My life so far!

My life right now is good then bad.Iv'e had 3 boyfriends. Dakota, mikie,and theres ryan. Mikie and ryan are my best friends but i dont know about dakota because he still likes me he says he loves me it makes me feel weird.He said something to me that made me feel really weird he said "You wont have to ride the bus home because my mom and/or brother can drive us home"it was very weird i didn't know...
October 18th, 2009 at 07:13am

random stuff

how do you like your baguls?i like mine toasted a plain bagul with stawberry cream chesse.whats your favorite color?mine is green and blue.who is your best friend?my best friend is taylor and elli oh also lexie and mikie.what do you like doing for fun?i like hangin out with friends.whats your favorite t.v show?mine is spongebob you like writing?i love writing its so fun you get to...
July 17th, 2009 at 09:40pm