars.I don't know what the crap those stars are for, and it's driving me insane. I know they aren't comments. They aren't the number of subscribers are they? Ugh, I don't know. I'm just stupid....
February 21st, 2010 at 07:23am

I actually cussed at her.

Things have been really hard at home lately. My mother is an extremely unstable person, and lately she's been snapping much more than usual.She's been depressed because she thinks that my older sister has been acting really disrespectful towards her (which she has been). My sister is such an idiot because she could easily fix things and calm our mom down, but she just keeps making things worse.So...
February 15th, 2010 at 11:09pm

What's the Best Compliment You've Ever Received?

So I was at school, during lunch, and this boy that I fairly know (we've spoken maybe three times) is a couple seats away. I was reading, and suddenly he leans over and asks what book it is. I showed him the cover, and then he asked what kinds of books I like. I told him classic, then bowed my head and started reading again, thinking the conversation had ended.But no, he keeps going. "Do you like...
February 3rd, 2010 at 03:37am

So what's up with all the "mibba families?" (Wanna be in mine?)

I mean, I think the whole family thing is great! But just how did it come to be? All of a sudden everyone is choosing roles and going on crazy journal commenting sprees.But anyway, I'm not here to ramble on about my curiousity. I'm here to ask a question. Lately it's been the most popular and delightfully generic question on this site. So...I guess what I'm trying to say is...Will you be in my...
February 2nd, 2010 at 02:04am

Favorite decade?

Okay, so I'm pretty much into anything vintage or retro. But when I base my love on a decade, I normally think of their fashion. It seems like most girls back then wore dresses and makeup and hairstyles that were very feminine.Right now I'm addicted to the 60s, but sometimes my mind wanders and I'm hooked on some other decade.So I've got a question. Girls, what decade do you like the most...
February 1st, 2010 at 02:50am

I'm so terrified of liking the player

Alright, so there's this boy that I've liked for a while named Kaleb. And yesterday was homecoming at school. I was standing there with my sister and my best guy friend, and Kaleb randomly walks up. He starts talking to us and I'm like, "Holy hell, it's Kaleb."So then we went to sit down and Kaleb followed us and sat with us. I was majorly excited when he started talking directly at me, making me...
January 17th, 2010 at 05:03am