I Guess It's My Fault Too

I must be a really crappy girlfriend because I never decided if I was ready for a boyfriend. Turns out I probably wasn't. I don't feel like myself when I'm with him. It's a really suckish feeling. I don't know what to do because I don't wanna hurt him, but I'm not sure how much longer I can go on like this and it really isn't fair for me to lead him along (even though that's exactly what he's...
July 11th, 2009 at 05:29pm

No Texts

I wasn't sure how I felt about my boyfriend until we were separated. Now I know that I don't know him well enough to love him. Outside of acting class I barely know him at all. There is something wrong with him. He's a stranger, now. A stranger who refuses to talk to me and when he does, it's very breif. The way I missed him was undescribable and it hurt so much that he wouldn't talk to me. I have...
July 8th, 2009 at 04:17am

Tropical Hell

My parents decided that it would be lovely to drag me to Puerto Rico for a month. I know what you're thinking, who doesn't want to go to Puerto Rico, really I wouldn't mind if my parents weren't total psychopaths. My mother makes me cry frequently. My friends and dog are really all I have and I have lost all that. I'm alone here. I hate this place There's a language difference and people who don't...
July 8th, 2009 at 01:51am