Vee Dollface / Comments

  • wildeyedjokers

    wildeyedjokers (100)

    United States
    Hey thanks for the story comments :)
    September 2nd, 2011 at 08:41pm
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    Well, he's 5'11 and i'm 5'3 so yeah i look tiny next to him. AND HE'S SCRAWNY TOO! :D

    Oh no no no... That's a choice. We have multiracial schools, specific mother tongue schools, religious schools (These are Government schools) Then we have private and international schools (for the rich and foreign). Like I go to a multiracial school. So we have Chinese, Indian, Malay, Natives, Portuguese, Punjabi some occasional whites although we are not an international school. So, languages besides English and Bahasa Melayu are your choice to take. But they only do offer Mandarin, Tamil and Arab as a side language. To take anything else you would have to take it as an extra class outside of school. Mother tongue schools teach all the subjects (everything except english and bm of course!) in that specific language like a chinese school = mandarin, indian school = tamil and so on so forth. Religious schools are Muslim schools. There used to be a lot of Christian school before our country got its independence but now its just known as a missionary school for multiracial students. Not run by the nuns anymore but they do visit often. Like my school! :D International and private schools are just different from us. They learn their own syllabus and they have a better campus so yeah...

    Oh wow, took me some time to actually say that really fast. BUT I KNOW HOW TO SAY I EAT AN APPLE EVERYDAY NOW IN HUNGARIAN :D I feel so cool

    Yeah, they're rather creepy but that's why I love them! Though I haven't heard anything new from them lately.

    I'm a concert-junkie in the making! :D We rarely have any bands coming here because our country has this political group that is psycho and against anything that might DAMAGE THE CHILDREN'S MINDS. What bullshit! Just because I listen to Korn doesn't mean I'm going to go on a killing rampage. They even had a protest against Beyonce because she was too bootylicious for them XD AND SHE'S NEVER COME BACK D: Even Adam Lambert, because he's gay! People here are just so... urgh!

    You saw 30STM and MCR! That's fantastic! SO did they crowd surf or throw anything that you caught? And yeah! I managed to get right to the barricade for 30STM this time! BEST MOMENT EVER!
    August 29th, 2011 at 03:37am
  • maxx danziger

    maxx danziger (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    thanks for reading my story, and I was actually not going to continue it. it was supposed to be a one-shot. But I think I might make it longer, maybe :)
    August 28th, 2011 at 10:24pm
  • maxx danziger

    maxx danziger (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm kinda busy at the moment but i will update soon, I promise :D!
    August 26th, 2011 at 09:23pm
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    I don't know, I think my brother and I have more similarities than we realise. A lot of my relatives notice that we both kind of talk the same and act similarly when we're out of place. But I'm still kind of a spazy nerd compared to him. He's more of a laid back geek. Haha.

    YEAH! My hair just drips water if I don't tie it up which kindda sucks cause I look like crap with my hair in a pony tail as well.

    Yeah, my family speaks English and only English. My parent's are supposed to know a bit of Tamil and Malayalam but they've kind of forgotten it since they haven't spoke it since childhood and they never passed the knowledge down to me when I was a kid so yeah. Plus I'm a Christian so its not like I need to know Tamil for any religious events. And the official language of my country is Bahasa Melayu. My country is a Muslim majority country so yeah. The language is kind of a mix of every language with different spellings. Like music = muzik, doctor = doktor. Something like that, and it's not that hard to pronounce stuff like this... I eat an apple everyday = Saya makan epal setiap hari (Sa-yah mah-kan eh-pal se-tea-up hah-ree). How's your language like?

    I get what you mean. My friends music taste are limited to radio chart toppers. There are a few people though who are open to random stuff I come across, like The Dresden Dolls :D Not something you hear everyday!

    Ugh, I hate it when bands split! It's like they'll never be the same again. It just can't be the same ever again. AND ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR FAVOURITE ONE LEAVES D':

    BTW I LOVE YOUR MUSIC TASTE! So what rock groups do you like with female singers? I really love Flyleaf! I think they're fantastic! And what bands have you seen live before? My first band was Paramore (last year) and this year I went for MTV World Stage so i got to see my local group Pop Shuvit, Neon Trees and 30STM along with some weird korean boy group called Beast. And earlier this year Lee Dewyze came down and had a free concert in a mall nearby so I went for the fun of it, even though I never really liked him but my friend gave me a free sticker to get into the "mosh-pit". Haha.

