Addyliners / Comments

  • alyssa-anne

    alyssa-anne (100)

    United States
    So I'm trying my hardest to come up with an idea for my one shot for your contest, and I'm coming up blank. I've written so many one shots lately, I think I've been sucked dry. I don't think I'm going to be able to get my entry in! ):
    January 4th, 2011 at 04:48am
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    I updated my Torres story and started another one called Right Through me, it's from the one-shot I wrote a while back.
    January 3rd, 2011 at 04:43am
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Bread roll, cabbage roll, whatever you like as long as we can beat some Czechs down with it. Why’s your family sooo tall. That’s like, against Asian nature. Look up GTL on Urban Dictionary, the guido one, not the Asian one. Here’s the Toews interview: I have to say, it was a little creepy and a lot awkward. It’s an intelluctual low for him, probably. And the MTV one: Pretty funny, but beware the crazy eyes. I still like the dude, don’t get me wrong, but I wouldn’t go “puckbunny” over him. You got to interview people? Nice. Link? My aunt used to live pretty close to Patrick Chan so I’ve bumped into him a couple times. Seems like nice guy. I don’t like eggnog myself, but I like asking other people about it, especially hockey players. Throws em off.

    It’s true, here a lot of people, “immigrants” especially, aren’t that into hockey. I went to the Marlies game last night and not a lot of Asians…I think a couple people looked at me weirdly when I started calling out plays. I need to make more hockey loving friends, cuz right now I just rant to my brother and I think he’s getting tired of it. Introduce me!

    Ok, I’ll get a twitter. Not sure what to write though since I hardly update my fb status anymore. I’ll totally get a creepy name…hehehe. And I can’t promise to be normal. No, I’m not in grad year, lol, I’m in grade10. Not quite there yet. You?
    December 31st, 2010 at 04:59pm
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    You can totally come with me, just bring a cabbage roll. Maybe once we’re done with them we can head over to Parliament…My favourite Staal has to be Marc, going with the ginger theme. I blame fantasy hockey for my frustration with Eric…I don’t pick you this week and now you get points, eh? Haven’t really seen much of “little j” or “gronk” this season, but maybe our fire will be rekindled as the season goes on…asfdjsk, sorry just choked on sarcasm there. Needless to say, I like the Staals. Just a bit. Lucky beyatch, I haven’t really met any hockey players. You need to hook my ass up. And Ron Weasley was in the Harry Potter movie that came out this year. Even I know that, psh, and I never really liked the franchise. Now a bunch of erratic fans are gonna come to my house and stake me with a wand. Perfect.

    My dads like 5’10ish and my mom’s 5’5, so you’d think I’d be taller; I’m just gonna go chug a litre of milk now to offset the double double I had today. I agree, Canada’s gotta stop exploiting its natural resources. I went through a phase where I was crazy about Toews, another love made possible by the winter olympics, but lately I’ve been starting to get over it. I think it started with the MTV and Snooki interview. Apparently he GTLs. And he has crazy eyes, too, *coughPATRICKCHANcough*. Anyways, I like a lot of players: Stamkos (again, my homeboy, repping my hood *doing the dorky S sign*), Eberle, Letang, Brad&Mike Richards (unrelated I think), Duchene, Skinner, etc. Lately, and I think this was brought on by the WJC, I’ve been really liking the kids: Ellis, de Haan, Schenn(sy), Gudbranson, Leblanc. Damn, you know Evander Kane? And Datsyuk? That’s sick. Which other players have you met? I ran into Bozak once and that’s about it. And a Marlie went to my school in grade 6 and I asked him if he liked eggnog, too. Don’t remember his name, but got his autograph somewhere. I’m not gonna ask why your ex was in love in Datsyuk….

