jessica5533 / Comments

  • FeelLikeRain

    FeelLikeRain (100)

    United States
    Hi there! If you have time I would love it if you could give my new stories a read. :)
    I would love to hear your feedback.
    April 17th, 2014 at 10:24pm
  • jessica5533

    jessica5533 (100)

    United States
    @ Desori
    Sounds good to me! Very Happy
    October 15th, 2012 at 03:10am
  • Desori

    Desori (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thank you very much for the comment :) I'm going to try and keep the main plot the same, but parts of the story will be expanded upon or changed completely. (I'm already planning on changing the size of Alex's house )
    October 13th, 2012 at 09:48pm
  • Johniece

    Johniece (200)

    United States
    You have read my work? :o yay! I am glad you liked them. :3
    August 18th, 2011 at 10:08pm
  • Johniece

    Johniece (200)

    United States
    So, I got this crazy notion to send a "Hello" message to every person on my mibba friend list. So, if you are reading this, obviously you are on my friends list. So, tell me, how are you? What have you been up to? It may have been a long time since you and I had a chat....
    August 13th, 2011 at 09:50pm
  • Beloved.

    Beloved. (100)

    Vampire and Me now has a sequel. (:
    December 25th, 2010 at 01:46am
  • little.light

    little.light (100)

    United States
    You're too kind! Thank you for commenting!<3
    October 3rd, 2010 at 07:49am
  • Desori

    Desori (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Omg , yeah, i [i]hate[/i] the ones that dissolve really quickly, i once had tablets that i had to take six times a day and they always dissolved really quick, at the start I had to master taking them without gagging. They were probably my worst tablets, not only did they dissolve real fast, they had loads of side effects.

    I actually had a dream last night, where I was packing to go on holiday and I packed everything but forgot to get a repeat prescription, so I had no pills, i was freaking the hell out.
    My pills, at the moment, also have a kind of placebo role in my life. Yes, they do help, but most of my diseses go though periods of being really bad, then being absent, then returning, they're incurable but recently, mostly mine has been pretty much fine.
    I'm allowed to take a dosage of tablets to my choosing, I know when I need them and how strong they are, so they just told me to choose. I don't even need to take them at the moment. However, if i don't take them then I get worried and stressed incase it comes back again and i haven't taken anything to help me, and my main disease is triggered by stress and anxiety so by not taking the tablet, then worrying, it does start again.

    I hate tablets that you have to dissolve first then drink. I haven't taken many of those, but they tend to be the most disgusting.
    June 30th, 2010 at 10:40am
  • Shame and Fortune

    Shame and Fortune (100)

    United States
    it's pretty fun. but still very competitive O=

    I SAW IT.
    it was pretty amazing (=
    June 30th, 2010 at 07:05am
  • Shame and Fortune

    Shame and Fortune (100)

    United States
    swimming =D

    OH ME TOO!
    all my friends told me it was really good D:
    June 24th, 2010 at 09:33am
  • Desori

    Desori (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah, i never hated hospitals and doctors until I had to go there so much. Ugh. Yeah, i have my lip done too, and I almost backed out of it, but it was fine afterwards, the piercing itself hardly hurt at all, It's cartilage which I now hate getting pierced, which is why I'm doing another cartilage piercing tomorrow.

    Yeah, I wonder that myself, I'm just really clumsy, and randomly trip at the top then roll the whole way down. It hurts. my ankle always swells to like 3 times its normal size.

    Yeah, I am, at one stage I was on 17 pills a day, now they've managed to cut down and I only take 4 a day. I'm supposed to be on 5 but I usually skip one of the iron tablets otherwise I have to space them apart.
    Good thing is that I've mastered the ability to take 13 tablets in one gulp, it's pretty useful :)
    June 23rd, 2010 at 04:58pm
  • Desori

    Desori (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh my gosh, I'm exactly like that. I lie to the doctors about how I feel because sometimes telling the truth makes me feel like a complete hypochondriac. The hospital actually caught on pretty quickly, there is one department I had to visit every month - and now every 6 months to see how I'm doing. Gastroenterology. Anyway, every time I go, first they weigh me then I go to the doctor's office and have a chat about how I'm doing, about my tablets, any questions etc. When they ask how i was doing I'd lie and say I was better than I actually was. Especially the first year or so, when I wasn't well at all; anyway, because when I go though rough stages the disease causes me to loose weight, they could kind of tell when I wasn't so good. So then they'd be all 'Okay, Kate, How are you [i]really[/i]?'
    Then because I'd stick to what I said, they started making me have a blood test every time I went. (By the way I really really hate needles - i still lie anyway).

