namewasalreadytaken / Comments

  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    I think I'm just not a writer. I mean the most recent thing I wrote that was original is a musical with my best friend and that was like two years ago almost.
    The AC games are really cool and have an awesome story. I recommend them, but the first one's gameplay is a little irritating. It's weird because my favorite characters are in the first and third one, but I liked the 2nd game as a whole a lot better even though I wasn't fond of the character in that one. If you get a chance to play any of the games though, you should, they're great.
    Man, I wish I had a 3DS to play the new one. It looks pretty interesting.

    I'm going to get all of the gold stars!
    Probably not the first day. It was probably the second or third time I had that class that it happened. lol But yes, it was very fast. She was like, "I haven't even gotten a ring yet." and I was like, "What flavor of ringpop do you like?" lol I'm just so charming that she had to marry me. xD The only problem might be that neither of us are lesbians. lol
    The other day I was like, "What! You're 25? You're too old for me. My parents would never agree. I think I might need a divorce" after she told me her birthday was coming up. So the marriage might not last long. xD

    We really don't get to stay in our rooms all the time because they give us like assignments where we have to like attend a club or event. I'm made to socialize usually lol

    I don't know. I may be a little biased, but she does stuff for the other girl that she'd never do for me. I notice it because its like, "She wouldn't let me do that" or "she'd yell at me for that". I dunno. I just get tired of people trying to tell me my mom is a great mom. She may have been at one time when I was little, but she hasn't been a very good one in a while. All she's done since I started is tell me how unhappy she was living with all of us, but she seems unhappy no matter what she does.
    So yes, it's better than it was before because she doesn't have to take care of me and I don't have to see her every other week anymore. We're both too argumentative to hang out in long periods of time with each other.

    Standardized testing. Greeeaaattt. I had enough of that in high school.
    Ah, so important for later, but not right now. lol
    Life seems to work out like that sometimes. It does it to me all the time and I get so confused. lol
    October 15th, 2014 at 09:42pm
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    Sounds enlightening!
    Mibba is easy to forget about. I literally have no desire to write anything for myself anymore because I have to write stuff for school.
    Me and my roommate knew each other before so it's normal. We argue about video games. More recently it's been about Assassins Creed. lol I also made her play smash brothers brawl with me because I love the game and it's multiplayer.
    Doesn't sound like too much fun.

    If I really want to get out of things then I will. :P I'm resourceful like that.
    Well, I guess that's true. I've been needing less alone time recently, but I think that's because living with my roommate is driving me crazy and any alone time even if for a few minutes helps a lot.
    It depends on the person I know well for me. I mean there are things I say to my friends that I wouldn't say to my family obviously for several reasons. I don't think a whole lot about what I'm saying to my really close friends. I don't always think when I talk to close family either, but I do tend to edit myself depending on the person in the family. And I've done that as long as I can remember. I'm pretty sure it's mostly because of my mom. She's really easily angered.
    Yes. A great example is recently I made a friend in my Psych class because the teacher was like, "Just trade phone numbers with someone in this class so if you miss something, you'll have someone to talk to. You don't have to like them. It's not a marriage proposal or anything," and I turned to the girl to my right and I was like, "It's too late. I have your phone number in my phone. We're married now."
    So basically I got married and made a friend. lol
    Yesss. A gold star!

    Yes, I remember now. My friend got drunk at graduation. lol

    I chose to live in an all girls dorm, but I literally didn't care too much. If I was put in a mixed dorm, I wouldn't care. All 3 floors are all girls, but we can have guys on the floor and in our rooms at any time so I don't really see the point anyway. The guys just don't have a bathroom in the building and they can't use ours so they have to go to a different dorm.
    I'm a really bad procrastinator as well.
    I'm already pretty used to it. I mean I have been here since August. I think there's a lot of sorority girls on our floor, but as long as they don't mind us yelling at video games then we don't really care what they do.

    Better than most kids about their parents getting divorced. My mom stressed everyone out when she was unhappy with my dad so I'm glad it's official. I'm glad I don't have to live with her anymore even when I do go home. I get into fights with her about everything anymore. She doesn't agree with how I don't get out and do things. She gets mad when my dad pays for stuff for me because shes like, "I wish I had a dad who would baby me like he does you." I just get tired of dealing with it. She's a little bit more agreeable now that I've moved out, but she plays favorites and I'm not down with that. She plays favorites with children that aren't even hers. My mom has friends with daughters a couple months younger than me and she loves pick favorites between them. One's in her senior year and the other graduated early to get married I think.