    You’re so lucky, most of my friends aren’t that into hockey…I know, and I live in Toronto. Sad, eh? And I thought about what you said, and am contemplating getting a twitter…I’ll probably be one of those creepy people who have no followers, lol. I dunno, would you follow me? When you put things in French, it’s oddly more tempting. Still think it’s a waste of time, but hey I’ve got a lot of free time, though not lately. Oy.
    December 31st, 2010 at 08:08am
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Psh, who says “fracker-cracker doodles”? LOL His sister’s name is Mandy or something, right? I remember watching something about that on TSN. Too bad. If we don’t win gold, I swear I’m gonna go break into the Czech’s dressing room and somebody’s gonna get a hurt real bad…that game was WAY too costly. Yeah, I think after the first couple goals they weren’t really even celebrating anymore. And when the Norwegians finally got one back, back their reaction was, again, soo priceless. Just the JOY on their faces was awesome. It was like winning gold. Eh, I don’t know about Schennsy, I like Schenner better. It’s weird when brothers play in the NHL, cuz now the other players have to be creative with the nicknames. Can only have so many Staalsys. Augh, I really regret not going to see Luke and Armstrong at the All Access yesterday, damnit. Didn’t want to waste my tokens (TTC is such a ripoff). 2010 has been the year of the gingers, has it not? Ron Weasley, Shaun White, Sedins, now Eakin. Makes a girl like me COMPLETE, ya know? Yup...

    I feel so short in my family now that my little bro is catching up. I was never really a fan of Crosby before the Olympics. I always thought he was kinda overrated, but that goal just did it for me. As a Canadian I feel compelled to like or at least respect the kid. Now I guess I’ve become a bit of a fan, cause you can hate him all you want, but you can’t deny he is one of the most talented and skilled players in the NHL today. Aw, you seem like a Crosby hater. Which players do you like, then?
    December 31st, 2010 at 05:25am
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Arrgh, I can’t believe he answered the eggnog question. That was very cute. Oh my gosh, the Czech game on Tuesday really pissed me off. First de Haan goes down awkwardly and the next thing I know he's leaving the game. I'm not sure the extent of his injury, but I pray, pray, PRAY that he’ll be good to go for the medal rounds because we could really use him on the blue line. That’d be a tough loss. And to make things worse THEN Kassian gets ejected and has to miss two games for a hit that wasn’t even that bad. Seriously it was like shoulder to chest and maybe he just clipped that Czech dude’s chin, but there wasn’t even a call on the original play, damnit. Kids gotta learn to take hits. But still we slaughtered the Norwegians, I think that had to be one of the most one-sided games I’ve seen in a while. Good for Canada, though and how sick was Schenner? I love TSN’s play on words with his name; first it was “magi-schenn” and now, “schenn-sational”. See what they did there? Clever.

    I may not be able to speak proper Spanish, but I do know Dora Spanish. ¡C’mon Vámonos! :)

    Now the french: Je n’ai pas un “Twitter”, je pense que ces réseaux sociaux prennent trop de temps. En plus aucune de mes amis l’ont, alors il n’y a rien de tout à suivre. Je vais essayer de pratiquer mon français. Je vois quelquefois CBC en français, mais il me donne un mal à tète. Et aussi, je trouve que j’ai oublié beaucoup des leçons de l'école, grammaire en particulier…

    I’m too cheap for gourment coffees, so Tim’s will have to do for me. I’m like 5’3 or 4, which is like typical Asian, but still on the shorter side. I feel so bad because at the beginning of the month I entered a bunch of writing contests on mibba and now I’ll have to drop most of them because I’ve just been so busy. Yes, I got a little overconfident. Oh well, I hope these people are the forgiving kind. Anyways the Isles v Pens game last night was hilarious. It’s sad that Crosby’s streak ended but the Islanders celebration afterwards was priceless. It’s like they won the Stanley Cup. I love it.
    December 30th, 2010 at 06:29pm
  • Aly!

