marilynXmansonXchica / Comments

  • It wasn't a problem at all. Sometimes the way people act really bother me. I just don't understand what would compel someone to be so totally nasty to a complete stranger. I mean, sure, the world isn't a nice place, but this is Mibba, for crying out loud. We used to be a family.
    May 7th, 2010 at 01:33pm
  • Haha. Yes. I'm pretty sure. XD
    I just have a lot of time to myself.
    May 4th, 2010 at 11:26pm
  • I don't forgive people. I don't see much point. I simply move on.
    So in a way, it's forgiving.
    I have nothing against you.
    It's hard for me to understand what set you off really since I have no idea what's been going on in your life.

    Oh, another philosophy of mine: One man cannot know another man's pain without being that man.
    Basically, since we see everything from our own perspective, it is impossible to empathize completely without being the other person and living through their life exactly as they have.
    May 4th, 2010 at 04:46am
  • That it is.
    Pretty. Odd.
    No problem. I've had to grow up and think in a more adult and philosophical fashion since I was young and it has greatly affected who I am and how I am now, as you can see.
    What has been happening to you?
    A bit of stoicism is it is good to realize that people do have flaws and they will anger you and hurt you and sometimes you must move past it and realize that they will not be there tomorrow.
    Also, I don't need people to apologize much because I understand you're sorry and I don't hold grudges. It's a waste of emotional energy.
    May 4th, 2010 at 04:10am
  • Literally, again, he's playing. Right now "In The Shadow of the Valley of Death" and before "Putty Holes In Happiness."

    It's actually simple in a way: If you can accept you have flaws, you can accept that others have flaws. If you are wronged in any way, stand up for yourself. Everyone is a hypocrite. Be stoic to an extent.
    There's more that goes into it and it's confusing because no one has the answers to everything.
    I'm a very philosophical person, actually. It's hard to generalize my way of thinking. I usually spew out philosophical thoughts at specific topics.
    May 4th, 2010 at 03:47am
  • Just for irony's sake, Manson is playing right now as my iTunes is on shuffle and I laughed. I nearly choked on my drink.
    I'm not going for being him, no no. I take some of his ideas and add them to my own philosophy. He says that everyone is a hypocrite and you have to accept it. I take it further: you must accept that you're a hypocrite to move past bullshit and people's idiocy, it helps you to be one with everything. You must understand that humans are flawed and say things and don't mean it to fully accept your own flaws and your own self. Perhaps that's what he was getting at, but that's one of the main things I take from him. His whole point is be who you are and don't take people's bullshit, especially if they wrong you.
    Well, it's the meantime and I am still talking to you, am I not. :)
    May 4th, 2010 at 03:34am
  • Uh, nope. I fully accept I'm a dickwad. I also have multiple problems such as being a sociopath, basically, so no help there.
    Actually, I'm quite a funny person. I have an odd sense of humour. It's more British than anything because lets face it, the American version of "funny" is completely different and not very intelligent. I go for the adult and intelligent humour. I make people think to realize it's funny. I used to write comedy. I know what I'm saying here.
    The rock, paper, scissors was funny if you know what I'm talking about the same way Manson isn't trying to be a role model if you understand his message.
    Oh, she knows she's a bitch. I know she's a bitch. We understand we're hypocritical assholes. If you read Manson's biography (which I think you should, it's an exquisite piece of literature) you'd know where some of my philosophy stems from.
    You asked me what I would do if you weren't here. Hon, you're [i]still[/i] here which does not mean I will forget your existence. If you [i]do[/i] get kicked off, most likely I will forget you because I chose not to dwell on the past.
    May 4th, 2010 at 03:23am
  • Little sister, let me do explain my jest:
    You said that you were a rock, correct? Or people perceive you as such, whichever.
    Now, I was trying to think with the old gulliver what the opposite of a rock is exactly and figuring nothing out, I thought, "Rock, paper, scissors!"
    This was poking fun, little sister, not being horrible for a rock could be male, female or otherwise, along with the other two. In fact, I could have been saying you don't like men. I don't even know myself.
    May 4th, 2010 at 01:39am
  • I'm fully aware it can.
    I thought I was a girl. I thought I was bisexual. I'm neither. I thought I know what I was, too. Don't be so hostile and take criticism. It's a good skill. I'm a tad older than you and have friends who are much older than I. Just take some advice even if you think I'm being rude: don't be so quick to judge, not even yourself.
    You have a week. Sometimes Dujo doesn't even ban people. *shrug*
    It's mean to joke about it people. I'm a mean person. I've been through this on here multiple times. [i]Trust me, I know[/i].
    Well, I give my appy-polly-loggies to you then, little sister.
    But I do find it quite entertaining how people take the internet to heart. Don't believe anything anyone says any more. Don't believe the news, the fiction, the non. Yes, I told you not to believe me, but do I have any motive for lying? No.
    Honestly? Go on about my life as if you didn't exist.
    May 4th, 2010 at 01:33am
  • *exasperated sigh*
    I don't want to keep going on that journal because it's just silly.
    Look, I reported you already so it's done, mkay?
    Also, I just think it's hilarious when young kids say they're "bi." I said I was bi and look, I'm not.
    My gay friend was bi and he's gay. Same with my other one, [i]almost.[/i]
    I don't know any "bisexual" people except for my girlfriend who decided and pondered for years and only came out last year and who knows? She may not be.
    All I'm saying here is, don't be so quick to label yourself anything yet because you could change.
    And it's called a joke. I joke because I can. My friend calls me a "faggot" all the time and I don't get pissed because we hate the word. Hell, sainthood and I are getting it tattooed as a friendship kinda thing because we hate it. Doesn't make sense, I know.
    Now, if I somehow managed to incredibly piss you off this time, go ahead and rant back on my page or hell, write a journal about it.
    But I honestly don't think I have given you any reason what-so-ever to make you act so lividly.
    May 4th, 2010 at 01:24am
  • Well, alright.
    May 4th, 2010 at 01:23am
  • Where does she make fun of your friend for being bi?
    May 4th, 2010 at 01:06am
  • Just ignore all those kids in the journal your friend wrote. But just to let you know, if you cuss in the comments, you can get banned. Just looking out for you.
    May 4th, 2010 at 01:05am
  • LOL, I have a question.
    Why are you all "fuck you" on that journal?
    No one was really offending either you or the chick that wrote it.
    May 4th, 2010 at 01:03am
  • But they're not all you need. :]
    May 4th, 2010 at 12:49am
  • If they're your real friends, they won't judge you because of who you like. Friends should love you and support you no matter what.
    May 4th, 2010 at 12:37am
  • No problem :)
    May 4th, 2010 at 12:35am
  • Absolutely not! You like who you like, and you nor anyone else can control that. It's perfectly normal, even if some people don't like it.
    May 4th, 2010 at 12:29am
  • And well done for deleting them comments. They are pathetic low lives... <3
    May 4th, 2010 at 12:28am
  • No problem.
    They are dick heads, absolute ass wipes soo if you ever need to talk, Im her 'kay?
    May 4th, 2010 at 12:27am