IFallinReverse / Comments

  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I dont really like Justin Bieber. Ok, thats a lie. I fucking hate him. He sings like a girl and looks like one. In my opinion. And he cant dance. And how slutty to send a picture of your boons to someone. [I]Who you know has a girlfriend![/I] My dad had a few people do that to him. Its wrong and just gross. I totally agree with you that you cant expect any respect fro yourself if your gonna go round doing stuff like that. What a whore :P Theres girls at my school who I could soooo imagine doing that. But I'm not 'popular' enough (ie Im not a slutty-ass-skank-whore who covers my self in shit loads of make up and think I'm all tough) to date another 'popular' guy who theyd have any interest in :P Adn most of the 'popular' girls are flat chested. xD
    Theres this really creepy peerson on Facebook who keeps adding me and all my friends.... Shes a freaf. No joke :/
    December 27th, 2010 at 05:42pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ohh, was she one of those people saying there were a celbrity. I hate it when people do that. It's sad and stupid. But when they're like 'I AM the real Ronnie Tadke or what not its like No. I havent posted all over my facebook that I am the real me. Its just sad when people do that. I mena I understand kinda if your a reallllyyy creepy fan and you change your name to Synsyter GAtes or soemthing but when people do that they write on the profile that they're not the real Syn. But yeah, its just pathetic.
    And the Christening was horrible. The most painful hour of my life. I'm never going near a church again. It was horrible. But cos it was in Norwegian and my dad isnt Norwegian he thought the vicar told him to dip my sister in the water. That was the only remotely funny bit. Its ironic how going to church is like hell on earth. >.< Its ice cold here. The air was actually so cold it hurt to breathe :/
    December 26th, 2010 at 04:42pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I wouldn't mind 7 presents along as it was something I really wanted. I kept saying to my mom a £10 band top would be fine or just some band merch or something from blue banana. My friend got stuff she asked for but my parents are dick heads. And I always argue with my mom and dad, like proper yell :L and I'm always made to feel like I'm in the wrong. But everything is blamed in me. I thought it was the youngest who got blamed for everything but I'm the oldest and I get yelled at for stuff my mom and brothers and sister do. It's shit. My brother and sister are getti christened tomorrow and I don't see why I have to go. I'm not religious and it's an hour and a half church thing in norwegian- a language which i seriously can't understand or speak. So yeah. Ive had a shit Christmas but there's always next year, eh? ;)
    December 25th, 2010 at 07:39pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, yeah :) Thats what I say to my friends :P I managed to get my dad into Biffy Clyro, but thats about the best I could do with my music :L The only band me and my dad really agree on is Nirvana, but he likes BLink 182 and he does like the old punky rock stuff, ftom the 80s and 90s :P
    And now. I don't know how to say this without sounding like some bitchy spoiled brat. But all my presents were kinda shit. The only thing I kinda liked was these books I got, however all the characters have really munted names. But no-body seemed to try. I mean my mom and dad had like the worlds longest list of stuff I wanted and I just kept saying to them 'Just a 10 quid band top would make me happy.' But no. Some fugly Ted Baker pjs. I also got some Calvin Klein pjs. But as soon as I opened them my mom was like 'Oh, I understand if you dont like it and we can swap it if you want.' [I]If you knew I wouldnt like it [b]whats the fucking point in buying it for me!?[/b][/I]
    Sorry, but I gotta cut the message short. Some stupid family game time thing :/ Fml.
    And sorry if this makes me sound like a brat :3
    December 24th, 2010 at 09:59pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Planes do scare me, but I have no choice. Whenever it shakes I just sit there all nervous like 'OMG IM GONNA DIE' :L I really wanna go to USA one day, but I cant stand a 2 hour flight let alone about 9 hours or whatever.
    In Norway we open our prezzies on the 24th which is cool. All my friends have managed to find there presents hidden around places but I've tried to find some, but I cant :\ I just hope [I]someones[/I] got me something worth while :3
    I might be getting my friends odl guitar though hwich is good. I really wanna learn. Do you play any instruments? Me and my friend are currently planning to kidnap Avenged :)
    December 23rd, 2010 at 06:01pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hah. Sorry for the late reply btw. And sorry for my best friend. She's a stalker. :) But she has had some pretty bad shit spread about her by this total slagbutchwhoremotherfuckerslut :) But thank fully she left our school, or got kicked out :P
    The day before yesterday we were supposed to be on the 8:20 evening flight to Norway. It would normally be a 2 hour flight, bit it was delayed by 17 hours and I had my 7 month old brother, 6 year old brother and 4 year old sister with me along with my parents. But we ended up staying the night in the air port. My bother and sister had to sleep on the floor and I didnt get any sleep at all. It was horrible. And then we found out the reason our captain cancelled the plain was because they were delayed and wanted to get to there hotel and there was nothing actually wrong with the plane. They said they would give us a hotel but they gave us a free deink and didnt even have food for sale on the plane. It was so shit and I'm having a really tough time catching up on sleep :L Sorry for the long rant btw but it was just so shit. Easily the wrst 30 hours of my life :L What are you doing for the Christmas holidays? :)
    December 21st, 2010 at 03:53pm
  • Jack.Barakatt

