paul.prescott / Comments

  • hannah94xoxo

    hannah94xoxo (100)

    PAUL :) haven't heard from you since forever! hope you're doing good
    hows life going? xx
    September 15th, 2010 at 06:38pm
  • BeautifulDisaster18

    BeautifulDisaster18 (100)

    United States
    lol yea i suppose your right
    im scared to push my limits, im like and uber shy, not very adventurous person
    usually i find my inspiration through personal pain and that works for me
    but i want something new, i want to show beauty rather than agony
    haha i might just have to do that even though my parents already question my sanity on occasions xD
    August 23rd, 2010 at 11:56pm
  • BeautifulDisaster18

    BeautifulDisaster18 (100)

    United States
    pretty good i suppose
    ive lost all my creativity and can't write a thing
    and my senior year so far is beyond boring lol
    August 21st, 2010 at 06:29pm
  • BeautifulDisaster18

    BeautifulDisaster18 (100)

    United States
    hey hey =)
    i haven't talked to you in forever
    hows it goin?
    August 9th, 2010 at 08:59pm
  • Penelope Lemons

    Penelope Lemons (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hey, nice to meet you :) im penny

    ah ive got to be honest, im a total amateur when it comes to poetry, can't get my head around half of it but i will have a look around your stuff :)

    so hows your weekend been?
    June 6th, 2010 at 03:42pm
  • KirstyFigueira

    KirstyFigueira (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aw, thank you so much.
    That means the world to me that you think that.
    I don't know what happens, I just think of 1 line and it kinda escalates from there.
    But my poems have to rhyme or I think they don't make sense.
    Thank you again.
    I'll read your stories when I have time,

    love xxx
    April 15th, 2010 at 10:47pm
  • KirstyFigueira

    KirstyFigueira (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    your songs are amazing <3
    maybe read my stuff sometime (-: xx
    April 15th, 2010 at 01:29am
  • BoyEatsWorld.

    BoyEatsWorld. (100)

    United States
    My excuse;;
    No one is perfect.
    April 4th, 2010 at 08:05pm
  • hannah94xoxo

    hannah94xoxo (100)

    guten tag, again :) Wie geht's?
    im gud at this ;) ^_^ haha
    oh thanks for reading it :) hehe. im trying to develop my writing 'skills' or whatever, or no, im tryin to learn writing skills by writing more i guess..but yea..i'll try to update soon :)
    lol as of right now, im just expressing how i feel at the moment, so i probably just blurted out some things on my poem, and they probably wont make sense either..and i just posted a new one too. hehe.
    xxxx ttyl
    April 3rd, 2010 at 04:33pm
  • hannah94xoxo

    hannah94xoxo (100)

    guten tag :D ;) ( that is probably the only word i know, other than ich liebe dich, haha) i am so happy to see your amazing reply! haha thanks for taking your time replying me :). well i am in malaysia right now, its in south east asia. the hot! extremely hot. like a 150 degrees hot. and here its a nice place to live, the neighborhood is okay, the time is way different, i try not to sleep during the day at school but im getting the hang of it :) and what is a pain, as usual..i came in the mids of where everything is due in and the need of catching up is a huge pain, but friends here are great, and friendly. i go to an international school, a british school, because it is closer to home than the american school, so it is a huge adjusment i needed to make, and wow the system is different too, the way they teach and the school sylybus...but i guess im gonna have to get use to it. so yea that is so far how life goes around here.

    and about this person, this guy, i met him at my younger sister's school while i was picking her up, he is well a bit immature of how do i say it, umm..he doesnt act like his age, and he is a year younger than me, but whenever i am around him i felt like a sister, who has to tell him off if his doing something not his age. and i dont like the feeling, like im a sister to him. i want to feel, well, like his friend or well a lover or something. i dont even know how to tell him this. i've been asking my close friends about this but they all say i have to confront him, tell him what i expect from him as a boyfriend. and i am not used to this. my relationship with other guys before had always been okay, and they know that they had to be the matured one, and be the guy of the relationship, but this one is not really...hehehh. so yea i am not sure how i am suppose to tell him or even what to say to him. i feel guilty everytime he talks to me when he's happy. he's a sweet person and i feel like such a bad person keeping my feelings like this from him. :/