    I also lie to other people about how I feel. So when I mention I'm not feeling well, people know I'm really not feeling well.

    Meh, it's okay, doesn't really do anything, I'm just curious about what else they would find if they gave me an MRI scan on the rest of my body. Especially my ankles, which are really weak. Actually they never used to be weak, but I've fallen down the stairs so many times that all I have to do it jump and I've twisted my ankle. Especially my right ankle, it's lost a little of it's mobility, like it just doesn't move in certain positions now, like the other one does. They also both have arthritis in them, which makes them sore anyway.

    Wow, I really feel bad for you about the temperature thing? Isn't there anything that will help it?

    Yeah, that man his it bad.
    June 22nd, 2010 at 08:22pm
  • Shame and Fortune

    Shame and Fortune (100)

    United States
    it's been pretty boring since practice has been taking up all of my time -__-
    Thank you ! I hope you had a good one(:

    Have you watched any good movies lately?
    June 22nd, 2010 at 07:58am
  • Shame and Fortune

    Shame and Fortune (100)

    United States
    HELLO (;
    im sorry i haven't been on for a while ):

    June 20th, 2010 at 12:54am
  • Desori

    Desori (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, no need to be sorry, it's not anyone's fault. My friends say that they think I'm tough too, and before anything like that happened to me then i would have said anyone it happened to was tough, but it's not really like that.
    It's not that I'm tough, i mean I'd rather not have it and all, but I do have it and there's nothing anyone can do, so what's the use in complaining? In fact I'm pretty sure that if they realise that it's something real obvious and there is a cure, that I'd be a little pissed at them.
    I feel like a broken car; there are a few main problems, and then there are just those extra quirks and annoyances that seem to develop and get discovered as time goes on, lol.
    I don't think I'm any worse off than you, what you have sounds pretty bad, and all those misdiagnosis must have been both frustrating and scary. I hope they figure out what it is one day and find something to help you.

    Oh! I have a cyst. They did an MRI scan of my knee, the one that the painful thing happened to most (rather than scanning all my joints which would take hours), they didn't find the cause of my pain but they did find a huge cyst and ripped cartilage, both of which are unrelated what they were searching for. They offered to surgically remove the cyst, but it doesn't hurt me and I'm a bit of a wuss so I declined, In fact pretty much all the cyst does is cause a bit of swelling at the back of my knee joint, which I never noticed until a doctor pointed it out.

    I find that I get sick most when I'm stressed out for a long period of time, like around exams etc, maybe it something like that for you? You should make a note of every time you get sick and work out what the common environmental factor is or maybe something you've eaten, or your emotions, or something like that.

    Wow, that's gotta be annoying on a nice sunny day, I'm sensitive to temperatures, like I get cold pretty easily and overheat pretty easily but nothing to that extent. maybe it's something to do with the nerve that connects the nerves under your skin to the temperature sensor thing (i don't know the correct medical terms) in your brain.
    I watched a thing once where a man had a cyst removed and after the surgery the nerves under his skin in that area registered every type of contact as pain. For example you could just touch that area and he would be in agony. It just so happened to be in his crotch, I felt so sorry for the poor guy, the only thing they could do was give him painkillers.
    June 19th, 2010 at 09:09pm
  • Desori

    Desori (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah, actually it was during that time for me too, I kind of go through phases of getting really sick, then being fine and so on. A few months ago it got really bad and I was throwing up everywhere and could hardly walk, so i was taken to the ER, had lots of tests, which showed nothing, so they just gave me a load of morphine - which by the way, really works.
    (actually I kind of expected it not to because I'd already had more painkillers than I was supposed to, I have a batch of codine at home for this whole other thing I get -something to do with my bones or tendons (they haven't figured it out yet) - so i took a few of those as well as paracetamol and some ibuprofen; none of which is good for me due to this other disease I have.)

    Wow, that seems pretty bad, that is the problem with work, they say they don't discriminate against people with illnesses/ disabilities but they aren't exactly happy when you have hospital appointments or get sick.
    Hell, there was one point when I had about three different hospital appointments ever months for a few months running, my teachers in school weren't happy either.

