Rainy Misery

United States
Joined date
July 27th, 2009


Hi! My name is Ariana. I love to read stories of any kind as long as they are good!. I'm 17. I can be complicated, shy, stubborn. I hate crowds, i don't get along with a lot of people. Animals mean the world to me, if i could do anything ever it would be to save all the poor animals that get put down each year. My ferrets are my life, Khione is old and acts like she was born a month ago, Phoenix is grumpy but she loves everyone she meets, Kreios is a trouble maker, but hes to cute to stay mad at. I have a very low self esteem, but that cant be helped. I'm very gulible, and its pretty bad, people have walked all over me. I have major trust issues now. My family is complicated in many ways. I can be a bitch to a lot of people, but i'm not going to say sorry now because I always have a reason to be a bitch. I yell at the morons on the road that can't drive, they make me pretty mad and I don't even drive lol. I hate girly things like cheerleading, and the color pink. I fight with inanimate objects all the time and don't always win. I can be a major sweetheart, and love you to death if i think you're a good person.