LittleMissHyper29 / Articles

  • Animal Experimentation - Why the Pain must Stop #2

    Animal Experimentation - Why the Pain must Stop #2

    In my last article (Animal Experimentation - Why the Pain Must Stop Part One) many of you expressed that you believe animal experimentation is wrong but then we would have to test on humans but this is simply not true! In this article I explain what alternatives there are to animal testing.

    July 14th, 2009 at 09:11pm

  • Animal Experimentation - Why The Pain Must Stop

    Animal Experimentation - Why The Pain Must Stop

    Imagine animals infected with deseases that they never would normally - kittens blinded, tiny mice growing tumors the size of their bodies, rats forced to have seizures. Animals force fed chemicals, surgeries repeatedly conducted on them, wires implanted in their brain, spines crushed. This is what happes in an animal expeimentation facility.

    July 14th, 2009 at 07:05am