Desi Galaxy / Comments

  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ha, options are always good :)

    They're all gorgeous :D
    Well, i guess they are suppoed to be, so thumbs up to the casting dudes :D

    Ahaha, that was funny
    The only part in the movie where I like Rosalie :P
    Otherwise I don't like her, though she's hilarious in Breaking Dawn xD
    I've ordered it! I'm really looking forward to it, apparently she wrote it? And I hear it's amazing :)

    Have you found the pic of Gerards bottom yet? :P lol
    July 20th, 2009 at 02:07pm
  • The Comedown!

    The Comedown! (100)

    whats up???
    July 20th, 2009 at 02:06pm
  • Second.Guess

    Second.Guess (100)

    I see. XD
    There were many that I would've used, but I was in a dark room at the time and some that had this huge block of white just popping out in the middle of them really hurt my eyes.
    July 20th, 2009 at 01:52pm
  • Second.Guess

    Second.Guess (100)

    Oooh, nice new layout.
    Haha, no. I considered it, though.
    July 20th, 2009 at 01:22pm
  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, that would be...kinky? lol Not too pleasant I guess :P

    Yeah, that's why I don't like imprinting, you have no choice. I think it kinda strips you of yourself and your options and choices when it comes to love.

    Yeah, I haven't watched it, but I know she's in it :D

    Haha, he is :)
    I love it in the movie, when he has the camera he's like 'I borrowed this from your house, i hope you don't mind' Lol, that made me laugh :D

    I know! She came in crying the next day, and we were like, Sara, uhm, he's not real :P Lolems
    Nah, it was a fake, the real one talks to Kristen, but he's set to private or whatever :/

    Yeah, i love Emmettes laugh too xD
    He's so cute their, and Rob's just adorable!
    Edwards smile is soooo cute. :p

    And I'm adding you on Facebook again :P
    July 20th, 2009 at 01:17pm
  • Second.Guess

    Second.Guess (100)

    Oh, I think I went through about ten... >.<
    July 20th, 2009 at 01:03pm
  • Second.Guess

    Second.Guess (100)

    We do! 8D
    Haha, there are so many awesome layouts... it was so hard to choose!
    July 20th, 2009 at 12:42pm
  • Second.Guess

    Second.Guess (100)

    Hi. (:
    Everyone on Mibba's so friendly!
    July 20th, 2009 at 11:17am
  • The Comedown!

    The Comedown! (100)

    July 20th, 2009 at 10:52am
  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ha, I can't think why no one hasn't mentioned the but thing before, it's an obvious dog characteristic :)

    Mono mono, it's boy on boy, or girl on girl :)

    I've never watched it, but I'll probably search for it now :P
    I've seen her in Panic Room, In the land of woman, Catch that kid, Zathura, The messengers, Old Creek Manor, Undertow and a few others I think :)
    And then Rob in HP and The haunted airman :)

    LOL, who knows what will be revealed :) lol

    I haven't watched that, but did by any chance play the bad guy? I know he likes that role :)

    Ha, I remember when i first got Twitter, and i added who i thought was Rob, and he talked to me! I was so happy, i told all my friends, and this girl Sara, was so excited, she kept talking to him, and one day he goes 'Uhm, could you please stop talking to me now, your giving me a headache' LOOOOL

    Yeah, tbh, i don't like the Lion & Lamb scene in the movie. I thought it was rushed, and not very amazing. The 'now I'm scared' part was good, but that wasn't so great for me.

    Lol, added you on both :)
    Ha, it's okay :D
    July 20th, 2009 at 09:20am
  • Pelvic_Thruster

    Pelvic_Thruster (100)

    United States
    wow really......??? thx
    means a lot to meeee
    July 19th, 2009 at 07:41pm
  • skyerocket.

    skyerocket. (100)

    United States
    Oh hahahaha.
    Well I'm glad you liked my story.
    July 19th, 2009 at 06:55pm
  • OhDamn! It's Sam

    OhDamn! It's Sam (100)

    United States
    no problem :)
    are you liking it so far? do you write stories or anything?
    July 19th, 2009 at 06:32pm
  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    They are! XD
    I know right! Vampires are like the best!
    I mean, c'mon! I'd rather have someone biting my neck, that sniffing my but.
    Psh, i would have though most people would think that, but apparently now
    I think this tell us some people are proud of what their bottom smells like :P Lol

    Lol, what a picture that is! Ha, I'd be scared he knows where i live!
    Random thought, do you think imprinting works mono mono?

    I know! They're kinda stupid to think we'd ever forget!
    Esp with movies constantly coming out, people will stay obsessed!
    Have you seen any other movies with Kristen or Rob in?

