starkidheather / Comments

  • --Haha, I cant sing, but I do anyways. When I'm with friends, I'll just burst out a random lyrics and get such strange looks.
    --YAY! Haha, I love slash. I'll be very much looking forward to it. There's one on here that first got me into it. It's called "Damelan" and it's written by "dino_RAWR". It's really good.
    --your welcome, darlin'. When I first found out, I actually didn't know that much about A7X. I read it on Myspace I think, and then I Googled tons of stuff aout him, and gosh, I cried so much. I was really sad that I had never heard of him before that.
    OhMyGerard, it's 11:28 a.m. here as I reply this. :D
    July 8th, 2010 at 06:28pm
  • --Well, how very rude of that ice cream man. Those poor two dollars.. xD
    --Thanks for the story comment, Mon Amour <3
    It'll probably get better too. That was the shortest chapter I've ever written, but I just wanted to end it bluntly. I usually like to write poems, but I thought I'd try to tackle a chaptered story.
    --You should!!! I'd totally read something that came from the deep corners of your mind. xD
    I read the one with letters to Jimmy. That was a great idea. My eyes almost watered when I read your letter.
    --It's 9:30 here, and I'm a little hyper. :D Think I may pull an all-nighter. :P
    July 8th, 2010 at 04:27am
  • --Yeah! Highway to Hell! xD
    --That's awshome! Tell me how it tasted! :D
    --Right now I'm writing a story! :O
    I think it's gonna be good. I may post the first chapter tonight. It'll be called "Blood Book" I'm so proud of myself :') haha ;p
    July 8th, 2010 at 03:10am
  • -Haha, I only hate happy-normal clowns. I think the scary ones rock. :D
    --Not really. Haha, I seriously don't think I have any phobias.
    -Woo!!! Let's have a matching pajama-party xD
    --I've been talking to my friend, Rami, on here. lol, He's from Finland. :3
    July 7th, 2010 at 10:25pm
  • -Haha, I guess you never know. And IF that happens, then you can definately come to the wedding. ;P
    -lmfao! I laughed so hard there.
    Okay, besides being creeped out by the name of that snack, do you have any phobias? (spiders, small spaces, etc?)
    --Thank you for the photo comment, Honey. xD
    I have a pajama-shirt with that written on it, and then it has a cannon above it. :D
    July 7th, 2010 at 09:40pm
  • --He'll be 16 in October btw. I'm pretty it's nothing even close to that, but that would be sweet. No, we both said we're gonna be single forever, haha. We're only bestest friends. :3
    Hmmm, I don't usually indulge in candy or snacks, but I adore Fig Newtons. :D
    July 7th, 2010 at 07:12pm
  • --That sounds shweet, I'm gonna check them out.
    --Haha, yeah, I just started talking to him again this year through Facebook..See, My mamaw's friend is his Aunt, and apparently we were AMAZING friends when we were little. I haven't talked to him in ten years though, and I have no IDEA how we lost contact. We're totally alike. He just amazes me.
    --Hmmm.... it'll usually change all the time, but I currently love to listen to "Safe and Sound" by Kyosuke Himuro (featuring Gerard Way). Gerard sounds hella awesome in that song.
    It's like.... my summer anthem xD
    --Favorite snack/candy?
    July 7th, 2010 at 06:13pm
  • -Epically smexy! :3 lmao
    ---Haha, I think that Origami is amazing. Foreigness is beautiful :")
    -I just talked to my friend who said he went to a musicians center today and played a banjo xD
    He plays guitar, and he said that he was beasting it up and playing CampTown Ladies to the extreme on the banjo. Gah, he's full of it.
    ---On that random note, Do you have a favorite song at the moment? :D
    July 7th, 2010 at 04:38am
  • Haha, Halloween is my favorite tooo! All I do is paint my face. Last year I handed out candy to little kids, and I guess I scared them. xD
    But this year I'm gonna hang with some friends, maybe spend the night with someone, and we can have a Halloween party. :D
    I love covers to that song! My favorite cover is probably by Marilyn Manson. :3
    Have you heard of the band 'Origami'? They're Russian, so it looks like "Оригами" lol
    It wont auto-click, so you can copy and Google it, lol. :D
    July 7th, 2010 at 04:00am
  • Me tooooo. I used to play softball, I have tons of trophies, but I secretly hated it. :P
    I can't think of any questions!
    ....okay, what's you favorite Holiday? :D

