Just to Let You Know..

I've always been destined for you. I know it. I can feel that it was meant to be, just the two of us. That's why I can't let go; because I couldn't hold on. Think of how different things might be if I didn't let you slip away. You know how sometimes girls "save themselves" for the right guy, or even for marriage? Well, slap me for saying this, but I think, on a subconcious level, that that's what...
February 22nd, 2010 at 08:17am

I need to know why we dont trust them

Explain to me, this conspiracy against me;I feel so shitty.I don't know why.Actually, I think I do.I think it's because I built up so much excitement about Georgia.Why am I so stupid?I knew in the back of my head that I shouldn't be that excited about it.But of course I didn't listen to it.Stupid.And I don't understand why he won't make his move.Believe it or not it's starting to take a huge toll...
February 13th, 2010 at 12:43am

The Cat and the Bird.

It feels almost like someone put a bird in the same room with a cat. Only the bird doesn't have the protection of a cage. So it's left to fend for its self. To fly around the room until his wings give way and he falls exhausted down to the floor, where the cat sits in the darkest corner waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.Claws out.He's made his move.The bird is too tired to try.Devoured...
February 11th, 2010 at 01:44pm

Be Still And Breathe

Leaning now into the breeze;I FINALLY FIGURED PUBLIC SPEAKING OUT!!!!I realized that I could be worse off than how I am now. I just need to learn to go with the flow and whatever happens, happens. You can change it to a certain extent, but you never fully know the outcome.One thing I do know the outcome of, is if I get called Smokey Bear one more time.There's going to be a fist in someones face if...
February 10th, 2010 at 09:58pm

The End Of The Beginning.

It Has To Be Done;I can't figure this Public Speaking shit out. I'm so frustrated to the point where I'm plucking random sentences from my brain and piecing them together with words I find in a Thesaurus. Isn't that great? I love the amount of effort I put forth into class work, I bet my teacher loves it too. c(;Im a downhill addictI really need to get myself straightened out. I was doing fine...
February 10th, 2010 at 02:17am

Tension Has Had Us All This Time.

;{JUST NEVER FORGET;}You know I find it funny how some people can show so much personality in a photograph.I would love to know why I hear a lot of ' I hate gena D: ' and 'I don;t really like her 's. Why doesn't anyone like her? I don't understand. Is there some big issue everyone knows about except me? c(: I'm getting into you,Because you got to me, in a way words can't describe.I love those...
February 9th, 2010 at 01:09am

Try Honesty

For the first time in a long time, I've been truely happy. This weekend served as a "birthday" get together. I'll be 18 on the Sixteenth. I feel like I'm growing up really fast. Now is where I start living and make the most of everything. Pretty soon my goal to run everyday will set in. I haven't eaten meat since last Tuesday. February 2nd 2010 is when I became a vegetarian. I'm proud of myself. I...
February 8th, 2010 at 04:55am