camera ready kids. / Comments

  • Ah, I see
    I want to go to shows often. It just doesn't happen XD

    Maybe stupidity? From what I've heard, small fish aren't too smart.
    Though, my friend did train his goldfish, so maybe not all of them are.

    No :S
    I don't really listen to Brighten
    Is it good?

    And how have you been?
    August 11th, 2011 at 05:05am
  • asdfghjkf yes mibba is very tidy and organized c: I'll play around with the site and get use to it.
    August 10th, 2011 at 08:43am
  • Surprising how? :S
    Most of the good shows with lots of bands were in the 930 club in Baltimore or Philly. :\ Can't go to those

    I think it's because I put a lid on the tank XD They would've been goners if it weren't for that

    This is true :)
    August 10th, 2011 at 12:45am
  • Ouch :\

    Um... an acoustic Boys Like Girls concert a few years ago and then a local cover band last year. Not counting lame concerts I went to at a park during the summer with friends over the years. Yeah :\

    I've never had that happen before.
    Granted, I've only had a few derpy goldfish from the fair, so I guess that's not very credible XD

    I didn't really mind at first but now it's just really getting on my nerves :S
    August 9th, 2011 at 10:16am
  • Oh :\
    My dad and I are close, so it's easier.
    When it's all four of us, we do do our own thing as well, though.

    He wasn't really an ass, just a brat used to getting what he wanted. I did always think that there would be something that would make him grow up and be better, though.

    I knowwwwww
    I've missed so many concerts ;_; Many, because one of the only decent venues near me was a club, so I couldn't get into those concerts.

    D: That's terrible :(

    Though, my mom does just come marching in a lot now to see my cat ._.
    At least she doesn't touch anything.
    August 8th, 2011 at 08:35am
  • all this stuff is so new to me... *lost* LOL
    August 7th, 2011 at 09:53pm
  • HI IT'S ME (----------------------:
    August 7th, 2011 at 03:15am
  • Yeah, from what I've heard many people were disappointed in how it progressed in the final seasons.

    I talk to my dad a lot on road trips - mostly because in the past few months, he and I had been coming up to New York to visit my mom before we moved up here.
    But that's pretty much what I do too.

    I never exactly hated him, but I was indifferent toward him in the first couple books. Like, the first two, I didn't really care. The third and parts of the fourth, I found him amusing. Then I just loved him XD

    No. I lived like an hour from Baltimore when I was in Maryland, so it's rather pathetic. imeanreallymyunclelivesintowson. ishould'vebeenabletoseethem. XD
    Ah :\ That sucks
    If I have a band, I'll go to Canada! :D

    Aw, that sucks :| I'm only allergic to pollen and a medicine, so I don't know how it feels to be allergic to a pet :\

    Ah, that makes sense. My parents generally stay out of my room, so I basically rule that area of the house
    August 7th, 2011 at 12:55am
  • I kinda went back through all the stories with 'The Maine' the description and read all ones with 8-10 stars and there yours was.

    I understand, but even if you updated every now and then because it is seriously an amazing story.
    August 4th, 2011 at 10:35am
  • Yeah; so far it's really addicting XD
    I hear it gets really weird after this part. Like, [i]really[/i] weird.
    Weirder than it already is weird.

    I dislike crowds too. I'm kind of claustrophobic, so it's not too fun to be around a lot of people like that.
    Mhm. It's just like .______________________________________.
    When is this over?

    Ah, I see

    I just kind of wanted to give him a hug. AND STUPID HARRY being nosy and inconsiderate. I mean, I know they were rivals and all - but couldn't he have at least shown a bit of compassion? He's so daft sometimes.
    I agree that Tom Felton is a brilliant Draco, btw.

    You're going to see ATL O_O Jealous.

    I'm doing well, too. Just moved into the new house my family's renting and I got a kitten yesterday :D
    Unpacking is the only downside, really. XD
    August 4th, 2011 at 08:07am
  • Hm. I actually haven't paid attention to what season I'm on XD I'm a bit after the part when the others join the group - around when Michael thinks he's talking to his son on the computer in the hatch.