    Thank you for your patience ;)
    August 26th, 2011 at 03:30pm
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    Naw, my mum just likes painting and art. She's not doing it as a profession or anything. Though my brother is. YES AGREED! There's just so many things to pick from I just don't know what to do with my life yet!

    Same as you, it's just me and my big brother. Freaking 11 years difference between the two of us!

    Oh I sweat all the time. I can even sweat when its raining, in fact I'm sweating now! So cold would be a pleasant change, I expect.

    Yeah, foreign accents are usually difficult to understand (I could barely understand my aunt in London the other day) but I just love the sound of accents. I can listen to someone talk the whole day with their accent without understanding a single word of it! :D

    I think I'm with you on that! I guess I watch too much TV so I've developed a more american accent cause that's what I hear all the time plus it's not like i speak any other language at home (FAILURE AS AN INDIAN D:)

    Haha. 30 Seconds To Mars is quite popular here, though most people only remember them for like The Kill and Kings and Queens but I've gotten my classmates hooked onto them. I always do that! I can spread my obsession like a disease to almost everyone. I used to be like a die-hard fan of Fall Out Boy and because of me like the whole school knew every single Fall Out Boy song and detail of the band. I'M JUST THAT SPECIAL :D haha

    The Idoru is fantastic :D I just heard them and I think they're great! Any other bands you got for me? Haha, I found Cosmo Jarvis through some viral video site cause his song Gay Pirates got a lot of hits and then I just fell in love with the music.

    Thanks for being patient with my story! I started writing a bit but I'm not exactly done. I've been so busy with my exams I just haven't had time to update! SO SORRY D: It'll all be over by the end of this week, I pinky promise!
    August 22nd, 2011 at 09:04am
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    I've always had an interest in art seeing as my mum loves art to death and my brother is in graphics and animation. Yeah! I feel for you on the setting a goal but never carrying it out. (Every year its like LOOSE WEIGHT but then the opposite happens D:) Anyways, agreed. We shall both work harder in producing more creative creations and post them more frequently!

    Yep, never seen snow. Never experienced spring, summer, autumn or winter either. It's just rain or shine all year long here. Yes! I would love to feel the cold! Don't know if I can handle it, but i'd love to experience it. Goal once I'm out of school is to travel! (like every other teen).

    Agreed! UK has some fantastic music as well. I just love the accents. Speaking of accents do you have 1? I'm not sure if I do, I mean. I sound completely different compared to the locals here probably cause I lean more unto English than any other language. That's why I always say I'm a failure at being Indian. Can't speak a word of any of the dialects.

    Screamo and country! I simply love it XD Such a wide difference. Same with me. I can listen to System of a Down and instantly switch to some soundtrack of a movie (like you know classical stuff and whatnot) and then switch to some rave music. My iTunes playlist has a very wide variety. And there's an equal balance between oldies and new mainstream stuff. But I can say I'm quite a hipster at times. I like a lot of non-mainstream stuff and it's just so cool to say YEAH I WAS A FAN BEFORE THEY WERE ON THE RADIO! haha Like God Is An Astronaut! (They're Irish too!) they do wonderful Post-Rock stuff. And Cosmo Jarvis, he's a brit youtuber. And I love Shiny Toy Guns and The xx. Well these are just SOME of the music that I like.
    August 16th, 2011 at 08:35am
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    Well if people already like what you're doing, then you must be doing something right! I'm sure if you post something, someone is bound to like it.
    OOO! YOU LIKE ART TOO :D You don't by any chance have a deviantART page do you? I love art! I never post anything though but I'm quite active at school when it comes to art.

    Really? Oh I'd love to travel around Europe! Life long dream of mine ;) I don't know how i'd be able to handle the cold though. I've never even seen snow!

    Well, yeah some Irish bands (U2 is an Irish group!) I like Celtic music as well so yes, I'm quite odd cause my music taste has a wide range. Yeah Ireland is pretty wet. My brother's girlfriend is from Ireland so she always complains about the weather when we talk.
    August 14th, 2011 at 06:02am
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    I feel for you! But at least you've gotta start something. You can't improve something that you haven't started. Who knows, you could have come up with something brilliant! If it doesn't get much readers, don't give up! Try something else, just keep going!

