TinySliceOfHeaven / Comments

  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    *falls back* oh wow, wasn't expecting such a huge comment.

    haha, my comment was big? pssh. Yeah, i bet you wish your computer was a ninja like mine! it stole my sister's password and gave it to me for her facebook XD

    Well, just give it time. I'm starting to write again. I just..eh, you're doing better than me. I don't even have a diary.

    >.> not my fault. I just lost inspiration. I might make a new story, but more...realistic. But still, like how "Wanna Know A Secret" was.
    XD BLUE TOENAILS! *gets more nail polish and starts to put white polka-dots on your blue toenails.*

    XD nice. I don't like pictures all that much either, unless I'm taking them and it's like-hmm, no one will see this. XD

    Oh, I see....FF is fan fiction right? XDD sorry I'm like, ubberly tired. I was out shopping all day in 101 degrees weather.

    XD hey no fair. I though I made ToM up all by myself. :p no fair no fair no fair. Fine. Then I shall call IT Aunt Flow.
    XD oh my god, that sounds so bad. "I'm on Tom." Haha, dirty. XDD XP
    Oh, i see. Lucky you. I ALWAYS GET CRAMPS! they suck. See since I'm not very active-it's like I'm going through hell when Aunt Flow is visiting.
    XD lucky, I'm more hormonal.

    Nah, I passed..just barely. But still, eh, not a very fun time. XD really? I thought it was 3 more days. huh. oh wait, I'm not replying to you right away soo of course time has gone by haha.

    Micheal, emo? PSSSHHHH!!! don't make me laugh. He's just got something up his asre all day.

    XDDD donuts are yummy. I had some for dinner tonight. XD oh wow, I usually stay up til 12 every single night.
    Oh...oh...i...uh...i knew that...>.> XDDD big time rush isn't my most favorite show, but it's still pretty good.

    XD I hate it when I don't log into something forever and I have NOTHING to reply to. It's like "Seriously? No one missed me? u_u"

    XD food food food food food food food food food!

    Lol, yeah...you trailed off one the last sentence. Did you fall asleep on your keyboard? XD
    May 26th, 2011 at 02:39am
  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    I miss you lol, we've got to talk again. Comment back when you're online.
    May 5th, 2011 at 04:15pm
  • ImmaEnforcer

    ImmaEnforcer (100)

    United States
    =D Yep, I own chinchillas-- I call them my kids. They're great. I have 3 girls and two boys and they're my life. ^.^
    I read comments a lot too. It can be really fun.
    April 22nd, 2011 at 11:11pm
  • celestial_royalty

    celestial_royalty (100)

    United States
    hi! I'm Mathia and I just wrote...eh...a lot of Twilight stories as of late. the best is called Smile When Your Heart Breaks, featuring Paul!!! Please take a look~ and I also finished an Edward oneshot called Damsel In Distress, which is mostly a comedy. Or it's meant to be- tell me if you think it's funny [= I have problems with that- nobody ever seems to understand my humor...=/

    I put up my first Harry Potter fic here as well and I have a lot of others- VD, Original, a7x, lots! Please let me kno if you like <3
    March 18th, 2011 at 08:13pm
  • Icamane Hatake

    Icamane Hatake (250)

    United States
    I randomly thought of this and wanted to tell you xD
    I totally took your suggestion of writing a sequal to "Reading Between The Lines" and I wrote it for NaNoWriMo :)
    Here's a link if you're interested:
    But mostly I want to say thank you for inspiring me <3 <3 <3
    March 15th, 2011 at 03:56am
  • Oh shizz! I jizzed

    Oh shizz! I jizzed (100)

    Hey there, I saw your comment on "Bones are Beautiful," which I wrote haha(: And thank you so much!

    But alas, my profile was deleted, so I have to start the story once again :/ But thank you, again <3
    January 26th, 2011 at 12:53am
  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    What...the...hell! XDD that was a freaking LONG comment xD Okay lets see if I can top that.....um...

    haha, seriously? well duh, i've tried that before with your profile-but i only got like half way through before it's like "you got to log in to comment" so yeah, lol.

