What's Going On?

Date;;October 14, 2010
Music;;The Midnight Beast - Friends For Never
Mood;;Over joyed
Update;;Logged On xD
Thinking;;"I love being in the top show choir! I can't believe that -insert local radio station here- played one of my songs! Life is great! "
Wishing;;To go back to when I heard my song on the radio.

About Me

I'm a sixteen year old girl. I have some serious anger issues that need to be taken care of, but I'm able to vent in my writing and the punching bag out in my garage =D I'm nothing special, just another ordinary wall flower, err, weed. Yeah. I'm the wall weed. =]

I'm a major music nerd. I don't have to have music to hear it; I hear it in the pitter patter of the rain, the hum of a fan, the beating of a heart. I play many instruments, the newest on the list being the cello. Yea! I've picked up another instrument since January 1st! =D I'm in Show Choir, which is a shock for me because I considered myself to be in the low level choirs for my entire choral career, also I really can't dance. I mean, even a chicken can dance better than I can ;D.

I ride horses. I'm not going to put much of that on here since that'll bore the shizz outta you =] Just know that if I don't become an Equine Vet, I'ma be a psychiatrist. So I like to know how the mind works

Even though I like to know how the mind works, I'm actually not very social. I was born and raised in the middle of no where, and my closest neighbor was a ways away. So, growing up I had to learn how to entertain myself, a lotta good that did me. =/ Anyways, if I seem awkward when you talk to me or such, just know that I honestly am pretty moronic when it comes to socialization. Oh lookies! I've become more social since January 1st, even! Man, I've been busy!

Random Crap

It takes patience to become a good person, it takes one second to become a bad. Over the course of this year, I do believe that I've become a more peaceful, accomplished person. Of course, Junior year BETTER be accomplished!

Quote Of The Week!

“Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it - memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey.” - Tad Williams

My Stories

The Song In My Head
Heroine;; Alessandria Mae Grahy
Hero;; Undecided At The Moment x]
Chapters;; 2, soon to be 3
Updated;; Yeah, not gonna finish it. No time.

My Poems

The Final Goodbye
Curse Me Black
Pondering A Purpose
My Darkness
The Girl No One Knew
Stop There, Rewind, Erase