you are beautiful no matter what they say.

I am me, I am Jessica
Even Though I have a twin, It does not mean we're the same, we're different in many ways.
I am different to everyone, The way i act around people and treat them is based on the way you treat me and it is also based on the first and second impression.
i love to write poems and draw...
I'm Hispanic (I'm Puerto Rican and Honduran)

~Favorite songs right now~
Raise your Glass- Pink
Waiting for the End - Linken Park
We R Who We R - Ke$ha
What the hell - Avril Lavigne
La Despidida - Daddy Yankee
Danza Kuduro- Don Omar ft. Lucenzo

~My Favorite Quotes~
- It's funny how when someone breaks your heart, you still love them with all the tiny pieces.
-Fear is the path to the darkside. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate.And hate leads to suffering.
-You think I'm so tough, but...I just never let you see me cry.- -Judge me and I'll prove you wrong. Tell me what to do and I'll tell you off. Say I'm not worth it and watch where I end up. Call me a bitch and I'll show you one. Screw me over and I'll do it to you twice as bad. Call me crazy, but you really have no idea.-
This is Bunny. Put him on your
homepage and help him on his

92% of the teen population
would be dead if Abercrombie decided
breathing wasn't cool!! Put this is your profile if you are
one of the 8% who would be laughing hysterically instead

98% of teens would have a nervous break down if Miley Cyrus was about to jump off of a skyscraper.
Copy and paste if you are part of the 2% who would be screaming "Jump, bitch, jump!"

^_^If you have ever run into a door, copy this into your profile^_^

^_^If you have ever had a mad laughing fit for absolutely no reason, copy and paste this into your profile^_^

If you've ever tripped UP the stairs, add this to your profile.

If you ever tripped over your own feet, while you're sober, add this to your profile.

If you've ever embarrassed yourself in front of your crush(s), copy and paste this into your profile.

If you ever threatened a computer or video game console, add this to your profile.

If you have ever pushed on a door that said "PULL" copy and paste this on to your homepage

are like
apples on trees.
The best ones are
at the top of the tree. The
boys don't want to reach
for the good ones because they
are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples
from the ground that aren't as good,
but easy. So the apples at the top think
something is wrong with them, when in
reality, they're amazing. They just
have to wait for the right boy to
come along, the one who's
brave enough to
climb all
the way
to the top
of the tree.
I love JAGF29, forever and ever bello!

you are beautiful in every single way.

Johnny Vale Tim Tori Mike Michael SamSam Friend name Friend name