Dust in the Wind...

Sometimes it's really hard to come to terms with someone you truly cared for leaving for the great beyond. It's like a knife through the heart at times, and a dull throb at others. Sometimes a person doesn't want to believe it, that when they round the corner the person will be there to give them a hug. But that's never the case and never will be.I remember the last time I hung out with my friend....
December 9th, 2010 at 05:51am


It seems as though everyone that isn't from BC (and a few that are) are all for the Olympics. But most of those from BC are already comfortably well off and do not realize the damage it will inflict to the families and youth that are in poverty. Gordon Campbell (B.C's premier) Has taken away Ten Million dollars away from the funding that helps many families and children in need. That means that...
February 13th, 2010 at 10:59pm

Nearing time to hit the dusty trail and get the hell off Vancouver Island and out of BC

To be entirely honest... I really despise where I live. I'm growing to despise it even more now that the Olympics will be here in a few short weeks. It seems as though the "cool" little punk wannabe's seem to enjoy undermining me and laughing when some misfortune hits. And I know why, because in this crappy small town, even if they don't really know you... They've heard of you and think that they...
December 30th, 2009 at 12:29pm

RIP Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan

Although the cause of death, or even time is unknown his untimely death has left me fairly heartbroken. For he was in life, the drummer of the band that had the most influence in my life. When I heard this news first shock, then disbelief filled my system. But alas upon reading it in print on Avenged Sevenfold's facebook page, I knew it had to be true. His loss saddens my...
December 29th, 2009 at 07:02am

"Hurts to breathe"

Have you ever loved someone so much that the thought that they aren't with you made your insides twist and hurt. Have you ever felt that it hurts to breathe when you know that you are loosing them. I feel it deep within my soul and I hate it. The thought that this person is with someone else makes anger, hate and deep rooted hurt tear me to shreds on the inside as if some horrid demon is trying to...
July 13th, 2009 at 07:44am

Your new girlfriend...

She looks like a Crack-Wh*re. Come to think of it you do too. I'm gonna hurt her, simply for my own sick pleasure. Rend her apart mentally with Glares, and far off whispers she can't decipher. OH, and I'm going to look right at her while I do it too. Shes bad for you, Considering since you guys have been going out you've started doing drugs every other day and smoking CRACK. I love you, so I will...
July 12th, 2009 at 01:59am

These Two Wanna-be Kinder Goths Can Screw Off

Okay so, here is my rant on some of the people I know that think that they are goth. Well two people in particular, because it is all too obvious that they are trying waaayyyy to hard to be "goth". For one the true goth scene is dead mostly... Listening to new cradle of filth and worshipping the lead singer is not goth. And new cradle of filth is Shyte. As for part two, wearing heinously...
July 6th, 2009 at 08:56pm

Hot and Heavy

You probably thought this was something kinky right? WRONG...I just felt like talking about my adventures in the big city...I was carrying a big backpack in 90 degree weather hence hot and heavy AND I got lost in the lower east side where some cracked out dude followed me for like 20 minutes. I had to literally scream at him to make him go away. F*ckin hell the big city is confusing, there are...
July 5th, 2009 at 09:50pm

insults through journal entries...

I noticed that Jinxeh posted something earlier on this topic and I thought that I'd add my two bits about it.People who write journal entries to bash people online are obviously too timid to say such things in person...My friend let me know a few weeks ago that someone Had written a mean journal about me on this site, I was thinking to myself "Whoop-de-F***in-doo"So you can type mean things, thats...
July 4th, 2009 at 04:45am

Changes of pace

Oh dear...How I used to love you so. You were the guy that I adored for years, the man that constantly ran through my mind. You jesse were my dream guy. You gave me the first of alot of things, the first kiss that made me weak. The first one that I kissed in the snow. The first one that made me feel entirely comfortable in my own skin. I loved you, I still kind of do. But since you have moved to...
July 4th, 2009 at 04:18am

Why Can't I have a family too.

My Adoptive family pretty much disowned me when I found out that I was adopted. It was when I needed them most, cause it wasn't them who told me. It was my best friend, kinda harsh eh? It was a few years ago now, at least four...maybe five. But now it seems that no one wants me. No one has time for me, sure my real mom tries but shes doing it wrong. She can't buy my love, thats not how it works....
May 18th, 2009 at 06:34am

punk isn't really real anymore.

It seems these days as though people don't really understand what real punk is. It is because real punk rock died many years ago. With the death of Joey Ramone, and Sid Vicious. The ideals of the original punk movements were to throw out the norm and say fuck the man. The man could be your boss or the president, or your parents. Another Ideal of the original punk movement from the 70's and early...
May 16th, 2009 at 06:56am


I'm starting to get really tempted to comment everything with the name Cullen or Jonas with a capitalized FAIL. Neither Stephanie Meyer or the Jonas brothers have talent. It so overdone and rather silly. And yes I fully understand that this site is about creative writing. But having 9/10 stories on every page about either Twilight or the Jonas brothers is getting on my nerves. For it to be...
March 15th, 2009 at 05:31am

Dear Ronnie

I just wrote a letter to Ronnie Radke...I hope he mails me back...I told him how much his music means to me and why. That would make my life if he writes back :) His song the day I left the womb pulled on my heartstrings alot...I just want him to know what I feel when I listen to it. I'm even singing it for a talent show at my highschool....though I doubt the kids there would get it....Damn twinks...
November 19th, 2008 at 09:28am