    I know!!! I missed you!!! lol, but I do feel bad for abandoning mibba cause like-i have no other writing sites-besides quizilla(yuck :-( ) and inkpop(which i haven't posted anything on it)- haha, i'll slap ya for ya. but then again, i just painted my nails XDDD hey don't worry, i feel so crappy for forgetting about YDKM and FR. oh and did you see that WKAS(wanna know a secret) is gone? I feel sooooooo horrible!!!! I mean, I just couldn't do it! so i had to, but now im like heartbroken cause im like "Well I could have tried to save it!" but noooo i just deleted it and now im suffering :*(

    lol, yay for comments!!!!! and i think i commented you like...3 or 4 times already. Anyways you have fanfiction? cool, i was gonna get one, but i decided not to. how is it?

    oh, i feel your pain(seriously). I about to start too. and hey, speaking of TOM, how bout whenever we got to talk about girl stuff we just say TOM visited us? haha, lol, now i know what tom stands for now. T.O.M. hahahahaha XDD okay enough rofl. but yeah, well i always have bad cramps. and its like going through hell.

    oh, yeah schools been okay for me(except the fact that my mom WILL kill me if i don't start working. I've got to do like a lot, perhaps 35 pages in each subject ex. math, language arts, science. in 8 days or else she'll flunk me :p)

    BRITISH!!! DID YOU SAY BRITISH! DUDE I WANNA MAKE MICHEAL BRITISH BUT HE WON'T LET ME! And African my ass, any guy who sounds British is British! haha, well girl for me i'd probably need a zap to the chest cause i'd be out like a light haha.

    Pizza!!! dude, i can stay up all night if i wanted to, my mom doesn't care as long as i don't snap at her in the morning lol. OMFG I LOVE GEORGE LOPEZ!! AND DUDE I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT WATCHING THE MARATHON TOOOOO!!!!!!! XDDD whats BTR? ??? rofl. dude, thats freaking early. don't you need your sleep?-oh wait i forgotzz, ya got school haha. nevermind then. get up as early as you want as i sleep in til 11:00 haha.

    oh okay, i haven't logged into aim for like forever, yikes. i bet emails are flooding my inbox! damnnnn it. haha. skype? no. i have yahoo, gmail, aim, and uh...yeah, thats it. just those three.

    haha, how can you say my name and marshmallow together without going hunger crazed? seriously that sounds good, a cookie marshmallow...mmmmm.

    I love 1,000 ways to die! haha, and i haven't seen that one yet, but dude i bet it was hilarious. Have you seen that one when the guy straps a sasauge to his leg when he goes out to a club and all the women think it's his ya know what? dude that one is soo funny.

    no i don't think sooo...unless we gotta catch up on how ubberly lazy we are. haha, i haven't updated anything yet-im just like editing FR.

    P.S. reply: haha, no they seriously should be. But im so shocked that Ryan is cause he's never mad at me. so it just makes me feel very very sad :*(
    and seriously? haha, Michael would eat that reason. Derek would probably roll his eyes, and Ryan would burst out into tears o.e....and Eric would make some sexual joke while Darren...well he'd probably laugh.
    January 23rd, 2011 at 09:12pm
  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    Heyyyyy, it's been forever and I'm soo guilty for like abandoning mibba. All my stories are mad at me too o.o plus the guys..yikes.

    But anyways-OMG ELLA WHAT'S UP????? hehe, sorry hyper
    January 14th, 2011 at 01:16am
  • kizza :D

    kizza :D (100)

    you came third in the Writing contest Hate/Love
    as a prize you have your story in my signature for 1 months and the satisfaction of getting into the top 3!! XD
    Congrats again!!
    Kizza :D
    December 26th, 2010 at 12:04pm
  • dirt whispered.

    dirt whispered. (100)

