Brendon Boyd Urie, need i say more?
Date: December 30 1:09pm
Hearing:Bad Romance
Future Updates: i have no idea...
Updates for you to Comment: any comments on anything would be great
I Am:offline in 2 min.

"It's just a jump to the left...And then a step to the right. Put your hands on your hips...and bend your knees in time! But it's the pelvic thrust, that really drives you insaaaaaane. LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!" Time Warp-The Rocky Horror Picture Show, best picture show ever

MuSiC iS mY LiFe

LEAVE SOME LOVE-Or whatever else you want to put here
The Awesomeness that is me...
So the names Katelyn but u can call me whatever. I am truly a Dark Angel and I love black roses. Im 16 and a Junior in HS. And just to let u know, i live off music and i go on and on about Panic at the Disco and All Time Low and random other bands.

ok so the code on here is different then the code i usually use and well i cannot get this to work so...yeah if anyone could help that would be great cuz i cannot get it to work!

Panic at the Disco and All Time Low are my favorite two bands of all time at the moment. I will go on about them more then half of the time when talking about music, along with other bands that i love, like Tokio Hotel and the Killers, etc. Johnny Depp and Hugh Jackman are my fav actors, Johnny more then Hugh(seen almost every movie hes been in).

Poems by Yours Truly :)
Title: Love and Hate
Updated: dont know

Title: Vampire Lullaby
Status: work in progress
Updated: dont remember

Title: Cross my Heart
Updated: dont remember

Title: No Ones Minion
Updated: dont remember

Title: After Then and There
Updated: dont remember

so...theres really nothing on my mind, havent been on here in awhile...