camera ready kids. / Comments

  • I know :( It sucks.
    I used to get three hours at the most, but recently I've gotten five or six.

    He is <3
    So did I! I have Netflix instant watch now, and Doctor Who is on it XD Let's just say I spend A LOT of my time watching Doctor Who.
    June 9th, 2011 at 02:15am

    Haha, same here. Though, after a while, I think I was too sleep deprived to be tired. If that makes sense XD

    Matt Smith is growing on me tbh. But Tennant will always be my doctor
    June 8th, 2011 at 12:05am
  • I know. Sometimes I just start saying "Yeah, I know where I messed up" bu they don't stop and I'm just like STFU ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    When it's about something I know it's worse >.<

    Haha yeah. Stupid tall people :P XD
    They're just jealous of our short teleportation skills. ;)

    Uh huh.
    They obviously weren't used to not sleeping XD I was fine up until the end, but that was after almost 48 hours of no sleep.
    Yeah, but Garrett hadn't slept the night before, I think. So I think that counts. XD (he still cheated tho.)
    June 3rd, 2011 at 12:05pm
  • Holy shit. I hate it when teachers are like that.
    All teachers talk to me like I'm an idiot. I hate it so much.
    But, yay :D You got good classes

    It could be worse - at a concert, I saw two girls who were only like 4'5".

    Oh god XD Bop It XD
    Jared's so funny
    "It's not burnt, it's cajun!"

    Yeah; at least you got it cleared up :)
    June 2nd, 2011 at 12:08pm
  • I know, right? Teachers need to learn how to take a fucking chill pill sometimes, haha.
    I just really disliked that teacher. I'm taking mostly the required classes this year, so I really don't like some of my classes.

    D: How tall are you?

    Haha, yeah, it was. Poor Gary was so tired, though. XD And Kennedy's dancing! XD Oh, I miss that. 3: they should do another XD

    :O That sucks.
    That happened to me with Love Drunk. They messed up my address and I ended up waiting almost another month until I finally got it :\
    We can be late deliever buddies <3
    June 1st, 2011 at 12:50am
  • Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh yeah. They both got either one or two weeks of suspension and my entire English class (where it happened) got a lecture on bullying and violence in school. So, we all got punished. Except for the part where our assistant principal talked away all the class time we had so we didn't do any work... It was still boring.

    Ah. I don't drink coffee :x
    I do sometimes, but I generally don't. I want to be tall XD

    YEAH \m/
    Although, I was pissed when I stayed up more than the 24 hours with The Maine, and then my CD didn't come on that day. It was like three days late. I was pissed. >:|
    May 31st, 2011 at 01:50pm
  • It wasn't too bad, but I think one of them broke the skin. >.>
    Haha, yeah.

    Mhm. I need to cut down on the junk food. >.<

    Nope. I'm gonna wait until it comes out :) that's what I did for Love Drunk and Black & White so I'd feel bad if I listened to the leak :x
    May 30th, 2011 at 05:13pm
  • Ah.
    The worst violence we've had was earlier this year two kids stabbed each other with pens and fist fights. But there was a syphillis outbreak a while ago >.> Wonder who cheated? XD

    Haha, well, that's a good thing. I need to even out my diet too. Get more protein.
    May 30th, 2011 at 03:25am
  • It sucks for me, I guess I should say.
    Haha, my school has the worse repuation for drugs. XD
    We have a full time cop, too.
    Urban schools are a lot worse, I can imagine.

    A few of my friends eat too much meat for their own good. Like my one friend got a horrible score on this diet survey we took in health class because he eats so much meat.
    I can see why you think it's unhealthy XD

    Haha, at least it was better than stank, lol.
    May 28th, 2011 at 05:18pm
  • That sounds so cool, haha. My high school sucks XD

    Eh, it's not that hard. I do eat chicken or turkey from time to time, though. No red meat though. It's been so long since I've eaten red meat that it actually makes me sick to eat it :x

    I know >.<
    Like, last year, some girl must've used an entire can of Chocolate Axe in a tiny hallway. She sprayed everyone that walked by and stank up the entire area of the school.
    May 27th, 2011 at 11:55am
  • That's what I meant by the schools, lol. There's the high, junior high and elementary schools all bunched together next to a park and some tennis courts.
    Same in my town! You get from point a to point b in like five minutes unless you go through the park or a development.
    I just don't eat fish :x
    It's against my code, man. /veggiehead.

    Yeah. So many people at my school wear SO MUCH perfume. I nearly choke when I walk past them >.<
    May 27th, 2011 at 12:03am
  • Huh. That's a bigger small town than mine XD We have a lot of neighborhoods, the schools, a grocery store, two gas stations and a couple churches. That's basically it until you get into the more urban places that are really far away.
    But that mountain town sounds awesome. Even if I don't eat sushi. XD

    I don't wear perfume, so you won't die around me! Haha
    May 25th, 2011 at 04:46am
  • Huh. That's strange.

    HA. Not lucky. Small towns suck; there's nothing to do, there's nowhere to go (the only places are 30 - 45 + minutes away by car) and everyone knows everything about everyone.
    Damn. That's like my brother, who's allergic to everything except food, medicine and animal fur.
    I catch colds easily too, but that's because of my weak immune system.
    May 24th, 2011 at 12:14pm
  • That always happens to me if I fall asleep in jeans. Especially skinny jeans (and damn that's uncomfortable.)

    Uh huh. I live in a small town, so I don't really have the bustling city, but I will soon when I move XD
    What are you allergic to? I'm just allergic to pollen and a type of medicine.

    Thanks :D
    May 24th, 2011 at 04:29am
  • Mhm. I love sweatpants. I would live in them if I could, but I like jeans too much, haha.

    Cool beans! I love national parks :)
    And that's good, besides the allergies. Allergies suck, man.

    My day went swimmingly well.
    The wedding was nice; everything went as planned, and I now have a new uncle and five cousins :D
    May 23rd, 2011 at 06:53am
  • Yeah, dresses are really uncomfortable. I like pants better

    So how has your day been? Feeling any better?
    May 22nd, 2011 at 07:20pm
  • Yeah. That's cool :)
    I don't hink I'll ever like dresses though.

    Same here!
    May 21st, 2011 at 05:11pm
  • I just don't like dressing up :P and yes, FREE FOOD <3

    Weather just generally doesn't like me.
    We're being plotted against!
    May 21st, 2011 at 05:15am
  • I've only been to two and didn't really care for either of them XD I'm not much of a wedding person, I suppose. :P

    Ah, that sucks. I was in that position last year. :\
    I hate being sick when it's just getting nice, because once you're better it's too hot outside to be out there for long. And then it gets cold again. XD
    May 21st, 2011 at 04:40am
  • Uh huh. I hope all goes well this weekend!

    I hope you feel better, too :) colds suck, man
    May 21st, 2011 at 04:30am