About You

I usually try to be nice, unless someone annoys me. People say I'm quiet. I say I just don't have anything to say. They should see me when I do.
Likes:sunglasses, Korean guys, DBSK, photobucket, Alex Rider, Draco Malfoy, Artemis Fowl, Percy Jackson, Pirates of the Caribbean, WALLE, Avatar
Dislikes:obnoxious people, snobs, spoilt brats, "cool" people, wannabes, Robert Pattinson, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus
Best Sayings Ever: May I borrow your pen? I need to stab you in the eye.
He said "I love you." I laughed and said "Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit."
Secret Admirer: A stalker with stationary.
Thanks for reading! =)

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layout made by Calli @ She Said Poptarts
photo belongs to Devintart