    Aly! (150)

    United States
    I just wanted to say thank you for pointing out the minor mistakes I made on my one-shot for your contest. I've read through it so many times that I stopped noticing all the minor mistakes of having too many commas and such.
    I'm really glad you liked it! It took me awhile to come up with the concept of having Savannah write the letter to Ben. I think that's where my writers block seemed to come in...trying to figure out what exactly to put into the letter and how I was going to start the story. I was originally just going to have just the letter, but I was lucky to have my friends there to help with come up with the whole scene of Ben putting on his skates and getting the letter.
    And the whole yoga thing? It randomly came to me while I was typing. I would give anything to actually see Ben do that in person. Oh man, that would be so funny to see.
    December 28th, 2010 at 11:18pm
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    And btw, Laney’s a nickname, so no I don’t have multipersonality disorder.

    Damn, how many languages do you know? My French is not very good, but here I go. Je ne peux pas chanter, alors quand mes parents chantent je se cache dans ma chambre. Je peux écrire et lire un petit peu, mais je le trouve difficile de comprendre par écouter. Ils parlent trop vite! Vous parlez couramment le français? Je suis jalouse. J’ai des amis Québécois, mais nous ne le parlons jamais. Ok, that’s enough, I hope that was semi-comprehensible.

    I know I’m so out of it, but we don’t really get to see any Vancouver games here, so if it’s in the commentating, I wouldn’t know. I am so addicted to coffee, Tim Hortons is my life. And I know it’s bad, especially since I’m short (I’ll never grow now), but it’s so good.
    December 28th, 2010 at 04:17pm
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Buffalo is like a 2-3 hour drive, depending on traffic and number of washroom breaks because SOMEBODY always decides it’s smart to drink a shitload of pop right before a road trip. Ellis is great, he actually answered a question of mine on youtube, which was pretty cool. Well he was right about the eggnog…*the Christmas hangover ensues*

    Are you Filippino? That’s cool. My dentist’s Filippino and she thinks I am too for some reason. One of these days I gotta break to her gently: I don’t know what the fuck you’re saying. What is it with Asian people and karaoke? It makes me cringe every time my parents dig out the old machine, especially when they have company over. And they always make me sing too, nevermind the fact that I can’t read the words. Are you fluent in French? I need to find someone to speak it to or I’ll never get any better.

    Oh my goodness, I am so sore from skating today. I’m all bruised up from trying to do one of those impressive hockey stops, spraying ice and whatnot. I got a little overconfident. Then I decided to race this guy wearing a Forsberg jersey, which is not a good idea when there are lots of little kids around. I had to make an emergency stop to avoid colliding into this little boy, sacrificing my knees in the process. Er, what do you mean pregnant AGAIN? I didn’t even know he was married lol…and that’s my cue to keep up to date with wikipedia. I got a couple gift cards which I plan on using to buy coffee, pjs and yoga pants. Not sure what that says about me. Oh I remember Rugrats…almost as bad as Pokemon, just kidding. Loved that little ginger dude. DOUBLE WIN!
    December 28th, 2010 at 05:50am
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    I will try not to drool on the keyboard while I'm typing the Miami chapters. I will not fail to update soon, it would devastate me if my laptop malfunctioned just because I drooled all over it. I will have a napkin near by just in case. haha
    December 27th, 2010 at 07:53pm
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Yeah! Leafs win over the Devils, which isn’t exactly a milestone, but hey we’ll take it. I actually almost went to that game, but instead I went to see Canada v Russia in Buffalo (!!!!) Did you watch it? Lol I think Canadians bought out the place. The lines were crazy, but it was still so much fun. They got off to a rocky start, but became better as the game wore on and Ellis made the smartest play I’ve seen in awhile. Was that luck or does he just have wicked quantum physics calculation skills? Anyways, Czech please.