    Ohhhh, no i live in little lonesome England at the moment. It's the opposite for me, my mum doesn't mind me traveling around (if i have a friend with me and it's within reason) but I get scared of getting sick during the time. I have this thing that no one can figure out but basically one or a couple of my joints will get stiff, then for three or four days I'll be in excruciating pain so I'm stuck in bed, people have to bring me food, and cups of water so I can wash my teeth etc. I also only go to the loo once a day (or less i i can hold it longer) and do so my dragging myself on my hands and torso (it's normally my legs that it happens to). Every time I get it, it makes my brother cry because I feel really weak and normally I'm full of pride, so I like doing everything without help, so I'm determined to get around myself, so not only do i look pathetic, my brother gets upset 'cause I don't let him help me. Basically If that happens to me on holiday I'm screwed.

    I know! I didn't expect them to be touring this time, it just shows how strong they are and how close they are as a unit. They and a lot of others have described him as a brother to the band, but it's more than that, what siblings spend almost everyday of their waking love together? He was a part of them, and now they've each lost a piece of themselves.

    Wow, if you could do that I would be so grateful!! I think I may even propose marriage, be warned. If I ever get the chance to see them live and have the chance to get something signed, I'll be sure to get something extra for you too. Thank you so, so much for the offer! :)
    June 11th, 2010 at 08:27pm
  • Desori

    Desori (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aw man, I feel so sorry for you, i hate puking. My brother once gave me food poisoning and every hour, I would throw up like four times. After the first time though you've emptied your stomach and it's just bile. Also there's always a point where there isn't enough time to breathe between being sick, which is one of the worst feelings.
    Then afterwards you're scared to eat something incase you immediately throw it back up again.

    I used to get really bad stomach aches, and I had tablets to take when I got them that were supposed to help. Once I was out and i got my stomach ache and my mother dragged me, hunched over in pain, to the car, drove me home and I took my tablets, and only a couple of minutes the pain made me puke, causing my tablets to be brought up too. Then I just had to wait until i felt a little better to take them, which kind of defeated the point really.

    Well I've managed to miss Avenged sevenfold on all of their UK tours, previously because I never used to want to go to concerts because I don't like loud places, I don't like crowds and i don't like being touched. This made me assume I'd hate concerts (I'd also been to one previously, when i was a kid, which I hated). Then more recently I missed them because I'm beyond poor. I've been living off of my savings for about four years, until I just managed to get a job now after extensive searching and applying.

    Now Avenged sevenfold don't have many venues booked, and who can blame them, really? I wouldn't want to book out my entire year then realise I can't cope with touring after the recent loss of a huge piece of my life, either.

    So their concerts are mainly in the USA and there is one in Japan. It's cheaper to fly to Japan and for hotels etc.

    No problem, I really want to see if it all goes together, I have a nagging suspicion that two of the images are too dissimilar to be used on the same page as one another, which just means creating another image.

    I'm hating myspace right now though.
    June 8th, 2010 at 09:27pm
  • Desori

    Desori (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey, no problem. How're you feeling? I hope you're better.
    Not all that much has happened in the last few weeks, i started your myspace layouts, I made all the images for it, only when I coded it, it went wrong, so I'll have to figure out why then fix that.

    Oh! I also got my hands on some bullet for my valentine tickets, which I'm pretty excited about.

    If I wasn't going on holiday this summer, I would totally be saving all of my money to buy an Avenged sevenfold concert ticket, then flying to Japan to see them.
    thing is, I'm really poor until my first paycheck this month and I do have a holiday so....
    (I would also have to book more time off work. I don't think they'd be too happy...)

    you been up to anything but recovering?
    June 6th, 2010 at 09:38pm
  • Desori

    Desori (115)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I agree with you wholeheartedly there, I loved Metallica's new album. I also agree that it's ignorant of people to not accept change. Where would anyone be if they didn't change? Bands need to experiment with their sound, and most of the time, it's not all about the fans, it's about the development of the band, changing to suit them, the fans just the passengers, along for the ride.

    Many bands go through different stages, as do many painters, writers, actors, every artist goes though different stages and I personally wouldn't have it any other way. What would be the point of having 5 or 6 different albums which all sound the exact same? there would be no improvement and it would get a little tiresome after a while, wouldn't you think?
    May 31st, 2010 at 10:59pm
  • Simply Ace

    Simply Ace (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the story comment!
    It means a lot to me!! :D
    May 31st, 2010 at 04:10pm