More F'ing Drama.... Now Life Is A Soap Oprea! Great..........

Dear Journal,Well, my dad just got out of surgery and is coming home to night. :) My friends are going ice skating for Liz's birthday, and i cant skate. sure i know how but i have to get knee surgery -.- so ill be on crutches or something and i have to see Sebastian (If he even shows up!) and Trevor.And plus i just figured something out cause of what Marie said. Mr popular (Jake) at my school was...
July 11th, 2009 at 09:45pm

Boy Problem,,,,, HELP ME!

Dear journal,Well im new here and this is my first entry, this is the only thing i seem to get to work so though id try it..... here is a problem i have.Well, right now my life pretty much sucks in the love/like department. Well, because i like my best friend. I've known him nearly two years now and we hung out pretty often i guess you could say, but back in December he totally flipped. One day...
July 9th, 2009 at 10:58pm