A Really Great Story (Not By Me, Regrettably) | New Kitten | Questions

Mkay, so first off, please check out my friend ShadowHuntress' new story, ROY G BIV. It's excellent, and in my opinion should already have ten stars.ROY G BIVIn other news, we just got a new kitten! He's a little baby, all small and gray and furry. He's the softest thing I've ever felt, and he can't even meow right. He SQUEAKS. HOW EFFIN CUTE IS THAT? SUPER EFFIN CUTE.We're naming him Ash -...
June 17th, 2011 at 05:30pm

I'm sick and tired of this

What's wrong with people?They have absolutely no consideration anymore, if they ever did. Some people are pushing others to the extremes of suicide, and others are ruining lives by making wounds that ruin their childhood, and ultimately their life.I've seen so much of this, and even though there's a no bullying policy, and a no cursing/insulting policy at my school now, it's not going to stop...
August 18th, 2009 at 11:07pm