Beyond.Exquisite / Comments

  • Could you please do me a favor? If you have a facebook could you vote for my daughter Natalee in the cutest baby contest? To vote all you have to do is follow the link provided and like her photo! Thanks so much!!!!/photo.php?fbid=288986324448963&set=a.288984031115859.89702.122873484393582&type=1&theater
    September 23rd, 2011 at 09:02pm
  • Thanks for the welcome ! I'll definitely check out your stuff , but I don't have an account so I can't vote or comment "/
    And thanks , but it's heavily edited . I put a bunch of effects on it . The original is much worse .
    July 25th, 2011 at 11:58am
  • your welcome
    and nice! i bet everyones ganna love it!<3
    July 21st, 2011 at 08:12pm
  • Thanks for the welcome :)
    July 21st, 2011 at 01:38am
  • oh hell yeah!!:D
    i will deff read ur stuff hun!!! :P
    and thanks^.^
    July 20th, 2011 at 10:59pm
  • oh!!! okay!!!!
    July 20th, 2011 at 04:30pm
  • awwwesssome i LOVE IT escpecially the"Dare" one
    July 20th, 2011 at 04:27pm
  • Well. Since i'm lazy (& pissed), Im just gonna copy and paste from what I typed to Kristen ohkay?

    SO! The WOLE story is (and its a pretty damn long story. :PP) He had sent me a message on facebook.. well before that, my friend Meaghan messaged me and she said "Schyler! I know someone who likes you!" and I was like.. Hmm... this is Meaghan. She is always trying to set me up... I wonder who it THIS time. >> But what I what I said was "Who?" (haha, thats so boring, but I did. xD) And she responds "His name is Trevor.. he goes our church. he said youre really cute. ^^" and I was thinking, ohmygod! The night before I was hoping he even noticed me, and it turns out, he thinks I'm cute! So the next day, HE sends me a message asking for my number. So of course, I give it to him! And he doesnt respond for TWO DAYS. two days. He kills me. D:
    But he was finally text me and said "hey schyler :)" And I decided to play coy, and I was like "Who is this?" So he made me guess, and I didn't, cause what if I was like, Its Trevor! and that my dear, is considered CREEPY! ;D
    But he ended up caving and we talked some and he asked me out.. And I said no.. Cause like I said hes in 11th grade, Im in 8th. Doesnt that sound strange? So on New Years, I text him and said "Happy New Years! :D"
    And he responded "Whatever" and I was like whoa whoa whoa. Uh.. Whats going on? But I said "Uhh.. Ohkay. Whatever to you to."
    And he called me a BITCH! Kristen! Can believe that? Ugh. So I was like ":D thanks Trev." cause knew that would definitely irritate him. And it did. He never responded. And then the next day he texts me and apologizes. I was like. "Ohkay. Fine. Want to be friends?" I decided to be the better person. And he says "I have to think about it" And right then and there I gave up on him. >>

    There. easy. :D

    Whoaaz. Seriously? He did that? What a DOUCHER.
    Guys are douchers.
    I hate them.
    But I freaking love them.
    Fml. >>
    January 21st, 2011 at 12:46am
  • AH! I hate your computer! :P
    Hahaha, well.. There was this 11th grader.. But that story can wait. ;D
    Tell em about YOUR boys. ^^
    January 8th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • YEAH.
    Okay, so like, I knew him last year when he was in my AP Bio class. He was pretty chill and stuff.
    And so I was like, "What the hey. Besides. He's friends with Robbie (Remember him?), I can stalk Robbie on FB now then." So I friended him and we swapped numbers and stuffed. He never texted me. I didn't care.
    This year, when he came to visit the school and whatnot, he saw me, and we were like, "Hey." and stuff. And he kept giving me this creepy smile, that was like... the Grinch's in the cartoon version of How The Grinch Stole Christmas. It was scary as hell. Anyways. So then he started texting me a shit. And was all like, "HIIII." And "You're my friend (:" and "That's adorable" or "That's cute" or "<333" And I just got really fucking creeped out, and stopped texting him. He doesn't get the idea though, and he won't stop texting me, even though I'm ignoring him. >.<
    And so now, I'm going to get my brother's friend to take a picture with me, and we're going to make a whole new FB for him, and we're going to link him to my FB, and he's going to be my FB boyfriend, in hopes that this guy will leave me alone. >.<

    That's going to be so awesomeeee.
    Tell me every fucking detail. x]

    Yeah. :\
    No. I haven't seen him in a week cos of break. :\
    And yeah. x] Unfortunately.
    January 7th, 2011 at 07:58pm
  • Hey, it's Sean from Hummingbird Layouts. With this one, I prefer the image not be changed. It's the whole layout basically. Sorry.

