What do you think this scholarly article is about?

Religion is the one thing that can connect many different peoples from all around the globe. The same can be said of it tearing the people apart. This, unfortunately, is the case of the Nacirema people.In the society of the Nacirema, there is a war that is waging within the ranks of the younger generation. It is a conflict of beliefs that revolves around their own bibles and their content. The...
April 24th, 2010 at 06:11pm


I really want to write a story but here's the hitch, I CAN'T THINK OF ONE! I'm so in far of a writer's block that I don't know which way is up! ewuldhaedfjoifjlk THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING! I know I'm complaining but I'd love it if I could have a few ideas to start with then morph them into my own thing. *sigh* help would be very much appreciated at this time.I'm not really into vampire stories for...
August 21st, 2009 at 10:50pm


Whenever I've entered a chatroom, no one seems to be talking. It's really buggy! I mean why even enter a chatroom then NOT talk? The point of the chatroom is to be chatty! Well hardly anyone chats which completely defeats the purpose of the room! It's like WTHeck! *sighs and shakes head* then i seem like the annoying one trying to get ppl to talk. But all one can do is hope for chatty ppl to enter...
August 15th, 2009 at 06:20am