
United States
Joined date
July 25th, 2009


my name is joan, but i like to be called j o a n i e
i wish i could think of something really creative to put on here...*silence.*
anyone who has commented or subscribed to any of my stories on here;
i'm sorry to infinity that I haven't updated since like November.. writer's block kills.
I'm not retiring though! I'm gonna put any and all of my free time working on my Bill Kaulitz story, I have some good ideas for it, and I think it could turn out good.. as for my other stories, if I get random inspiration then sure, I'll update. But for now I'm really focused on Superstar.

Reasons I may not be updating;
Mibba is being a jerk and makes me re login, hence loosing everything I wrote.
No inspiration.
Lack of computer.

*I'm not trying to make excuses though* :)

You know how it is being a teenager in this world. Pretty stressful. I love love love my family, and my friends are some kind of amazing. I'm still the only person I trust though. I get mad over the littlest things, I over analyze just about everything. I live off of my iPod, and I'm not a freak who's attached to their phone like 99.9 % of my school is. People who obsess over material things annoy the crap outta me. I can't stand when little 11 and 12 year olds have relationships. I also can't stand self-absorbed people. I LOVE giving advice. I try my hardest not to judge people by their cover... but if I get to know you and you're a jerk then I have every right to judge you, thank you very much. I watch the movie Ten Things I Hate About You at LEAST once a week. Once, I watched it three days in a row. It pwns the tv show. I'm crushed that Hannah Montana is ending. I get fixed off the Tyra Show. I deleted my MySpace of four years a few months ago and it was the best decision I ever made. I'm single, and I plan on staying that way until a guy can actually treat me right..I liked one guy for two years, and he turned around and treated my like a piece of garbage. I hate hate hate when people are nasty towards teen moms. It could be worse, you could be on drugs, which in my opinion is way worse. I hate when people use working at Walmart or McDonalds as a negative term. It's a paying job that someone has to do! I think the president is more of a celebrity than a president. I despise the public school system, if I could go to catholic school, I would. I play the flute. I have no inkling of what I'm going to be when I grow up... all I know right now is I love to write... all you Mibba folks should feel honored, I spent more time making this than I did on facebook(:

Talk to me for a good time :)