    Scarborough’s not THAT flat, I think I overexaggerated, it’s no damn prairies for sure. My history teacher is such a douche he never gives us enough time for assignments, a lot of them in class. And I’ll totally help you overthrow the Canadian government. You know, my non-English speaking grandmother said he looked like a “retard” and I couldn’t argue with that. So if you wanna put that plan to action any time, just message me. I’ll bring my Mr Clean magic eraser to clean up the mess…

    I hope you had an awesome Christmas! I’m gonna go skating at Nathan Phillips Square today lol. Crappy ice, but it’ll do. And Canucks did a great job last night coming from behind, but what’s with Cory Schneider getting the start again? Anyways, did ya get anything good for Christmas?
    December 27th, 2010 at 02:56pm
  • teenagedream91

    teenagedream91 (100)

    United States
    No worries chica. I understand and thanks for the comment. I know, Nando in swim trunks will be hard. Shoot I know it would be hard for me, I might drool if I was Sera. haha
    December 27th, 2010 at 10:30am
  • As you wish.

    As you wish. (100)

    haha yeah i gotta get to bed soon!

    & same here, most definitely!
    December 25th, 2010 at 11:47am
  • As you wish.

    As you wish. (100)

    haha yeah i was just exploring mibba and i came across that, it's cute! merry christmas :3

    and i have the same burrows jersey as you! :D
    December 25th, 2010 at 11:09am
  • Chickydee6

    Chickydee6 (100)

    for the reccord....Ryan Ellis's gold medal run was stopped at 4. That's what I was saying...not Team Canada's drive for five/six....Ryan Ellis's personal reccord
    December 24th, 2010 at 07:23pm
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Burke is a worthless little shit.

    I live in Scarborough…if you know where that is. Yup, Stamkos is my homeboy. And don’t diss mountains. Honestly it’s so flat here the highest elevations you’ll ever find are like bunny hills compared to BC. Can’t ever find decent tobogganing or tubing places.
    Oh holy crap, history is kiiillling me this semester. Like I get all the stuff, but it’s Just. So. Friggin. BORING. Period. I volunteer with my church, mostly carolling to sick kids and seniors. What can I say, I love little kids and old people. That’s not creepy at all… Oh and I only managed to sleep in til about 9. Fail, yes, but it’s Christmas Eve. Off to baking!

    Oh and did you see the Pens v Caps game? Beautiful tip by Crosby and Fleury absolutely robbed Green in OT. HAVE A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS!
    December 24th, 2010 at 04:44pm
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    I’ve come to conclusion that the Leafs will never win another cup again. Especially not with Wilson and Burke in charge.

    Well I live in the suburbs of Toronto, so there’s actually not much going on here. I’m kind of an outdoorsy person too, so I guess I thought there’d be more access to better facilities for winter sports. It’s the MOUNTAINS. And Vancouver is supposedly more picturesque. ;)

    I have essays to do, too, but instead of writing about the Great Depression, I’m writing about hockey, hehe. Procrastination, baby. I haven’t really partied much, but there’s always New Year’s Eve. I’ve yet to actually relax on my break; I’ve been so busy visiting people and volunteering I haven’t even slept in yet. Will do that tomorrow.
    December 24th, 2010 at 03:56am
  • Chickydee6

    Chickydee6 (100)

    thanks for the comment!
    and i tried that actually......that was the point to be somewhat historically inaccurate on my part
    December 23rd, 2010 at 10:42pm
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Well your playoff hopes are certainly higher than mine, I’ll take Swedish twins over Kessel any day. But there’s always hope…sorta, kinda, fine, not really. I think Vancouver will pull it together, though. They’re still sitting high on the standings, though the western conference is a lot tighter than the east.

    Aw, there’s nothing I hate more than rain in winter. We have a bit of snow here, but it’s complete shit. No good for anything. It’s pretty warm here for this time of year, but what can you do? I actually went up north for a while and there was a lot more snow there. My friends had a backyear rink so we played a bit of shinny. What are you doing during the break? I imagine winter in BC is a lot more fun than it is in Toronto. :P
    December 23rd, 2010 at 10:30pm
  • withoutadash-

    withoutadash- (100)

    Yeah I'm from TO (like you needed confirmation). So I'm guessing you're a Vancouver fan, lucky canuck. At least you have a team worth rooting for, though I have to say Lu was not on his game last night...

    Haha, WE(S)T coast, I just got that. Cypress was shit during the Olympics.
    December 23rd, 2010 at 03:12pm