    Yes, appreantly girls can be that obsessive!
    Awe, how sweet!
    Can you imagine if he turned out to be a vamp?
    I sense new fantasies coming along! Lol

    A girl should deffinately hope!
    I mean, i dream that Edward is real, and one day him and his family will move here :)
    I mean, i'd settle for his brothers, or father to be honest
    Peter (Carlisle) is a major hottie
    Jasper & Emmete are so adorable! I love them too
    Maybe not Jaspers hair...but still XD

    It's disturbing, but not gory. It's hard to explain, it's like those stories of how people keep children in attics and cut their throats kinda thing. Not pleasent, but somewhat addictive :S
    I don't think thats a good sign :P lol

    Ha, yes, i guess it's like in Ghost Whisperer
    Thats a great show :)

    I hope so too. It's dreadfull - how british of me - and ratty
    Her hair was so nice, natural. And she's pretty, and times.
    Sometimes she looks horid, no offence to her, but at others she looks gorgeous! It's very confusing :P Lol

    Yeah lol
    Did you see her Twitter? She was like 'Are you f*cking kidding me?!'
    Lol, i found it funny

    Oh me too, I'd be more than glad :D

    Ha, yeah! She's funny, but in a non emotional way sometimes
    Like in Twilight, when shes in PE, and they were talking about how pale she is, and she was like, 'Maybe that's why they kicked me out'
    It was a funny line. But not when she said it
    I don't know, maybe Cathrine told her to do it like that, but it kinda put a dum light on everything. I loved Jess in that scene

    I have to say, in the book Jessica is annoying and I don't like her, but i like her in the movie :) She's funny

    Do you have Facebook or msn or something? :)
    Eh, i don't think I'm gonnar be able to fill your comment box thing :(
    July 19th, 2009 at 05:08pm
  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ha, so jealous! I want it! Lol, i don't think i ever get people asking me if I'm a vampire, I once got asked if i was a princess by a little girl, but I don't think that's the same thing, it was sweet though. I brought her a lolli pop after :D
    I know, but I still didn't like it. Though I liked Bellas hate for Jake :P Lol, then she liked him again, grrr.
    When i was reading book 2 was it? In Breaking Dawn? The ones from Jakes POV? Anyways, after seeing his views on the baby, i have to admit, i kinda hated the baby at first too, mainly cause of what it did to Edward I think. And i was so pissed off when Jake fell for her.
    Eh, not sure. Maybe, but then peopel would walk around like staring at you, can you imagine it? Like, you're in a shop, and someone comes up to you, right in your face, and your like, 'What?!' and they're like 'Nevermind, it's not you' thent hey walk off and do it to the person next to you :S Lolems
    Yeah i'm still reading it. lol
    I do read fast, but I don't want it to finsish :(
    She is bringing it out! Just now yet. She said something like 5 years i think, she wants everyone to forget about it first.

    Ooh, i want to watch this!
    Yeah, they're amazing!
    Both storylines, i think, are pretty easyily predictable
    Something a small child can come up with, but it's the way they write it, and the turns it takes.
    I mean, anyone can write a love story between a vamp and human, but it's hard to make such an easy idea become so epic.
    Lolz, guys find it hard to understand
    OMG, theres this real funny story i know
    It's true
    This girl was huge Twilight fan, but she had a bf
    And one day she dumped him, he asked why, and she got her Twilight book out, and shoved it in his face, then walked out :S
    She dumped him because she loved Edwrward!
    A fictional charator! She had a bf, and now she wants Edward! LOOOL
    How stupid.
    I think thats a valid point though
    Is Steph being mean to all girls through Edward? After Edward, every girls bf looks pretty suckish, so are we setting the standard impossibly high?
    Hmmm. :P

    He is, though I'm not a major fan. I find his books a tad slow, but once they start going, they're amazing. Lolz yes :)
    It's just too awesome.
    Another of his thats great, is a book of short stories, it's called 20th Century Ghosts. There are a few in there, that are extremely disturbing, but amazing :)

    Ha, thats good then :)
    I shall lick him, it's settled :P
    Yes, please do, I'm very excited now XD Lolems

    Yes I heard that. Ha, my friend said to me the other day 'Are ghosts ever naked perhaps?' whilst we were talking about it :P Lolems

    I'm not liking her new hair
    Have you seen it? For the movie
    I'm not sure if it's a wig or what, but it's horrible
    And if it's real, i don't know what they're doing for the saga

    Did you hear the pregnant rumour?
    I was so suprised, but obviously it was false
    Ha, she was hilarious at the MTV Movie awards, when she dropped her award! LOL, and she was like 'So this was just as awkward as you all though it would be' Lmfao

