Tomorrow is ON.

For once I have decided not to listen to my parents' wishes, and rather than spending my 16th birthday at the bowling alley, like they keep telling me to, I sent out a Facebook message today just telling people to come along with drinks and food to a late night picnic in the field a bit up the road. Hopefully people will be able to make it - most people live fairly close so hopefully their parents...
August 1st, 2009 at 01:01am

I LOVE swine flu...

...because my brother Rich's girlfriend might have it.......and although I don't really mind her, it's funny because he's fallen out with her over it.My other brother Jay told me that Rich and Becka had had an argument because she wants him to go round and 'care for her' but he doesn't want to catch it off her if she does have it. Apparently she told him to f*** off and die. (Brilliant!!!) Someone...
July 29th, 2009 at 07:52pm

Twilight, San Andreas, and the "gay" question. ADVICE NEEDED!

So today started out really good, stayed really good, then I found out something which has made me pretty upset. I’ve got a feeling this is going to be quite a long one so if you’re up for offering me advice by all means skip to the end to when the whole lead-up to the annoying thing has been explained. Otherwise I’d love you to carry on reading about myboring exciting life... ;) ^_^First I...
July 28th, 2009 at 07:53pm

Computer games violence, and a hatred of camping.

Whinging about the annoying Saturday night in a journal was really therapeutic (is that the word?) so I needed to get on here again after just having an argument with my Dad. Why do things in life have to be so annoying all at once??Further to my last journal entry, I was really, really pleased because about 5 minutes after I'd finished it I got a text from a number I didn't recognise at first -...
July 28th, 2009 at 01:55am

Boys on Mibba and the Worst Houseparty Ever

Bit of a rant about my annoying Saturday night for today's journal. First I’ll just say how amazed at how many comments and things I got now I’ve joined Mibba– I wish I could reply to them all (hehe, sounds like I’m famous or something! *click click click, no pictures please!*) but they came in quite quick. I was pretty flattered and felt really welcome to Mibba but part of me suspects...
July 28th, 2009 at 12:01am

First journal - real one, that is.

SO today I joined Mibba - I wanted a change from DeviantArt where I didn't really get on with people because I think it was more art-based in the drawing sense. And well... I hate painting! I paint with my words. ^^ Or try to *shrugs*I thought I'd write this journal as well as a real "first" one because the other was just something I copied and pasted from somewhere else and didn't really know...
July 25th, 2009 at 03:43am