    I don't even know what a GRE is. It sounds important though! lol
    Sounds really frustrating!
    Not much you could do about it now though I guess. lol
    October 12th, 2014 at 11:52pm
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    Yeah, rude! I thought you were dead. lol jk I figured you were busy or something. I don't check this too often really anyways. I've been busy playing video games, doing school work, and arguing with my roommate. lol
    Yay school...kind of?

    Haha okay.
    Yeah several of my friends are extroverted and it's hard for them to understand sometimes, but they're just like, "Sierra's weird, I'm not surprised." So I can usually get out of it.
    I think I've become less introverted as I've gotten older. I still tend to be the quiet one of the family especially
    I don't seem to have the problem of knowing what to say even to strangers, but there are just some people who there's like nothing to talk to them about that I just give up on befriending.
    Human relationships are complicated and weird. I've made friends before that just thought I had funny facial expressions. People are weird.
    I made the best excuse for my situation. :P

    I don't know. Different places have different things they consider important to teach to their people. lol

    About puking? I probably brought it up. I don't even remember the conversation anymore. Something about alcohol. lol

    Pretty good. Just been getting adjusted to college dorm life. Weird things happen in the dorms. The first week I was here there was a girl crying on the bathroom floor in a stall. People like to run down the dorm hall. The girls here are loud and I just don't understand why.
    I'm usually watching my roommate play dark souls in our room or I play Assassins Creed when I'm not in class. I attempt to do homework early, but usually I procrastinate.
    I miss home a little bit, but I was living with my grandma before I moved here so there's not much to miss really.
    My parents are officially divorced now I think and my mom has a boyfriend whos pretty nice I guess.
    And I think I pretty much caught you up on whats up with me.
    How about yourself?
    October 9th, 2014 at 08:35am
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    She does do that, but I think that's just not what she's best at when it comes to me in general. Especially if we hang out several days at a time without breaks. I get irritated with her and it's not her fault. I'm just pretty moody because I like my alone time and when I don't get it, it just wears me out. Besides, I feel like me being irritated isn't something she's good at dealing with, but when I'm feeling a stronger emotion, like me being sad or something, she's more in her element I guess because she's more emotional than I am and knows what to say. The fact that she is more emotional and isn't a introvert, means that even though she tries, she can't quite understand why I'm irritated and it could hurt her feelings.
    I don't know, I feel like my friends are better at different types of things, but it doesn't mean they're a bad friend, they're just better skilled to understand and deal with certain things while with other things their personality wouldn't quite know how to deal with it, ya know? Maybe it sounds like I'm making excuses or something, but I honestly feel like my theory fits my friendships with people well.
    You might not even end up having that problem, it could be just an "moody introverted teenage girl" thing or maybe even just a "me" kind of thing.

    Psht. If that happens, the younger friends just gotta get up off their lazy asses and do things for themselves, me included. xD

    Uh, it depends. xD Probably not many though.
    Could've been in a science class. I learned about it in chemistry too.
    It is when your stomach is just not agreeing with you and being kind of a bitch, and you're like, "God, just let me throw up already!" because you know you'll feel better and when it happens, it does.
    But maybe that's just the after effect of it, not exactly the experience itself. xP
    July 4th, 2014 at 09:54am
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    Well, honestly, I'm a nightmare when I'm in a bad mood so I wouldn't blame her for trying to make sure I wouldn't be in a bad mood when we hang out.
    Yeah, that's the problem. I don't usually know how long myself, but I give myself about a week or two. Even if I'm not fully in the mood to hang out with people, I am at least somewhat pleasant to be around. lol

    Oh no, it's usually pretty sweet actually. I can usually ask their help for stuff that I need to get done because they've already done some of that stuff. It's just harder to hang out with them is all.

    I know that because of my psych class which some people end up taking one eventually, but not everyone pays attention either.
    Not always a bad thing, but not always a good thing either.
    I haven't experienced the puking part of alcohol myself, but I'm sure it's unpleasant. xP
    July 3rd, 2014 at 09:50pm
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    So many people think introverts are so many different things so I wasn't sure what you were referring to. I thought the recharging thing was pretty accurate myself. I've used the description before to some of my friends and not everyone understands it, but one of my friends were nice enough to make the effort to ask me "how much recharge time do you need before we can hang out again" which I found nice because it's better than making up excuses as to why I can't hang out.

    Well, yeah. It wasn't like it made me feel very good at the time, but honestly, I didn't even want to go to my own graduation.
    It's kind of the curse of having friends older than you and in college I guess. They live farther away and have to work to get the things they need.