    United States
    Just a reminder: the deadline for my Pick A Song Contest (http://www.mibba.com/forums/topic/160987/) is tomorrow (December 24th -Xmas Eve!).
    Please let me know if you will need more time or if you need to drop out. Otherwise, I look forward to getting your entry soon. :D
    Good Luck & Happy Holidays!!
    December 24th, 2010 at 12:26am
  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    Dude long comment haha
    December 5th, 2010 at 05:55pm
  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    um, something something...xD oh wait

    yeah i have thick hair too, but it's like chopped off so that it lays on my shoulders and, luckily, covers my ears. it's soooo cold outside so i really love my hair now lol

    cool! i'd love to have my hair braided but my mom sucks at it and the last time my grandmother did it i passed out :o

    Derek? Oh he's...um..wait i don't know where he is...Michael where'd Derek go?
    Michael: Does it look like I care?
    Me: Prissy....-.-
    Ryan: I'm cool! yay!! *hugs you*

    lol, yeah cause Darren is a demon-not a vampire. The one who turned the girl into a vampire is gonna be called Daniel-.....wait what the hell is up with all the names starting with d?...Derek, Darren, Daniel...lol
    But yeah, Darren isn't gonna be in the story yet until like-chapter 4 maybe?

    Michael: Why the hell does the new guy have a story?
    Me: Cause I want him to be in a story.
    Ryan: I wanna be in a story!!!
    Me: Ryan you are gonna be in a story-the same story as Darren.
    Eric: Make him shut up please?
    December 5th, 2010 at 05:55pm
  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    haha, i want chocolate! gimme chocolate cookie!!!! *steals cookie from darren*
    Darren: :p that was my cookie
    me: I'm your cookie, so shush haha

    lol, nice. I'm doing good in math too, but I'm like really acing science.

    lol, do you keep running your fingers through it? i know that since my hair is so short i can only flip it hahaha

    xDDDDD I only gag when I smell something I don't like-see someone else throwing up-or if i want to be random i'll start gagging hahaha

    lol, bitch! hahahahaha, you should've started a name calling war with him to see who's the winner.

    awwwwh, Ryan creeps you out? hahaha

    oh, and the story comment, you haven't even meet Darren yet in the story so how do you know if he's 500 years old or not?
    December 2nd, 2010 at 05:05pm
  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    lol! haha, CHOCOLATE! xDDDD so then, do you wanna borrow Derek then? Or Eric? haha
    December 1st, 2010 at 10:19pm
  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    haha, well thank you for the story comment.
    Lol, awwwh, you know if you want to borrow Michael....
    Michael: EW GOD NO! O.O
    December 1st, 2010 at 12:32am
  • my_broken_heart

    my_broken_heart (120)

    United States
    no, I totally agree! it would be good to get an editor of some sort on our story, and I will resend it to you in a while! and I don't like to give up on people. It's showing true weakness ;)
    November 30th, 2010 at 07:52am
  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    lucky haha.

    yep, haha, aren't we just the perfectest friends? lol

    haha, well check out my new story "Kiss Me, and Wash Away All of My Dreams" it has Darren in it.

    Awwwh, are me and the guys that bad?
    Michael: -.- $#%@#^$#&#
    Me: *hits him* go wash your mouth out with soap!
    November 30th, 2010 at 01:00am
  • youth and whiskey.

    youth and whiskey. (415)

    United States
    It's not a problem. Anything to help out a fellow writer. <3
    Uhm, just PM them to me on here and I'll read over it and make any corrections that are needed. <3
    November 29th, 2010 at 10:08pm
  • Cookie121416

    Cookie121416 (100)

    United States
    Oh yes, haha. yea, my friend sure did come visit me. lol. and hasn't left yet.

    lol, yeah, atleast we tried. so are you happy that I redid "Word from my boys"?
    November 29th, 2010 at 07:13pm
  • my_broken_heart

    my_broken_heart (120)

    United States
    It's all good! I sent you the next chapter through gmail... And I totally understand about the not writing very much phase/pity party phase, because I do it all the time. So no worries! I just figured you were sick or something and decided to wait to post until you got back to me, though I did edit the chapter a bit. If you want me to resend it to you, whether its via message, or just gmail, let me know. And again, it's okay! I totally understand and am honestly glad you got back to me before I just said screw it and deleted the whole thing. :)
    November 29th, 2010 at 03:43am