Karl1991 / Comments

  • Burnout

    Burnout (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    tis all good, im ok thank you, yourself?
    August 1st, 2009 at 01:57am
  • Rebelingreen

    Rebelingreen (100)

    United States

    The sound of a dog cow.

    Check it, its true.

    lol, whats up?
    July 25th, 2009 at 05:08pm
  • Homicidal Maniac

    Homicidal Maniac (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    moo, i want to be a ranom commenter >D
    July 22nd, 2009 at 04:51pm
  • Sent by Ravens

    Sent by Ravens (100)

    United States
    I'm doing alright, looking for my muse, but all in all, alright.
    July 22nd, 2009 at 04:18am
  • Sent by Ravens

    Sent by Ravens (100)

    United States
    Hey, how's it going? I was looking over your poems/songs, you're really, truly talented
    July 21st, 2009 at 08:28pm
  • Emmerz

    Emmerz (100)

    United States
    Haha it's okay. I was supposed to be busy yesterday cleaning my room, but that never got anywhere so I decided to just do it today...yeah right xD

    Yes let's get back to the conversation of randomness! =D

    Yes there is definitely always a way! Especially for someone as evil as them to read our minds and whatnot =P

    Nope you're not going to fail! =D

    Hehe yeah life would get kinda repetitive if you failed all the time xD

    Well, the first things that popped into my mind when I read that, was knitting and furry puppies, so I'm thinking we're going to need much further thinking hah xD

    Yes it would be funny to see some little pet typing for them xD

    Oh yes you would very unstoppable with a little pet that could type for non skeleton people xD

    I agree it would be really awesome to have one of them though =D

    Sure, sure you're not evil xD

    No i'm joking hehe. I know you're not evil... well I don't think you are at least =D

    Ooh I couldn't imagine seeing all those plastic bottles filled with them! I wonder how many there are of them! How do they get created? xO

    Haha it reminds me of one of those little adventure things on the history channel! Oh i watch that channel too much haha. But yes this non skeleton mystery is getting way more interesting haha. =O

    Haha yeah. Then they would probably get really annoyed and go back to school with blank looking faces asking "Who are these two people anyways? All they did was send random comments back and forth to each other talking about threatening mibba, finding whoever is erasing and reading peoples' minds, and non skeleton people" Then I could see them rolling their eyes and stomping off to their desk xD

    Well I'm not really mad at him anymore, but I'm still rooting for you all the way haha! xD

    That sounds like a most awesomest plan! We should definitely team up to read people's minds haha. It would be soo much easier to find the person who's been reading and erasing minds on here =D

    You're quite welcome hehe =D

    Nope it's no fun to be boring. Even though I'm pretty much boring half of the time xD

    Awh okay I don't think you're evil anyways. And yay you wouldn't be evil to me! I feel special =D

    I'm sure we'll be awesome friends forever too =D

    Ooh lunch haha. I'm hungry now even though I just sorta woke up and it's 10:00 here right now xD

    Hehe yeah. Stupid time zones! Well I'm done with this one, it would have been done sooner, but i clicked out of the comment box and it disappeared! So I decided to just write it in a draft haha x]

    *Hugs* =D

    And yay hugs! I like hugs hehe.
    July 21st, 2009 at 04:53pm
  • Rhiley

    Rhiley (100)

    United States
    well i have this i have a new journal and it will mean the world to me if you commented you think u can take a look at it and tell me your opion please again it would mean alot =)
    July 21st, 2009 at 03:58am
  • x.Dork.x.Face.x.

    x.Dork.x.Face.x. (100)

    United States
    Aha well that sort of makes sense.

    Noo! Stupid prime minister(spl.?)!

    Now I forget, what was my idea? 0.o
    July 20th, 2009 at 07:10pm
  • The Acid Queen.