    Try joining in the winter - it's soooooooo much cooler than during the summer.
    I like road trips if they're with my friends XD Otherwise it's like are we there yet?!

    OH YEAH.
    I forgot about that.

    I loved that part! I felt so bad for Draco. And not during just that part; from the sixth book on, I just felt so terrible for him. ;_;
    It's a great movie. I wanna go see it again now XD

    How've you been?
    August 3rd, 2011 at 07:07am
  • Yeah :\
    I'm going to try my best to keep in touch, though!

    It is. It is ;)

    Yeah, I get what you mean.
    I actually haven't watched any more of Doctor Who. Still grieving over Rose, sort of XD and I've been watching SVU and Lost. Soooooooo, I'm just lazy.


    I want to live in the UK. So badly.
    Disney World is fun, except the crowds and goddamn Florida humidity.
    My friends and I had originally planned to spend the summer after we got our licenses driving across the US to California.

    Hm. I thought the Turn Left was completely in England.

    IT'S SO AMAZING. I SAW IT FOR THE SECOND TIME LAST NIGHT. I sat next to a smelly, socially awkward middle-aged man but I loved it nonetheless. I started laughing at some parts, though, because there's a lot of jokes on the internet regarding some scenes.
    August 1st, 2011 at 05:12am
  • Kind of. It was mostly luck of staying in the same area my whole life XD
    Ah.. yeah, I'm kind of the same way. I'm kinda uncertain of how I'm going to maintain both my new and old friends at the same time :\

    Well I'm going to put my retainer on now and keep it on forever.

    Well, from what I've seen, Eleven certainly doesn't show it XD at least, not as much as Ten did.
    I do, I do. I'll never let her go
    Well, I'm glad they're going to be okay :)

    I've been to Disney twice - it's a great experience (I went there as a child and loved it), but terribly, terribly crowded.

    Aw, poor Doctor XD

    YOUR BRAIN WILL IMPLODE. I mean, my reaction was like LKJDALKJFDKLAGDKJAGVK;LDJ;AFSDJFADSKLJF. I probably would've cried more but I was with my brother and it hadn't really hit me that it was over.
    It's a fantastic movie, though. Bloody fantastic.
    July 24th, 2011 at 04:58pm
  • Yeah. I've never really been "the new kid", though. I changed schools once, before the second grade, but I already knew a lot of people because I was their neighbor or I went to preschool/daycare with them. So... yeah.

    I see. That sucks :\
    It's actually not that great XD I always forget to put it on.

    Haha, that's great.

    Yeah, I don't think Ten ever got over Rose. I think Eleven is over her, though, because he's sort of like a new man.
    I'm on like the third Martha episode. I've taken a break, though, so I can mourn the loss of Rose D;

    D: Are they going to be okay? What happened? :(

    Yeah, I get what you mean. I used to go to the beach every summer, but I've lost interest in it because we went to the same place every year. My parents don't understand it, but it's just like I want to go somewhere new. Somewhere I've never seen before.

    YES. Draco and Voldemort XD
    I love Draco so much XD
    LMAO! China banned time travel? Poor Doctor, looks like he'll never be able to go there XD
    Have you seen the Seventh Part 2 yet?
    July 24th, 2011 at 04:12am
  • I know! Man, I'm gonna miss him. I'm going to a different school this year so I won't have him as a teacher again :\
    Dang. Some of my teachers are like that too. Like, one teacher told my friend at the end of the school day during the Day of Silence that "The Day of silence is over, you can start talking now." Yeah. Rude teachers suck. Majorly.

    I don't even. XD
    D: They work eventually!
    Dang. Mine doesn't bug me too much, but my top retainer is removable. So... yeah XD

    I can work in daylight. But only if it's early morning, because I haven't gone to sleep yet. XD
    Oh gosh. That's great XD
    Did it have any substance to it or was it just aljdklfajdlkfjasl?

