lack of activity!

i like mibba, i really do.D:i just find it very how to keep up with.i'll try to be more active.i don't want end up forgeting my account and password again. >__>; and starting over, only to find out that i had a past account.mibba is awesome.also, sorry if i haven't replied to you on comment or something. D8 i forgot which ones i did and didn't.uh, i suppose i'll be updating my stories and...
August 13th, 2009 at 12:07pm


"The topic of your journal has to be something worthwhile and can’t be silly spam. You need to put effort into your journals.">: That makes me cringe. Anyway ...C: Mibba ... I think I'm going to love you.If I remember correctly ... I was a user of Quizlla, and I gave up on them completely when they changed the layout, screwing up the homepages, which, at the time, was my website, I grew...
July 15th, 2009 at 04:15pm