    The Acid Queen. (100)

    United States
    I'm good ^_^!!
    hehe,we both use these(^ <- that thingy >.<) too much.
    ..appaerntly they're called carrots...
    Favorite color???
    July 20th, 2009 at 04:55am
  • Emmerz

    Emmerz (100)

    United States
    Haha i wonder what it would be called then xD

    Yes we must stop them! There has to be a way!!! xD

    Whoop! whoop!! =DD

    We'll find a way to get everyone right on balance! There's also got to be a way for that!!!! >x]]

    And you won't fail haha. You've got me to help you xD

    Haha for reals right!? It would at least be a little fun then! xD

    I know exactly! Though I don't even think I have anything important like that yet haha xD

    I think we should definitely form a group like that! What should we call it?? =O

    Maybe they have some kind of pet or something that types for them haha xD
    I wonder if like their whole family is that way!!! =O

    Yayness! =D
    It's sorta my philosophy haha xD

    Me too haha. They'd have to find all sorts of weird things and stalk all our comments on here and what not xD

    Haha yes. And to tell you the truth, I'm rooting for you because I'm very mad at him right now xD

    You're welcome haha =D
    And you don't need it, i'm sure you got mad comment rape skills!! =D

    Yeah who knows. Gosh I haven't even learned how to read minds yet though haha xD So I'll be looking forward to it when I'm able to. xD

    Hmmm sure sure. Or is that what you want me to think??
    Joking joking haha xD

    You seem like a sweet guy =]

    And a random one too haha

    Haha okay I won't worry about you being evil then xD
    Ooh I hope soo too. Because I feel the same way! =D

    And it's okay haha. You don't fail!! I do because mine took forever!!! =O
    I was making doughnuts with my mom xDD
    July 20th, 2009 at 02:13am
  • strawberryandre.

    strawberryandre. (100)

    United States
    Ahh, I'll have to go read them.

    I absolutely hate ranting to people, but I just don't mine being ranted to.
    July 20th, 2009 at 01:45am
  • x.Dork.x.Face.x.

    x.Dork.x.Face.x. (100)

    United States
    Llamanap hehe. =]

    Really I always thought they both were "in your face". I do a pretty darn good english accent. Is there a difference between english and british?

    Aha well that's good.

    Ooh noo! The goverment is going to hear my idea in your head!
    July 20th, 2009 at 12:47am
  • Emmerz

    Emmerz (100)

    United States
    Haha yes must be xD

    Then I guess it can't really be considered rape then haha xD

    Me either! But I guess that it fits with all our theories! Or maybe that's just what they want us to think! =O

    Haha yes I believe they should erase the minds haha xD

    Me toos! And I hope so too!!! =D

    Yay me! I got the randomly random idea haha =D
    I feel so accomplished!!!!

    Hmm you have quite a good point there! Damn those time zones!!!!! =O

    Nooo!!! How could they do such a thing to us!!!?? Those fiends!!!! =OO

    I would have to call them perverts too! Reading minds without having permission from people. How dare they!!! =O

    Hah well that's true too! xD

    I think it was a theory... kinda in a way haha xD

    Yes!! We must shun the non skeleton!!! How dare they join mibba and not have a skeleton!!

    Randomness is what keeps me going in life haha xD

    Haha yes I could definitely see the kids doing research papers haha xD

    Well it was given to me haha xD
    It was from one of my kinda friends who's screenname I'm not going to attempt to spell but pretty much everyone calls him DL

    Don't worry! I'm sure you will!!

    I wish you the best on that goal haha xDD

    Awwh I always find interesting things in people's minds =D
    I'm sure I'd find something haha xD

    Do you have something dark and evil in your mind??!! =O

    Hmm was it just an act?!? I'm kinda paranoid hehe xD

    Hmm I don't think you failed haha xD

    Yay someone who knows I'm not mean!! Finally!! =D
    July 20th, 2009 at 12:36am
  • x.Dork.x.Face.x.

    x.Dork.x.Face.x. (100)

    United States
    Right! Can't she just go chew on her toe or something >.<

    Hmm I'll have to kidnap...er llamanap one from the zoo.....
    I'll have to think of a master plan. :D

    Hahah xD Aren't the accents really similar though.

    Oh man I was going to cleverly quote something from harry and put an australian twist on it. But I don't know any Harry Potter quotes ='[
    July 20th, 2009 at 12:27am
  • Emmerz

    Emmerz (100)

    United States
    Haha it's totally fine I understand haha. That kinda sounds like my mom xDD

    And yes now on to randomness! =D

    Haha yep! xD

    And you might, or you might not haha xD It depends if you like having oodles and oodles of comment rapes lol xD

    Yes that's exactly what I'm saying! I want to desperately find this person and tell them what's what! The search must begin!!! =O

    Awh well thank you very much!
    You are too =]

    Yes I agree. Nothing can be more random or fun than randomly fun theories =D

    Haha yes definitely! We could finish each other's comments xDD

    Randomly repeating random words sounds randomly fun haha xD

    Maybe we're not even on the world anymore! =O
    Maybe some how scientists or aliens or whoever ruled the world decided that they would move us to someplace else while we were asleep! =O

    Haha neither do I really xD

    That would be soo cool/weird haha. And me too me too haha
    I think I might test it and ask them a question in my mind xD

    Oh my gosh I shall do that! =O
    That would be totally weird! I could just see their mouth and eyes in the bottle right now =O It would be creepy/weird/wowness!