    For a green and old place... I would love to visit Ireland or Italy. I just love old buildings and very rural and urban places. I adore Italian food and Irish music so it would be fantastic :D
    August 13th, 2011 at 05:22am
  • AidenAdoreGates13

    AidenAdoreGates13 (100)

    United States
    yeah but i just started back in school lol so just bare with me here. i will more than likely add another chapter tonight
    August 13th, 2011 at 03:27am
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    Oh i wouldn't mind reading it ;)

    OH PLEASE GOD NO! D: Don't even attempt to click on anything else that I've written. Please just no. It is beyond horrid D: The one shots were kindda ok but long fics just no.

    well, you can say that I live in a city. There are buildings, there are malls. Plenty of roads, lack of trees. If I take about a ten minute drive I can be in like a real huge city with like skyscrapers and never-ending-traffic and blinding lights.
    August 12th, 2011 at 06:11pm
  • AidenAdoreGates13

    AidenAdoreGates13 (100)

    United States
    um i will more than likely add another chapter in the next few days. i have alot to do for my senior year lol so hopefully i can get it done for my fans that read it.
    August 12th, 2011 at 01:28pm
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    Malaysia is a boring country. Nothing much to say about it. It's hot and wet and we're multicultural and we have an amazing variety of food and that's about it. :|

    Tokyo/ Dallas/ and NYC? Now that's lovely! Odd but lovely :D

    Yeah! I really want to live in a big city with lotsa things to see and do! It would be an amazing experience to go somewhere like that. I actually have family in NYC so I might just have a chance ;)

    Well I'm a PATD, 30STM and Potter fan so yeah. This one i'm working on is like my only successful fic that I actually love. All my other work was like bleh cause it's like my first piece of work. Too cliche. Anyways I hope you post up some of your work soon! It would be fantastic to read some :D
    August 12th, 2011 at 09:51am
  • AidenAdoreGates13

    AidenAdoreGates13 (100)

    United States
    glad you like my story! love the nick name! haha you should check out my other stories!
    August 11th, 2011 at 11:41pm
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    I'm from Malaysia! Oh does it? I never really noticed that! I haven't updated my profile in ages! Must have been like that since I started (I was paranoid about internet safety and shit back then)

    What is there not to love about NYC? I was having a mild obsession with it when I started writing this. And plus, Hurricane was shot there so I could say that the video played a part in the inspiration for this. Another place I adore is London <3

    Anyways, I don't mind the questions. I actually adore you for asking them! I love answering questions. So how is it in your country, Hungary? What type of fics do read? Do you write any yourself?
    August 10th, 2011 at 04:22pm
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    Well these are actually trials before my actual big exam. I'm from Asia so you know, A's are more important than the actual knowledge. How sad D: Hehe I feel for you! I get very restless when I read something I like and the writer takes forever to update! I'll try my best to keep the updates flowing ;)

    As for the idea, I'm not sure. I just wanted it to be different, something new. New York was my place of interest when I started writing this so everything's fit to revolve around it. And I take that as a real compliment to state that I'm original :D So thank you so much!
    August 10th, 2011 at 07:48am
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    Next chapter? Hmm Somewhere next week or in two weeks. I have some major exams coming up so yeah. Might be busy but I'll try to write something now so I can post it up sooner ;) Yeah, Jared fics are kinda rare. And no worries, I won't stop as long as I have people like you supporting me :D
    August 9th, 2011 at 04:56pm
  • FreakInControl

    FreakInControl (100)

    Hey! Thanks for the comment on my story :D It really made my day!
    August 9th, 2011 at 08:33am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    Yeah, I felt that the ending was kind of anticlimactic. I just didn’t really know how to continue it. I might go back and change it in the future. :/ No sequel plans yet. But you can read more about them in the Chasing Car’s stories. That’s kind of where Olivia came from. :D
    August 5th, 2011 at 09:31pm
  • maxx danziger

    maxx danziger (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hey thanks for reading the recent chapter of my story. and nah, she's just getting started
    August 5th, 2011 at 06:41pm