Big Heart or Just Too Nice?

Sometimes I wonder... if I have a BIG heart, or I am just being too nice. What is the difference between the two? I have never known, for my 20 years of life, I have continued to be the person who cannot determine the two. Is too nice being able to take care of everybody and giving your up most 100 percent, or is having a big heart being very generous and understanding? I have believed that I have...
November 3rd, 2014 at 06:32am

The Things I Remember the Most...

If someone would ask me "What is one of the things in your life you remember the most? That you'll never forget and that still follows you today..." The outside of me would say "My success, my downs in life and how they actually built me up and become the most unique person today, that has taught me to love and be proud of me..." but my answer inside of me would be "All the times I was singled...
October 6th, 2014 at 06:34am

The Other Side of You...

Ever have that feeling... that feeling where you think to yourself... "Their's nothing good about me... I would say the only good thing about me was my childhood... when I didn't remember, or feel a thing.."You remember the most worst memory, yet you show no emotion towards it, but the pain inside your chest makes you want to go and just do something spontaneous, whether good or bad.Yet the...
October 5th, 2014 at 02:08am

The Fear Behind It

Their is always fear behind those who have a very good, soft, loving heart. That fear usually is hidden under deep, deep hatred or maybe under the love that covers it. When a nice person hates, they hate quietly, their hate is so big that they hide it under fear, and it's weird because their hate not only rests in the depths of their hearts, but it also rests in their minds and their love. Hate in...
January 23rd, 2014 at 05:30am

The things in Life...

When you are forced to pick between people... you have to ask yourself who is important and who is not, who is worth it and who isnt. Who freaking would think of that when they were kids? You didn't care when you were a kid, who gave a crap who was important and who was worth it as a kid? Kids just find other kids they think are fun and great to play games with. Kids are the simplest beings in...
January 16th, 2014 at 08:02am

Self Harming

In the years that I have grown and everything that I have dealt with in my life, could possibly not be any worse then anyone else's life or problems. But their is one thing that has stayed on my mind for quite some time now as I read poetry that seem very brutally outward on Mibba. Now I m not judging anybody, I am not trying to get anywhere with this, I guess it's just a fellow member getting...
October 30th, 2013 at 12:19am

I hate When Friends do that

Ok, so I have this issue with friends that just BUGS the heck out of me!!!! I hate taking out friends for a good time and they end up not having a good time with me. I hate that!!!!! Its like I invite them somewhere and ask them 'Hey imma do this, you want to come with me..' or whatever, and they accept, but they have this stupid big face on them like I HAVE to deal with their crap. Whatever...
February 24th, 2012 at 11:29pm

What Do You Think?

Ok so I barely about 2 days ago saw Breaking Dawn Part 2, and Im so syched for making a little part 2 sequel of my own, only because I cant wait to see part 2 now that Renesme is born and Bella revives as a vampire! But I want your guys opinion... should I do something like this? I already began writting the sequel down on my own because of how excitted I was from the movie.And I began to notice...
February 20th, 2012 at 12:37pm

Why did It Hurt that Bad?

It was late, and I was talking to my ex (may I say the most understanding person in the world, and most patient that he has ever been with me) and we broke up of about almost half a year ago, for various reasons. And I was having a problem and I was so amazed of what kind of reaction he had towards it, although he told me that it felt like I cheated on him, but were not together. So anyways, he...
February 17th, 2012 at 01:48am

The Medical Field is Tough

As im advancing in my PTA class Im starting to realize how hard and cold the medical field is, its like amazing. Although I enjoy what Im learning and what benefit I get out of it, Im starting to see that.... mmmm maybe Ill be able to handle it maybe I wont. I guess its all about if you love it or not. I mean Medical Termonology was hard as it is (counting that I had a very frustrating rude...
February 15th, 2012 at 01:03am

Thats not normal....but for some reason its seen alot

How can someone in their life...after everything, sit there and think "I wanna know how it feels to kill someone". If you all heard or read the news on yahoo, I just barely read a girl of 15 killed a 9 year old girl and buried her. Her journal entry is what got me the most:"I strangled them and slit their throat and stabbed them now they're dead," Bustamante wrote in her diary, which was read in...
February 9th, 2012 at 01:25am

Is it ok to follow up a story that hasent been updated in....FOREVER?

I have this story that I havent updated in forever, literally in FOREVER! And I just updated a chapter like....yesterday. And I felt pretty weird just updating it cus Ive had it there, not being touched at all. I was thinking of taking it down but apperently I thought "Why not keep going with it..." So I did, but another thing is I dont have NONE of the chapters written out, I use to but...
February 8th, 2012 at 12:41am