    wow and Gravity, it sure does have a great meaning behind it. she is one special girl to have you to write song like that ;). it's great you found someone like her, even if you guys just talk on msn. it doesnt matter, if it's fate then maybe you guys are going to meet anyhow ;) planning to visit japan anytime soon? ;) hehe. and i realy like the thought of 'distance cant weaken relationship in fact it makes them stronger', i'd always think it's the other way around, but when you've said it it's actually true.
    so are you learning japanese too? ;) ;) hehe. it feels good to teach someone something and learn something from them too :)
    and yeshh i've heard the songg!!! i was so excited! and you have great lyrics in there so i decided to put it as my msn status! :) not copying or whatsoever of some sort of course, i love to put great lyrics on there :) and my friends were always asking me where the heck did i found all these great lyrics and quotes! :) and i'd say well i just have some good taste in songs ;) haha...not really. they're just great words that i think should be shared and i asked my friens to listen to your song :) and they said its great. great words and music. :D im so happy.
    ooohh has she heard the song? what did she think of it? i bet she loved it :D

    and about the new fresh parts you read..which story? haha i honestly forgot, it's been a month since i write..whoa thats long, and im planning to post some chapters on this easter break :) i get 2 weeks off, which i am so greatful at..hehe :D
    and sorry i didnt see earlier that you have commented on my poems. cuz we dont get notifications and stuff, or is that just me...but whatever, i read them and thank you...........................................................this much and much more i really aprreciate you commenting on it :) especialy from an awsome poet like you :) i have to say i did write this so spontanieously(not proud, because i can never know if it's good or bad, which most of the time it's bad) i didnt even notice about some of the things that you said that they so thank you for the comment/feedback :D
    ps. teach me how to say how are you in german! hehe
    so i can ask you that..haha
    April 3rd, 2010 at 05:06am
  • hannah94xoxo

    hannah94xoxo (100)

    okiee so im back on here..and i read your song/poem :)
    woww, is the word. it sure does have this effect on me. okay im not sure but what i understand from this (becuase i think it is because i am in this situation) is that it's about how you feel that someone, that you're with, they're not good for you, not the right person, and well you can't say anything or do anything because you feel guilty and it's just you know you can't do anything about it because well you dont want to hurt them, and you know that they care for you so much but you just don't feel that there is anything between you and that person...but by holding on to it you are actually hurting yourself more, and well because it is not the right person, and you know its gonna hurt them if they know that you don't think they're right for you and you're just holding on to to the relationship or whatsoever because of yea, i dont know..but thats how i see it;
    I’m finding your gravity
    An ultimate uncertainty
    So powerful, it’s hurting me
    I can’t move on cause I can’t break free
    Of your gravity

    i love the chorus, it describes how i feel exactly perfectly.
    sorry if my interpretation is not right. and i think i just told you some stuff that you dont even need to know and you probably will be like umm what is this girl talking about?, but yea
    but wow it is good, to me :D
    great job! amazing.
    thinking of recording it and ya know, let people (me) listen to it? ;) hehe jokes.
    March 31st, 2010 at 04:54pm
  • hannah94xoxo

    hannah94xoxo (100)

    wow my message was long..sorry about that..hehe x
    March 31st, 2010 at 03:46pm
  • hannah94xoxo

    hannah94xoxo (100)

