Is It Good Im Not Taking My Meds?

I wonder if its a good thing thast Im not taking my meds. My brain children stop me staying that they will only make things worse, but I know they are helping. Things have gone from bad to worse, with my father, I try to talk to him and all I end up doing is crying. This is weird because I never cry in front of anyone unless Im in extreme ammounts of pain. I promised my boyfriend that I wouldnt...
March 26th, 2011 at 01:11am

What Am I Getting Myself Into?

I wonder why I cant let the tears fall, feel the releif this blade gives me. At times it seems that this blade is my only friend, the only one that understands me. Im in love with my best friends ex, but she still wants me to help her get thou this. She doesnt know what he capable of, how many brusies he has given to everyone dear to him. I know for a fact that he uses any girl he can just to get...
January 14th, 2011 at 05:04am

Just My Writings On The World

This is a world full of hate that no one can stand, without a little bit of help. Some just see themselves falling, slipping away from humanity. Some just act happy but we know we’re not, just lost, lonely and confused. Others want the tears that fall after a bad day, just to get them asleep though all the pain.But I know that I won’t make it to 30, I just hate my life so much. Burn marks,...
August 9th, 2010 at 06:20am

Getting Help Through This

Just so people know, I'm finally getting help. That and Ive been put on medication. For what I have is called psychotic depression. It is were a person hears voices and see people which are not there. I did not know this kind of depression existed until the councilor told me.I have also not told my boyfriend about it yet, I'm just afraid that he wont want to help me. But I think he will, for it is...
April 7th, 2010 at 02:46am

The Cuts Just Get Deeper And Deeper

I have tried my hardest to keep myself alive but its not working. Every cut seems to just get deeper and deeper. I don't know what to do anymore. I want to kill myself but something is stopping me. Most nights I find myself crying myself to sleep, after slicing my arms up. Most days are like torture, even just getting out of bed is hard. I've been told that everything will get better but I can't...
February 14th, 2010 at 04:13am

Till Death Is My Only Friend

I'm finding it hard to sleep at night. It is getting worse, no matter what I try. I'm becoming even more depressed. So instead of sleeping, I cut away at my skin. I try and act like nothings wrong, like I am still happy and carefree. With out sleep I am finding it hard to keep up with school work and scouts and piano. I am also loosing my appetite, there fore loosing weight. Which is not a good...
January 29th, 2010 at 10:15am

Life And Love

The only thing that is keeping me alive, is my love for my boyfriend. I haven't known him that long, but after two weeks keeping him clam. Mind you that was at Jamboree, and you either ended up liking everyone or hating they're guts. But that transgressing from the point a little. He makes everything worth while, the light at the end of my tunnel. I feel so sorry for him when he sees my new cuts,...
January 24th, 2010 at 11:13am

Which Way Now?

It seems as my life takes its course, I end up thinking about death. I love my new boy friend, but my Ex's think its they're job to look after me. Why can't everyone just leave me alone? Just give me space to breathe. I've already tried to over dose on painkillers ( about 100 ), that I like to make myself bleed. It makes me feel real, feel ever so human. So now it's high time I decide if living is...
January 24th, 2010 at 03:28am