    I thought that your layout was already pre-made. Good job. :3
    July 7th, 2010 at 01:40am
  • xD Yep, that's how I am, band tee and jeans.
    Hmm... Do you play any sports? Or used to?
    I'm now determined to read them. :D

    Merci!!! :3
    I got bored and made it myself. ;P
    July 6th, 2010 at 11:34pm
  • I usually wear black too. I can never seem to find any more plaid. >.>
    Haha, same here- black's the only color I wear.
    Nope, sadly, I haven't. :'(
    I've heard of the Vampire Chronicles, but I've yet to read them. I want to! D:
    July 6th, 2010 at 11:10pm
  • Hmm, I've never been asked that in my life :D
    Usually black plaid<3 lol, what about you?
    What color do you prefer your nails? :D lol
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Sadly, I haven't heard of either of those authors D:
    I will check the out the next chance I get, they both sound delightful.
    July 6th, 2010 at 11:03pm
  • Lmao. Monster makes memories. *:sigh:*
    I can't touch my nose with my tounge either, and I can't even roll my tounge! D:
    I can juggle though. :D
    I'm also double-jointed somehow in the tips of my fingers.
    Ahhhh, books. I have a 1026 page book of Edgar Allan Poe. <3
    I'd say he's my favorite, even though he was psycho. xD
    Do you have a favorite author? Or book?
    July 6th, 2010 at 09:04pm
  • I want to learn bass too. Oh, and cello. I blame Apocalyptica for that <3
    I usually drink water, but I like to a have a Dr. Pepper every once in a while :D
    hmmm... Do you have any strange talents? Like touching your nose with your tounge or juggling? lol
    Haha! My Dad calls my room 'My Cave' since I stay in here all the time. He calls me anti-social. :P
    July 6th, 2010 at 08:22pm
  • Thank ya, Honey. xD
    Oh! Well, I seem to have a fetish for guitars, so the guitarists, but it's so hard to choose.
    Hmmm.... What's YOUR favorite eye color and favorite member in a rock band?
    -Green headphones ftw!
    -I found out that I'm leaving for Holiday World on the 23rd, National MCR Day. So I get to celebrate in a hotel room with my family who doesn't understand how much I adore MCR. >.<
    July 6th, 2010 at 02:42pm
  • BEAST! lol
    That's awesome. I play a little bit of guitar- it's still a work in progres because I'm teaching myself :P
    I love that song by Coheed and Cambria! That was the first song I heard by them. I'm very determined to teach myself that on guitar- it seems like a kick-ass song to play.
    I hope your instumental dreams work out :D
    -My favorite color is black! I think it's so perrtty :3
    -My favorite member in a rock band? Garsh, I don't know if I have a fave. Can said-rocker be deceased? If so, then definately Kurt Cobain of Nirvana. <3
    -My favorite eye color? It usually doesn't matter but I LOVE grey eyes.
    Yesterday, I went with my mom to WalMart and bought some 'black cherry' Kool-Aid without her knowing. I've decided to dye my hair. D:
    GAH! That's so awesome! :D I'm gonna call you Honey. XD
    July 6th, 2010 at 05:54am
  • That. Is. Epic. :D
    I used a translator, I don't know any Finnish. >.<
    I've decided today that I'm going to teach myself little bits of funny phrases in French and Finnish. Oh, and "I love you." That is a necessity in any language. :D

    Hmm... What to ask...
    Do you play any instruments? If not, what would you want to learn how to play?
    July 5th, 2010 at 07:33pm
  • Awesome!!! <3

    Oma syntymäpäivä on seitsemästoista päivä helmikuuta
    Haha, that's Finnish for, "My birthday is on the seventeenth day of February" :D
    I share a birthday with Billie Joe Armstrong!
    I want to learn Finnish nowwwwwwwwww!!!! D:
    July 5th, 2010 at 05:08am
  • yeaaahhhhh!!! xD

    Oh, when is your birthday? (randomness :D )
    July 5th, 2010 at 03:11am