    ooohhhh....i AM INCREDIBLY SORRY for replying extremelyyy late!!!
    im so sorry..
    owh mann..i just practically moved country..
    so yea..i moved house and didnt have internet so i couldnt reply...and the service here is pretty slow
    okie so im going to reply to your first last message that i didnt reply to first hehe
    you ran 5 miles?? wow....well you'r healthy ;) hehe.
    are you saying girls wear you out? :-o
    just to let you know, not most girls wear you out ;) haha..well i dont know but it's different to guy's perspective..and i think it is because i am girl also..haha nahh im just joking haha..but it's funny how you compare girls with running hahaha. thats is funny. i told my friends and they laughed and one of them said it is true..haha
    but yes i hope your miss right will be right around the corner near you ;) and not wear you out like a 5 mile run does..haha ;)
    okay now reply number 2. i am good :) pretty tiring with school work here, and to adapt to a new school's sylabus ( i cant spell hehe).
    next week is easter break/spring break for my school and it is 2 weeks! i can finally get some time off. but school here, its crazy they give you all the assignments and tests the week before holiday and stuff due in this week, so i was like what is wrong with the school!!?? lol but it's all done as of today so im in a good mood :)
    and oooooooohhhhh...finally! a song came out!! :D and thank you for telling me :D i feel honored ;) hehe. i cant wait to hear it! and in fact im going to check it out straight after this :D told you inspiration will somehow come to you :)
    the tittle sounds interesting i cant wait to find out what it says ;) it's about time..:D
    hehe oh and thanks for liking my poem :) i wasn't sure about it but i hope what i wrote make sense eventhough well it is kinda obvious but yeah..
    oh okiee i have to go, my mom is shoutin at me downstairs, gotta go for dinner now. btw CONGRATULATIONS on getting back your inspiration :)
    i have to read it later on tonight okay :D
    how are you and hows your life? good good?
    March 31st, 2010 at 03:38pm
  • LutherJames

    LutherJames (100)

    Italy really is a wonderful place. I always imagined myself moving to a place like that when I got into my older years to settle down and die at. Moving around so much isn't so bad I guess, you get use to it and yeah some experiences that most people don't get did come from it, so meh. thx about the story openning, I went back over and saw tons wrong with it though lol, bit of a perfectionist myself, my friend keeps telling me to just run with it though and edit the details later so that the story can keep growing without getting caught up in the beginning. I've just recently gotten into writting but I've always been into reading. What's this story idea you're talking about? I'm interested. Have you wrote any stories before?
    March 30th, 2010 at 08:36pm
  • LutherJames

    LutherJames (100)

    nah don't worry about it. Wow your travels really sound amazing. I've been all over Europe too but always with my parents and doing site seeing, which I'm really not all that into. I've thought about staying in germany in the past but it's been so long since I've been in the states, I thought I'd give it a try and then decide where I want to live. I'm not officially from anywhere though, I've moved around every three years as is normal to military PCSing but my parents just extended over in germany. I've lived here longer than I've lived anywhere else. No I got to a american school on the military base here, I wish I could go to german school :[ My favorite place in europe though would have to be Italy, I've been there traveling teh most and have had some really awesome times there going with a church group called club beyond. Not really religous but they have great trips all over teh place :]
    March 29th, 2010 at 07:13pm
  • LutherJames

    LutherJames (100)

    My dad is US military and they love being overseas so they've just extended their stay over here and here I am. It's pretty kewl, I have tons of freedom here. I'm over the drinking age so I get to party with my friends in public which is weird for new people when they first come. Anddd yeah, germany is actually pretty awesome. A little boring at times but the people are pretty nice and I have a few german friends. You're english obviously, like England english. Have you ever been outside the UK?
    March 29th, 2010 at 12:32pm
  • LutherJames

    LutherJames (100)

    haha thanks for your comment too. yeah I know about the profanity, and the 'noise' part is just kinda a local thing people say that just kinda means 'this situation' idk really haha
    March 28th, 2010 at 10:10pm
  • LutherJames

    LutherJames (100)

    I can speak a lot more german than I can write but yeah I live in germany. Have been for seven years now. Never took any german classes though so my spelling would be really terrible if I tried lol. Your poem thing wasn't bad, I just didn't understand it fully. See a little more where you're coming for though now. thanks
    March 28th, 2010 at 10:06pm
  • CaesarSalad

    CaesarSalad (105)

    United States
    I'm quite good really. And yourself? No problem. They are gorgeous pictures after all.
    March 5th, 2010 at 11:40pm
  • hannah94xoxo

    hannah94xoxo (100)

    ps. happy valentines day to u! hope u make the best of this day with or without a special one ;)
    February 15th, 2010 at 07:19am