Garry_Way / Comments

  • Same, but i just hate how there are some amazing story lines handles by ppl who don't do anything with them!

    Graphic huh... nah i'll have to do one one day but as for the moment i'm set... lol
    March 14th, 2008 at 11:05am
  • lol i write better if i don't think lol

    don't ask me what that's about... but then again i adore reading slash... yet i can't write it... i can't do sex scenes either to save myself...

    If i update as i go i tend to lose the storyline and back myself into a wall... total screwed my first story doing that...
    March 13th, 2008 at 05:38am
  • Yeh, you don't see much of Ray around here.... well not that i've seen anyway... Is there more of it over at LJ?

    Nah, i figure at this stage any writing is good writing and it's times like these that i really hate the fact that i don't update as i write 80 chapters in ya start loosing it a little with no feedback lol
    March 13th, 2008 at 05:01am
  • Eeep sorry for not replying! I've barely been on the computer for the past two days, because I read New Moon and Eclipse. WOW. God, Breaking Dawn is so far away now! BELLA HAD BETTER BECOME VAMP SOON OR ELSE. If she doesn't I'm going to go murder Stephenie. Or if Steph kills Edward, that's going to be a trillion times worse for me.... But she's said she loved happy endings, right? When Eclispse special edition comes out I'm going to the mall inthe morning, going to the bookstore, sitting down on the carpeted floor, and reading the 1st chapter of BD. Nothing's going to stop me XD

    Nah it's ok, I understand waht you said. Blame Steph on my lack of reply. Yeah I did use the C word, I thought it woudl make it more real. Guys like that, their language isn't censored, you know? Stephen King is like that. I'm putting my all into this story, wanting to make it real, you know? I have balls when it comes to writing anyway, I can get all my hidden emotions out. I don't think PITW is going to have an extremely pleasent ending, maybe, but I'm not going to leave everyone hanging, there's still Voilets Blue (yes I changed it, I think it fits better than Norweigan Wood). Eeep, that must have been total hell trying to keep the Ali and Pondie thing under control 0_o. I don't think I've ever said it before, but your the best mod I've met. On all the forums I've been on, I've never seen anyone that's not... stuck up and godly because their admin and mod, you know what I mean? But you definitly are the exception =]. I kinda thought 80-85 was her, but I wasn't sure until I heard that from you. If you don't mind me asking, how did you choose who would go? (Sorry if it's too personal, you don't have to answer). The whole shredding Rainbow thing wasn't stupid in my mind, it was something you needed to do. If it needs to be done, it's not stupid in my mind. People like you better than me though, I must say. One time I was in the SSR thread because I was really upset over something happening with my past Mr. Retard and yeah, one of the users wasn't that pretty to me.... But whatever, I agree with you in the end, I have every right to be there =]. Oh man that woudl have been so hardcore if you would have made her slutty! What if you go back and continue the story, or write it again? Ok, I totally get what you mean with the whole slash thing, maybe I should say gay pairing stories then? I can't wait to read the new story, but oh man, only about five chapters left? Awwww. :( There's still a big part of PITW left, Christine's attack is only the start of it, but the secrecy veil has to slowly fray a little before the climax....

    Eeep now I made an unreadable rant 0_o
    March 12th, 2008 at 06:17am
  • lol with my first story i posted on here like mid last year i had about 20 chapters pre written and just went stupid with it posting like 3 chapters a day and then i ran outta steam and eventually had to end it it was a shitty ending and i want to redo it one day.... however i have like 4 stories in the pipeline at the moment *shakes head* i would love to get them all finished at the end of the year but that ain't gonna happen.........

    yeh i love LJ but i'm becoming more and more addicted to mibba these days...
    March 12th, 2008 at 06:15am
  • I second that! ^^yay Ray.
    March 11th, 2008 at 09:12pm
  • Oh, and I Love that picture you have of Ray laughing. He's so damn cute!
    March 11th, 2008 at 08:23pm
  • Yeah, I'm actually part of the Bobard cult, but Torero=First Love. And I think I'm the only one who says that. Torero. Meh, w/e. I'll work on the cult idea. Make us some cloaks, etc, etc.
    March 11th, 2008 at 08:22pm
  • We should form like, a cult or something...mwahaha. Like Dungeons and Dragons lol.
    March 11th, 2008 at 08:10pm
  • I love, love, LOVE your Toro one shots! Finally, another writer interested in Torero and RayBob! Huzzah!
    March 11th, 2008 at 08:03pm
  •'s tough agreed. I read off there but i would never post off there.

    I'm gearing up to post my first official story on here hopefully next month. I'm one of those who can't update as they go so i'm working on it at the moment and it's also going through my beta aswell. I'm so excited about it and i just hope that it turns out as good as i want it. A few friends have read it and have said that they storyline is really good... so fingers crossed
    March 11th, 2008 at 08:52am
  • lol Thanks so much for your comment!!!

    I just i doubting the hell out of that one shot. But it's probably just me.

    Yeh it's meant to be somewhat confusing but it all depends on your understanding of it. If something like that has happened to you before, then i think that you might react to it immediately.