    DDD: so do I. I haven't been able to watch the episodes after Rose yet because Martha looks so similar to Rose. DDD: Plus I'm not done moping over Rose yet. I imagine that it's been a while after Rose, though, that the Doctor meets Martha. Just my perspective.
    Yeah, Doctor Who is an emotional show. I didn't get as emotional when the Ninth regenerated, though, just because... I don't know. I didn't get attatched to him as much as I did to the Tenth. I agree that he had an amazing scene, though. AND JACK. <3 imightnamemykittenafterhim. :3

    :O Have fun! I'm really jealous of you. I want to travel so badly XD
    July 9th, 2011 at 12:48pm
  • I thought he was a riot XD He's really sarcastic so a lot of kids didn't get it though and looked at me weird when I snickered. XD
    Aw, poo. Humorless teachers suckkkk

    Haha, thanks. THEY WERE OH MY CHEESE TACO. (wtf? idek.) Braces are just lakfjdgakldjfkladsjf. :c Do not want. :|
    The retainer isn't as bad, thankfully. XD

    Yeah, that too XD
    I work well late at night... but when I start getting tired, sometimes it's just goes off into lala land. XD

    I KNOW.
    Rose was so kickass like BITCH, YOU AIN'T MESSIN' THIS UP. GET OUTTA OUR SPACESHIP. >:| XD
    But Rose's last episode. D: I cried when Tennant started crying. I was doing fine until he broke down. >:|
    It reminded me a lot of when the Ninth Doctor regenerated, though. >.> with the Daleks and all. >.>
    July 7th, 2011 at 11:36am
  • Haha, yeah. We were talking about the weird sayings and he mentioned that one in such a cheery, sarcastic voice, and then said "Isn't that morbid?" XD I'm going to miss him so much.

    Yeah, not so much anymore XD I've kind of... lost my motivation, I guess, if you haven't noticed the lack of updates.

    That sucks, man. I just got mine off.

    XD Same here!
    I've been editing a lot of old stuff (Still Alive, some of PB&J, other stuff) at night and I freaking triple check it to ensure it's not just gibberish XD

    I KNOW
    The red eyes and the beast's voice reminds me of a voice that haunted my nightmares as a child. That's the only thing I remember from the nightmare, though. Still. >.<
    I loved the ending of that episode, though.
    July 6th, 2011 at 12:07pm
  • Yeah, sheet music is confusing sometimes. Do you know any of the "tricks" to remember them? Like, for the treble scale, it's F-A-C-E for the spaces and Every Good Boy Does Fine for the lines. And to remember sharps it's Fat Cats Come Down And Eat Babies. <-my guitar teacher told me that one. XD

    I dunno. If I get my butt into gear I might actually make it.
    But, if I don't, I might just extend it ;)

    I get it XD
    I hadn't really smiled in the past 3 yearbook pictures because I had braces so I looked weird XD

    I see
    I don't think that happened...
    But, when I write (stories) when I'm tired, I usually look back on it like WTF was I thinking?

    AKJDFHAKDJF. This episode of Doctor Who. The one with the beast and the black hole and everything. D: THOSE RED EYES FREAK ME OUT YO.
    July 6th, 2011 at 08:32am
  • I know the first three strings pretty well. Only the first couple notes, though XD
    I actually kind of prefer it, though, because it'll be easier to play other instruments using sheet music.

    I see; that makes sense

    I'm not going to be able to do it. I haven't written at all DX I still have like 100 or so words. Dammit.

    Thanks ^_^
    Oh god. School pictures. I'm just gonna go run for my life now. XD

    I totally understand. I stayed up until 6:30 editing Still Alive, so this might not make sense either.
    July 5th, 2011 at 10:00pm
  • Tabs are pretty easy; easier than reading off sheet music.

    I see. My brother and I are only four years apart, so up through this year, we'd always traveled together with our parents.

    Haha, thanks.
    Deadlines... I usually procrastinate, so yeah. XD
    I get what ya mean, though.

    It's fine it didn't sound creepy, haha.
    Haha, yeah.
    I'm not very photogenic ;P XD
    July 4th, 2011 at 09:26am