    I want to se if i can take up your comment area with my long comments :P Lolems XD
    July 19th, 2009 at 04:29pm
  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hah! Same! Though i prefer vamps. I kinda hated Jacob the first time i read the series, it was like, Grrr! Esp in Eclipse! Whenn HE KISSED HER! If i was Bella, i would have bitch slapped him! Lolems, though now I odn't mind him i guess, he is sweet, before he transforms. And i hate hate hate him in the last book! He imprints on Nessie! I was like, Oh boy, no you didnt! But the child of Jake & Nessie will be amazing, like, part human, part vampire, and part werewolf! Ultimate child. But still, that was a very emotional book. Like when Edward was like 'If she wasnt puppies she'll get them!'
    I actually started crying! I'm so sad
    I cry at most love stories. Even Peyton & Lucus in One Tree Hill :D

    Yeah, she is amazing. I hate it when people compare Stephanie to JK, cause they're completey different! Cause HP is for all age groups, but Twilight, i can't see 5 year olds loving that :S Though i find it amazing that guys read it, i love it :) I dont think i have a fave :/
    The first is so funny when i watch it now. When harry's with Hagrid when they're shopping, Harry goes 'But how am i to pay for all this? I haven't any money?'
    How posh can you get! I would have said 'Show me the money, bitch' LOOL
    You should! Well, only if your into twisted dark books. His are so strange, like Heart Shaped Box, (one of the greatest books i've ever read) is about buying the ghost online, and he's like all suicidal and shizz, but it's amazing. He's actaully Stephen Kings son, and he mentions MCR in Heart Shaped Box :D

    You are sooooooo lucky!
    I have to see this picture!
    His but?! Yay! Ahahaha
    I would have licked him :P
    I am serious
    I mean, people grab their balls, why can't I lick him?

    I don't think it'll blow me away until I see it on TV. Like, we haven't got those adds yet, it's too early.
    Yeah, that book was kinda slow too for me
    Though i loved her dilusions! But i wish Steph had made it that he actually was talking to her, and like they had a connection :D That would be amazing, like the last part in Breaking Dawn, when he reads her mind! That was beautiful :)

    Lolz! No me and my friends make fun of her all the time. We all love her too, she is a good actress, sometimes. I just think she's a Is that a good word? She's on the right track, just not using the right type of wheels? Lol, that was a crap metaphor.

    Ha, i so beat yours! Woo
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:41pm
  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    LMFAO why thank you
    Ha, I'll make Rob promote my bandage tan, his hair can sponsor it! LOL
    God, i love his hair.

    What, did you think he was like an alien or something? Lolems
    I didn't know what it was. I just saw people on mibba having twilight layouts and shizz, and i knew it had something to do with vampires, so I was like, eh, might as well try it.
    I don't think i read much before Twilight.
    Like, i read Harry Potter, though after treading the Order, i was like, wow, how depressing. Have you read it? He's like 'I want to be alone' when he's with people, then when he's alone he's like 'I want to talk to people'
    It's like MAKE UP YOUR MIND BOY!
    And then I read horrors, like Joe Hill (amazing!), though i only read his books cause i heard Gerard Way was reading his books, so i kinda copied in case i ever meet Gee, then we can talk about it :D
    How sad am i? Lolems

    The trailer was awesome.
    I loved the lighting, is that weird? But it was like very light, and drained.
    I don't really like the new trailer. it gives everything away, Jakes a werewolf, Edward leaves, Laurant comes back..
    It's kinda a bummer on new fans i think
    Ha, but the best part is the papercut scene!
    Kristen like puts her finger between her eyes on her forehead, and is like 'Papercut' and she goes crosseyed! HA! So funny, almost as funny as near the end of Twilight when she goes crosseyed when Edward bites her! Thats also funny :D

    I'm so mean.

    London is amazing. I find the lights the prettiest thing.
    Me and damn lights :P Lawl

    This was long.
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:10pm
  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lolz yeah :)
    Like, my uncles roomate works at the modeling agency that Rob works for, and they know eachother, so I'm hoping to get in there :D Roflmho
    Ha, sure thing :)

    Same! Gah, i was the first of my friends to read them, actually, i was the first in the school. And people used to be like 'Nerd' when they saw me reading, and now everyones reading them, and obsessing :D Now I'm like, 'Told you' XD

    I'm just so ahead :P Lol
    I can't wait either, me and my friends are getting those hoodies that say 'I heart Sparkly Vampires' and we're gonnar go watch the premier in London :D
    July 19th, 2009 at 02:57pm
  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ha, I'm bullying my uncle into getting me a private meeting with Patzy :P
    I love Edward. He makes me practically drool LOL

    Though, it's true, if it wasn't Edward Cullen, any other guy who watched you sleep and wanted to drink you, he would be a total freak :P Aha

    Have you read the books? or just watched the movie?
    July 19th, 2009 at 02:50pm
  • Maxxie?

    Maxxie? (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lolems, I can't paint
    But I guess I'm okay with sketching
    My friends are always asking me do art for them
    For a birthday gift, i sketched a picture of my friend, next to a sketch of Robert Pattinson, and they're like staring into eachothers eyes :)
    She put it as her Facebook picture for about 2 months :P Lol
    July 19th, 2009 at 02:42pm