She's just pulled way too much BS and seems very two-faced to me. There's a lot more to it than that, the worst is stuff I can't really talk about because it's family drama that probably shouldn't be all over the interwebz...but believe me when I say she's done a lot to try to screw my brother over and I hate that he isn't willing to just leave her.
hahaha luckyyy!!
im gonna be in a band this summer :)
im playing the piano and singing and mah friend is the lead singer and we have 3 guys in our band and its gonna be da BOMBBB
:), Well. My teachers have been giving me projects to do, for school work and I have to do them over the week and weekends, but luckily not through the summer holidays, but other than that, been good :D
Yeah, really excited. :) Moreso about the trip to Ohio because I'm going to be meeting a ton of new people. Don't get me wrong, I miss my brother (whom I'm seeing in north carolina), but I'll be seeing a lot more of his wife than I will be of him and I"m not fond of her.