    Haha yeah probably xD
    We might even be put in the history books haha. And websites might find away to block us so we can't get on them anymore just because of this random comment/like threat thing haha xDD

    Haha yes probably xD
    It would be the best thing seen on t.v.!!
    Ooh I always wanted one of those haha maybe there's someone on mibba looking for someone like us to do that! =O

    Haha yes very inappropriate. It was from a very random, sweet, perverted boy who randomly commented me. And I've a secret about the boy that I would probably get comment trashed talk if I told it xD

    And I didn't even read the whole thing haha so I'm not sure how inappropriate it was. I was just shockered by the size of the thing =O

    I feel your pain haha xD
    Though I'm probably more easier than some people lol

    And I'd have to have a lot of practice first before I could read your mind haha xD

    Ah I would never do that =O
    That would be way extremely mean!
    July 19th, 2009 at 11:29pm
  • Emmerz

    Emmerz (100)

    United States
    Yes, one of the dark secrets >.>

    It's starting, and don't worry, I'm sure more will come in time! =O

    Haha maybe you're right, and maybe your wrong. I could be a comment raper! =O Maybe that's what this whole big secret is! Maybe I am a comment raper but not know it! Somebody could have erased my memory and made it to where I'd just comment rape people with no explanation or awareness of doing it! I'm a bad person! Or maybe that's not it at all. Maybe I'm just friendly hahe.

    Random theories are awesome! xD

    Yep. Haha. I'm pretty easy to break though! =D

    Oh my gosh I think that's an awesome idea! =D
    That would be so cool haha. We should definitely do that!

    Haha yay. I love random questions! Or did I say that already? xD

    Oh wow. That's a pretty big secret then! =O

    Maybe it's a secret that was never meant to be found out =O

    Maybe they're reading our minds right now as we speak! Or our comments! I'm going with the mind thing still though haha. =P

    Eww that would be so totally weird! I have a feeling I kind of want to find this no skeleton person if they exist! =O I want to know how they're able to move around and stuff, and if mibba really is a closet with lots of skeletons in it, why this person is aloud to have one! =O

    I know I know haha xD Pretty soon it might spread to other people! And then there will be a whole lot of roomers going around about this secret! =O

    Haha yes I'm sure they are, they're probably like "....hahaha wow these two have got some crazy ideas! ....it makes me wonder 0.o" xD

    Yes I recon we do too. =P
    We're just that awesome!

    And it sounds awesome to me too haha.
    Haha yes that's true xD
    But the world's longest comment rape almost took up my whole entire page =O I would show it to you, but like... it's very inappropriate xDDD

    Haha okays that's good then xD

    Ooh but what if you are? =O
    That would be another unsolved secret that needs to be found out! If there even is a secret about it! Soo many secrets and so little time! =O
    July 19th, 2009 at 10:01pm
  • x.Dork.x.Face.x.

    x.Dork.x.Face.x. (100)

    United States
    Yes it was, except now my sister wants me to make her one >.<

    Awesome! I'm going to need a llama, some duck tape and a few other things ;]

    Hmm yes that wouldn't be nice. But then I can slash their tires and then have a magical australian wizard fix it. :D

    Yes indeed it would be funny.
    July 19th, 2009 at 09:49pm
  • Rebelingreen

    Rebelingreen (100)

    United States
    Haha, yeah, being cold you can just put another layer on
    But if you're hot you can't really do as much, :P
    July 19th, 2009 at 09:34pm
  • The Acid Queen.

    The Acid Queen. (100)

    United States
    XD I like you,you're funny...
    People are WAY TOO NICE,until you meet a mad Kyo.He will eat you if you have a virgin mind.o.o -___-"
    How have you been,tho????????* sits on floor,eating popcorn* Want some???
    July 19th, 2009 at 09:30pm
  • hormoaning

    hormoaning (100)

    songs based on personal experience are always the best, in my opinion. [:
    July 19th, 2009 at 09:20pm