    With a name like "depressant" you'd think it wouldn't be something to use at parties. lol
    But it makes sense too. It reduces brain stimulation and so you don't really have to think too much about anything.
    That's probably why I use it when I do choose to, which isn't really even that often. I think too much. lol
    Yeah, it's just different and probably includes a lot less puking. xD
    June 21st, 2014 at 02:45am
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    It depends. lol I prefer friends though.
    I enjoy hanging out with them and talking to them, but doing so with people takes a lot out of me so I have to like be by myself for a little bit to recharge. I think I'm more of an introvert. I always have been.

    lol Some of them had to work and some were short on money so they couldn't come home from college. They should have been able to since I let them know in like a month in advance, but oh well. I can't be mad about it.

    It just depends on the person. Some people don't like to drink and that's okay. I can see why. Alcohol has negative effects. Not a party pooper, you just have a different kind of fun. lol
    June 20th, 2014 at 06:32pm
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    Seems like I wouldn't have any friends after that. xD

    Actually, that's what I'm doing now. I've watched about 20 episodes of Fairy Tail today. lol You predicted the future.

    Yeah, there really wasn't anything to celebrate at that point. I'm sure several people did get drunk after graduation, I was not one of them. lol He was celebrating early.
    Honestly though, after the terrible time I had with my family after graduation, I kinda wish I would have stayed at a friend's house and got drunk instead. I would have had a better time. None of my friends attended my graduation though, so I guess that plan wouldn't have worked out anyway.
    June 19th, 2014 at 02:52am
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    That's also a possibility!

    Well, it was kind of a requirement to go to class so not really a good plan. lol
    Maybe if I had less friends it'd work out better. xD

    I don't know enough about really anything to talk about it. lol When I actually experience the stuff, I'll let you know. x]

    I did say maybe. :P

    MARATHON ALL THE SEASONS! xP It's not like I have anything better to do and I have netflix so might as well spend my time somewhat productively. Plus it's an interesting show. Each season has a totally new plot so I could have watched them out of order if I wanted.
    Thank you! I almost didn't because of my terrible attendance. xD Truthfully, most of the time it was because my back, but it doesn't really matter to the school. Dx
    Oh, did I tell you that some kid that was supposed to graduate with my class got drunk before graduation started and he had to leave without graduating? He was one of my friends actually. That shows what kind of person I am. xD
    June 16th, 2014 at 07:24pm
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    Interesting theory. Like just by touching the mutated pickle, you'd turn into one? You like need mutated pickle resistant gloves to pick them up.
    I was thinking like laser beams for some reason.

    That's where a majority of funding for the schools go here. Football. Our football team doesn't have to pay for anything. Almost everyone goes to the football game. I've been asked like fifty times during football season, "are you going to the game this Friday? Why not?" I don't understand. I mean several people like me don't go, but the majority of the people seem to.

    Yeah, I guess so. Not really sure where all colleges get funding from. It just seems like get a lot high quality stuff.
    Oh, well thank you, but I don't even know if I have anything left about my college to talk about. I'm just so excited for all of it. Well, obviously not the paying for it part or some of the classes I take, but a lot of the other stuff. Like the haunted house thing they have every year, making friends, my psychology class, and some of the clubs there.

    Well, at least the stressful part is gone and you're not procrastinating that part of it! You've...improved maybe? lol

    I'm doing good, just been kind of bored. I literally got finished with all 3 seasons of a tv show called American Horror Story in about four or five days so now I'll need to find something else to do with my time. I'm going to pick up my diploma from my high school today and I'll never have to go back there again, hopefully.
    June 13th, 2014 at 01:30pm
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    Haha, that'll scare 'em! I know it'd scare me. I don't want to find out what mutated pickles are capable of. They might get weird superpowers or something.

    Maybe a little of that too, but honestly, most people go to football games here. I've been to several but don't care for them. I'm one of the few kids who didn't attend high school football games even though they greatly encourage it senior year.

    It is, but aren't most colleges? They don't have to deal with limited funding like high schools do. This one also gets help from a native american tribe so it should be nice especially with the renovations they've got going on right now.
    I just realize I've just been going on about my college. I'm sorry, I'm just super excited, but I don't want to bore you about it.
    Also how are you?
    June 12th, 2014 at 10:31am
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    That's basically what writers do most of the time.

    Well, I couldn't sleep in that bed so not really. I got home Thursday so I'm happy about that. I have to wear a back brace though.