    And you know for your Poems and Stories, you don't have to create a new div section for Stories. Just stick the header under your poems section and it won't get cut off.
    January 6th, 2011 at 11:44am
  • Awhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    It's okayyyyy.


    kinda-ish...... okay no.
    I'm still stuck on Tyler.
    Like, wtf. D:
    And there's this really creepy guy that's a freshman in college, and he won't stop creeping on me, and he's ugly, and fat, and creepy, and annoying. D:
    January 5th, 2011 at 07:47pm
  • No no,
    it's okay. (;

    Bobby!? :DDD
    That's shooooooo cuteeeeeee :333333
    What's this "Bobby" look like? :D
    Andddddd, didja meet him yet!? :DDDD

    Awh, hahaha, thanks. :]
    I dunno man. >.<
    This is her,
    and I don't even care,
    if it gets out there,
    cos I don't like her, I don't know her, I don't give a fuck about her.!/profile.php?id=100001240657395
    THAT'S her.
    How much you wanna bet,
    she can't even name a The Ramones song? >.<

    Awhhhh D':
    You know what?
    Forget about him.
    He's fucking stupid. >.>
    December 1st, 2010 at 09:48pm
  • He has a girlfriend.
    December 1st, 2010 at 12:58am
  • Lmao ! xDD
    You're comments ; How they make me laugh .
    Like in a good way though .
    And whoaa , your friends scare meeeee . Talk abouut BLACK MAIL !
    But oh whee . I think you should whatever-his-name introduce to Bob , OH ! Anthony , right ? :D
    Guh . Youu's always finding the craziest guys with the craziest names . xDD
    Lmao . But oh whee . Cutie .. I had a thing for skaters once , but I really like Christian , he's kind of nerdy looking , only because he's tall and kind of lanky , but in a cute way . And he's someone I would never see myself with , before I met him , but man , am I glad I have . (;

    BUT UGH . We have been a WHOLE WEEK for Thanksgiving Break and I haven't seen or talked to him , for the entire time ! So , I am sooo ready fro Monday . Definitely . ^^

    Yeah . I like mysterious guys as well . but I'm really liking Christian's personality . He's funny and really sarcastic , which is a lot like me , because he can take a joke , and I like that , (:
    I really do like him . I know I've said this with Sam and Cody , but those were like guys I wanted , but I knew couldn't get and it was a challenge for me , but once I had them , it wasn't what i was expecting .. With Christian , it's like .. He's there, but he could be gone just a quickly and he's a challenge , he's .. Like .. Well . I can't really explain it . Ya know ? He's there , and I can get him if I want , and even I do want him , he could drop me ! Ah . This doesn't make sense , lemme re word it ..

    Cody and Sam were guys I THOUGHT I couldn't get , and it made them a challenge , but I found out .. I didnt like the prize .
    And Christian .. I don't have to work to get him , but it's just as hard , because he's there, and that's what makes it so.. hard . I don't have time to work up and get to him , I have to be ready for whatever he throws at me . Which is a little .. Weird . But I like it .
    November 27th, 2010 at 11:21pm
  • Hehee , yay , its long , (:
    November 18th, 2010 at 03:18am
  • AH ! You make my comments seem so short and anorexic , xDD
    Teehee , WOW !
    Whats this mystery guy look likee ?
    What color hair ?
    Eyes ?
    DOes he have a nice smile ?
    Dimples ?
    Uh .. Ran outta questions . [:

    Lmao , now !
    I really . really . REALLY . Like Christian .
    Like reallyy !
    Soo , we only have one class together (Algebra) and during algebra we're always talking and rarely paying attention .. But anyways , my best friend Janee , sits .. Well our desks are in rows and Christian is in the first seat , in front of me , so Im in the second seat and Jane is in the next row over and shes in the first seat as well . Soooo , we are all like in a triangle , haha , well : Today in class, I was Christian and Janees pimp and they were my whores , xDD
    And today on the bus on the way to the Highschool , for band , me and jane were talking and she was like "OHMYGOD . You so like Christian (I havent told her yet , she kindaa figured it out) !!" and I was likee .. --innocent face--
    And she goes "Ya'll are sooo effinn cu-" and I cut her off by saying that he has a girlfriend . Which he does . D<
    And its juuust so hard not to flirt with him , especially when he flirts back ! Its crazyy . But he does have a girlfriend .. And I need to back off .. But man, he is stupid if he doesnt realize that I like him ....

    And Rob , well , he's Rob , (:
    I like him .. And I THINK he likes me , cause we have 3rd together and he sits next to taylor and Taylor AND Marcus are always saying that he likes me and that he thinks Im pretty , but I overheard Taylor saying that to Milla , too , sooo .. I cant really believe her .. But we do flirt too , (;
    GAH ! I flirt to much , Dx
    But I dont mean toooooooo ! Its just.. me !!
    Haahaha , aghh , my arm hurts , stupid typing crapp . [:

    Hmm .. And .. Well thats about it for guys .
    OH ! Remember Cody ?
    Welll .. I found out he does like me ; But when I finally found out , I was wayy over him and I didnt wanna go out with him , cause Cody is a heart breaker and I didnt wanna go down that road again ! Lemme tell ya .

    And then Chris ! my best guy friend ..
    Well . We both like-ish each other .. Well , he likes me , but its kind of awkward if we went out cause Im me , and Im complicated and even though he puts up with my mood swings , O just dont think it'd work out .. So we agreed to be friends .

    You know what irks me ?
    When guys are always telling you how pretty or beautiful you are or other mushy crap !
    GURHH !
    Its just so annoying .. I want .. I definitely dont want too sensitive of a guy ..
    I want a guy who's .. Kind of cold , but he talks to you , and you know he means it when he says he loves you or how beautiful you are , because he doesnt say it all the time and he has intense eyes and is intelligent , but doesnt show it ... Sigh .
    I've yet to find him ..
    November 18th, 2010 at 03:18am
  • updates or respones.
    November 17th, 2010 at 01:29pm
  • were like the exact same
    November 17th, 2010 at 06:52am
  • no problem. I dont mind waiting
    November 16th, 2010 at 12:46am