    Feel free to check out my other one shot.. Leanne reviewed it and i almost died at her comment.... She is an amazing author. Hands down.
    March 11th, 2008 at 06:42am
  • So you think it was an awesome cliffhanger then? Christine needed a little shaking up I think XD. But seriously, this is going to cause major issues in the next update. Poor Gee.... Ug I know, all readers are sex obsessed. Hello sex is a story accent, not the story in my opinion... except for PWP. Yeah I remember that period, when Ouija got banned and it was a big fuss, and things were crazy. You worried me during that period. Meh I'm not around CD as much as I used to be, I think everyone except for a few people find me more annoying than anything.... That would have been interesting if you based her off of Vivian though! I love AU's, they can be so unbelieveably good you don't even know its a fanfic. I love your AU's =]. I really don't see the big diffence between slash and het though, I mean it's still a romance, one penis or two doesn't really matter because it's sitll what it is. Hehe that's ok, I get like that too. I'm looking so foreward to writing the plauge fic, but first I want to finish the tale of Gerard and Christine good and proper. I can't wait to write Norweigan Wood, but I'm thinking I might call it Violets Blue (to keep with the flower theme XD). Which do you like better? Gah I'm reading The Night Watch righ now (good book, so unuiqe) but I'm setting it to the side while I read the other two books. I have to make sure I start them at a good time though, because when I was reading Twilight all I did was read. Teachers gave me the homeowkr to do during class and I read instead... ug that was horrible to recover from. I'm pre-ordering Breaking Dawn really soon
    March 9th, 2008 at 10:09am
  • Lmao yeah I agree about Mikey, he's tough. What I love about mibba is the fact that you can subscribe to stories, so people won't get sick of checking for updates and giving up on you. Awww I wish they didn't leave you :( PITW is kinda like that for me, in my new update I posted tonight the last part wasn't planned, but it's going to add so much more to the story later on (inspired by a drunk guy cussing me out at work a few days ago). Hopefully my commenters won't kill me now that I updated XD. Oh yeah, I can see why you ended up hating Ash in the end now that you explained it. I like reading slash, but I can't write it that well. Idk, just the thought that the boys wouldn't do that in real life, ya know? But I do see the definite value of slash over ofc, I wish I could write it because of that :( Hmm idk, I was planning on the plauge striking while the boys were on tour, and it hits everyone so hard they end up getting marooned in a hotel in a city while everyone dies. Hehe read The Stand by Stephen King, that's where I got the idea from. I'm gonna read more fic after work tommorow, maybe. New Moon finally came for me in the libarary, and I still have Eclispse, so I think I'm going to end up reading for two days straight against my will XD.
    March 9th, 2008 at 09:29am
  • Yeah. People on here need to be a bit more open minded.
    March 8th, 2008 at 10:37pm
  • Yeah people are real....opinionated...on here.
    March 8th, 2008 at 03:27am
  • Seriously! On the show Crossing Over when he talks to people who commited suicide all of them feel horrible about it.
    But I mean it's their opinion. They have the right to be an ass. hah.
    March 7th, 2008 at 10:23pm
  • yes it is very good. I can't believe what some people are saying in that thread! (suicide thread)
    March 7th, 2008 at 10:03pm
  • Ew I hate FOB. Even my dad dislikes them, which is pretty bad since he has a horrible taste in music. I agree with the Mikey thing, I mean it's not like he has boobs.... If he was really a rapeable wimp he would've left MCR back when they were writing TBP in the Paramour mansion. Aw that sucks about people leaving your story after a break, I hate readers like that. It's an awesome thing that you're going to finish your fic. I hate it when people start three fics at once without any idea where they want them to go, like writing the minute you get an idea. It takes forever for updates and then they end up getting deleted anyway :(. I think I'd be murdered over the internet if I killed PITW prematurly, I've had readers type things like GEE AND CHRISTINE FOR LIFE!!!! in the lj comments.... That's awesome that they loved Guitar love even though it was het. I don't really know what the extreme attraction with slash is, but het is way less popular. Was Ash Mary-Sueish? I have people read the 1st chap of PITW and say MARY SUE then they read the next few and then they pretty much tell me "Ok I had NO idea that Christine was going to be like this, she isn't mary sue at all". Hmmm, Ray trying to find a cure, intersting idea. I can't wait to write the scene where Gee runs away from "dying" Frankie and Frank is screaming for Gerard to stay but he won't, because he doesn't want to see any more death. You SO have to check out the Dove Keeper, I'm not easily blown off my feet by fanfic, but WOW. And thanks for the link, I'll be sure to read it this weekend =]
    March 7th, 2008 at 09:37am
  • Ug well I try to get out about 10-14 pages every week, that's the average length of updates now. But a few chapters where Gee's getting it on it's like... over twenty. Lol I should write novels someday. Meh everyone's diffferent with how fast and how much the can write, i have no issues with your six pages a month XD. I have such a short atteniton span too, I'll spend four days writing three paragraphs at a time, then taking a ten minute break to either post on CD, reply to emils, facebook, or here. But then my readres are like UPDATE OR DIE so I force myself not to open up any windows other than Microsoft Word.... Yeah that's the whole reason I'm planning to kill Mikey first, Gee will be pretty numb, but when everyone else dies it'll just finish him. I'm still not sure who to kill last though... Ray or Bob? oooh yes I'd love the link, I'm always looking for good fanfic. have you ever read The Dove Keeper? It's the most amazing fic you'll ever read, honestly best Frerard EVER. I don't mind Waycest, as long as it's pulled off right and not on the extreme side of creepy. One of my favorite novel series involves incest, so yeah.... (Starts with Flowers In The Attic)
    March 5th, 2008 at 06:32am