Anger is the brand new thing

im feeling extremely lonely at the moment.the thing is, i recently got back together with my boyfriend. and while it is great, ive sort of been ditching my friends in favour of him. and they, in turn, are ditching tonight, i was on myspace, and i found out that my friends are going to my favourite local bands gig. without me, needless to say. i mean i knew theyd be a bit cold towards me...
November 23rd, 2007 at 02:31pm

problems of my own

I have a problem (what a suprise)when my boyfriend broke up with me, i was lost. and there was one person that was my shoulder to cry on. unfortunately, even though my boyfriend and i are back together, i seem to still have feelings for this particular person. he was there in my time of need, and he helped me through the toughest time of my life.and it sucks.i love my boyfriend, i really do. but i...
November 16th, 2007 at 04:52pm

i dont know what to do.

i recently got back with my boyfriend as you all probably know by now (sorry for harping on about it), and ive been getting, er, urges. yes, sexual urges if thats what you were thinking. the thing is, i really want to do it with him, but i still dont trust him 100 per cent yet, after what he did to me. (dont worry, nothing bad, he just broke up with me because he thought it was 'the right thing to...
November 11th, 2007 at 03:25pm

everything is alright

well, as some of you might know, i recently got back together with my boyfriend after finding out, on mibba no less, that he still loved me. and life could honestly not be better right now. the renunion, wow, it was enough to bring me to tears: that does not happen often. enough to make me forget that the last 6 months of emptiness and depression ever happened. it was like my heart, which seemed...
November 7th, 2007 at 05:10pm

a certain romance...

...has me dying inside. i know i said in my last journal that i was moving on, that i was never to speak of the fabled Tom again. unfortunately, that is easier said than done. i still feel like im breaking into a million pieces every time i think about him, or even if anything reminds me of him. i have tried to get rid of it all, from photos, to music to jewlery, even clothes he said he liked on...
October 31st, 2007 at 03:45pm

miserable at best

My heart aches for you every minute of every day. I remember what it was like before; before this huge mess, before you looked at me with hurt in your eyes. My heart currently feels like its been broken into a million, billion pieces. Or like somebodies ripped it out and stamped on it. I thought i could survive without you. I though i would just learn to live a normal life, exactly the way it was...
October 28th, 2007 at 02:04pm

The Last Something That Meant Anything

quite possibly the best day of my life...i lay on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. the wind was blowing through my hair, throwing strands into my eyes which he quickly brushed away. his beautiful golden brown eyes stared deep into mine; it made me feel like he was x-raying me, like he could see my soul. despite the wind, it was a beautiful day, the sun shining. it made his...
October 26th, 2007 at 06:41pm

whats it feel like to be a ghost?

Hello to everyone, this is my first journal entry. ever. so i dont really know what to expect. comments would be nice though. well here goes...wishing i was anywhere but here. the cupboard tempts, yet i must resist. i hear it every day; youre already a vegetarian, not getting enough vitamins and minerals blah, blah, blah. i do listen, i really do, but i dont seem to take it in. i still throw my...
October 25th, 2007 at 04:03pm