So...Is anyone here real anymore?

I'm serious. Take offence if that's what you wish to do.This is a writing site for fuck's sake!The majority of people signing up most of these days either don't write at all or do not contribute to any of the writing on the site.Besides that most of those who do write don't know the first thing about grammar or sentence structure or how to write a proper story.Yes, I know that some are here to...
June 26th, 2010 at 05:18pm

DeviantART users!! ATTENTION!

Okay so I had this idea that I would do some advertising for my art on the wonderful site of mibba!In kind of an eye for an eye style.So basically you can spam this journal with links to your DA and art.But in return you have to check out my DA.I'll look at everyone's stuff, comment and such. I"ll probable fave your work, because that's what I normal do.My DA account...
July 13th, 2009 at 06:08pm

Mythical Creatures

Hello People.Just looking for some help around here.So, I'm writing a new story. (YAY!)I wrote it to replace a story on the hard rive that crashed.It's not exactly the same, it's just uses the main character from the last one and the same setting.In this one I'm incorporating mythical creatures; it's really new to what I'm used to writing, but I'm trying to branch out and try new things.I don'...
May 30th, 2009 at 11:10pm