    Well, that'd be the only thing any universities here would be known for because that's all anyone down here cares about.
    Yup! I like it because it's small enough that I won't get too lost, but it's big enough that it's not crowded. And the town it's in is really cool looking too. All the buildings are very old and pretty looking.
    May 26th, 2014 at 11:05pm
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    Maybe or maybe not. I haven't gotten to meet Frankenstein in person. xD

    Yes, that's exactly what that means. I'm hanging out in my hospital room now because my dad was nice enough to bring my computer. :] I've been playing Tomb Raider and Garry's Mod on my computer while I hung out. :P

    It's not really known for it's sports so you wouldn't. You'd be more likely to know OU or OSU because of their famous football titles.
    Yup, that's all that matters! :]
    May 22nd, 2014 at 05:05am
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    Yeah. lol

    Yup! I would be after countless experiments on pickles and trying them and they're not quite what he was.

    Yes, I guess so. Well, I guess it doesn't matter since I'm going to leave for my surgery in a hour so anyway and nobody will have to worry about it after this.

    And I applied for Northeastern State University.
    May 21st, 2014 at 11:43am
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    I've made the mistake before too, but it's been a while since I have. :P

    He will probably begin to become so sick of pickles that he will no longer want them.

    You'd think I'd be worried myself cause I am me, you know? I am the one getting cut into. I get a back brace tomorrow which I guess because its for the day before the surgery. But the doctor said I'll feel so much better after the surgery and I get out of school early so I see a win win situation for me. I'm not worried about it.

    Yes! I've got my schedule for the fall and everything. I still have orientation some day in June but after that I go back up there and stay up there on August 10th. I'm unbelievably excited which is crazy because it's gonna be school and I'm paying a lot for it, but the campus is so pretty and green. And there are signs in Cherokee! It's so cool. There's construction going on right now, but when I get up there it'll be done and it'll be so nice. :]
    May 20th, 2014 at 07:44am
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    @ namewasalreadytaken
    You replied on your own page so I had no idea that you replied!


    Very much so I am sure. He is probably a simple man who likes pickles thus why it was born.

    Both for sure.
    Back surgery (called microdisectomy if you want to look it up) because of the disk protruding into my sciatic nerve pretty badly. I hurt myself originally in October in my play, but then I made the mistake of pushing heavy objects and now this happened. Got a MRI (which wasn't fun, had to stay still for 30 minutes) and some other test done which involved shocking me and sticking me with needles, and they found out it's really bad and it's affecting my muscles. So surgery is very much recommended for the degree of damage it's doing. They give me some pretty heavy muscle relaxers and pain killers after they saw the results though so I don't feel all of the pain anymore.
    But it's a minor surgery for major back pain. I'm not worried. Everyone else is, I don't really understand it.

    On a much lighter note, got enrolled at my college today. So excited! :D
    May 20th, 2014 at 05:36am
  • namewasalreadytaken

    namewasalreadytaken (110)

    United States
    They all need my beautiful definition of pickle and A, clearly.

    lol xD
    I wonder how much Frankenstein will like his pickle.

    Maybe it was both :P
    I see. But surgetY? what for?
    May 13th, 2014 at 09:29pm
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    They all need the definition of pickle and A? xD

    Frankenstein's pickle!

    Me too! Or I could have been just really bored. Who knows! xD
    Yes, on the 23rd. Or I guess the 21st since I have back surgery on that day and I won't be going back to school after that.
    May 12th, 2014 at 07:55pm
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    We'll see. I don't know how many people need those two definitions. xD

    It'll be like making Frankenstien's monster all over again, but it'll be a pickle. :P

    Thank you! It was so unbelievably boring. There was this one guy in my class they talked about a lot because he was like super smart and did all these things. Like he got a perfect score on the PSAT and there was something about getting the highest honor he can get in Oklahoma. He also gave a speech and it was funny. I was sitting there listening to all these accomplishments he has made and I was whispering to my friend, "He's too smart. He's gotta be an alien. He's come to take over the world."
    Thank you! I'll be there in August for classes and I've got friends up there so I'm excited. I'll be an hour away from home so it'll take some adjusting.
    May 12th, 2014 at 11:25am
  • YourForeignGrandma

    YourForeignGrandma (140)

    United States
    Yeah! Those two entries are all you need. xD

    Well, they'd be made in a laboratory of some kind I'd guess.

    Yup! I graduated on Saturday and I'm heading up to my college next week to enroll. I have two more weeks left and then I'll be done with this school year altogether and I go pick up my diploma in June.
    May 12th, 2014 at 10:58am