    Jack.Barakatt (100)

    United Kingdom
    [I]Haha. Some people are saying me and my best friend are together too. I'm just like ummm....no. I like penis not pussy ;)
    But yeah. Everyone says I flirt with this boy as well, and they say my best friend does too. You can talk to a fucking boy with out flirting. It really annoys me when people say that. Espeially when your talking. Just simply talking.[/I]

    Okay, first things first, hey, I'm They All Know's best friend, and I'm really bored right now, so I'm going to annoy you. Sorry about this ( : ~

    Basically, SHE says that I flirt with this other boy, so she can't complain. But then I did tell everyone that her and this boy called James were going out, and everyone believed.... Mehh.

    And yeah, I hate people who spread shit. Hense why I hate myself most of the time. :'D

    ^^ Sorry for that. If I creep you out, no need to reply xD
    December 20th, 2010 at 03:19pm
  • blackest soul

    blackest soul (100)

    Thank you so much for the story comment :)
    I'm glad you like my story.
    December 19th, 2010 at 05:37am
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha. Some people are saying me and my best friend are together too. I'm just like ummm....no. I like penis not pussy ;)
    But yeah. Everyone says I flirt with this boy as well, and they say my best friend does too. [I]You can talk to a fucking boy with out flirting[/I]. It really annoys me when people say that. Espeially when your talking. Just simply talking.
    Also completely off subject. Buyt if you like All Time Low this is the free download for their christmas song. It's meant to be free, so more people will download it shit loads and it will be CHristmas number one xD
    But heres the [url=http://www.mediafire.com/?y99jfhn0fbvyx4f]link to the song :)[/url]
    December 17th, 2010 at 11:13pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    That made me laugh about the people at school. God I have friends but then only about 10 [I]friends[/I]. 3 arr girls, the rest boys, which gets shit spread about yu. But of course if your popular you can do what ever you want with any one popular. But me and my friends [I]fuck no[/I]. It's hard to talk to a boy with out suddenly being married to him or something :L Some people need to grow up :P And my parents both think I'm gonna be all girly again or something. And like you- never. :)
    December 17th, 2010 at 06:17pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    My cousins still talk to me like I'm normal. Thankfully. Or some of them do. My other ones were asking me if I was a witch cos I had black nails and then my aunty was asking me as well. :/ /my parents and my nan are kinda 'dissapointed' in me as well. My nan wants me to be all girly and shit, and I'm just like [I]fuck [b]that[/b][/I] xD. And people at school. God, don't even get me started on [I]them[/I] xD
    December 15th, 2010 at 07:25pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha :L I hate little kids like that :L I also hate it when you get those kids who are like 'Whys she got a skull on her top' or 'Whys she got purple hair' ad it's just like [I]get some fucking manners[/I]. I also hate it when people stare. That just pisses me off the most;. I have these bright red Dr Martens, but people always give me weird looks when I wear them so I don't wear them that often. But yeah, it just really pisses me off so fucking much when people just do that kind of shit :L But the worst part is, my family have started treating me like I'm a freak, which sucks :L
    December 13th, 2010 at 09:44pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sometimes I just have to sit their like [I]Self control Emily. You can't just punch someone in the middle of class. [/I] And I have anger issues which really doesn't help the situation :L And for the record, I don't think your a piece of shit :) But I hate people like that. They really piss the crap outta me :/
    December 12th, 2010 at 03:24pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Don't worry. I don't think me and my best friend can go a week without arguing and I'm [I]not[/I] exaggerating :L OMG. I'm kind of annoyed cos my friends spread round the [I]hole[/I] school I'm gooing out with James, this friend of mine, who's a guy. It's so fucking annoying, cos even when I tell people I'm not they're all like 'yeah, you are. Eww thats gross. [I]Hes[/I] gross' and I'm just stood there like [I]I think I would fucking know if I was going out with someone[/I] :LO
    December 10th, 2010 at 06:51pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Its not that good :L Seriously, its really overrated. But London is Ok when you go shopping. Where abouts in the UK are you gonna go? :)
    Had an English test today :/ We had to write a detective story and every character was a member of A7X or or something to do with them :) The Rev had to be James not Jimmy though cos I'd had Jimmy in a different bit of writing, and we were supposed to make up our characters :) :L
    December 8th, 2010 at 06:25pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    That actually sounds really cool actually :L But it would probably be so [I]painful[/I].But it would save [b]a lot[/b] of time in the morning and would never smudge :L
    We had to do a survey today at school today and we were asked 'If we thought we were [I]cared for[/I] by our teachers' :L I was just like 'No answer, it sounds pervy' :P
    December 7th, 2010 at 05:32pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I want my tattoos to be original as well. Idk if anyone else has done the 'fuck you!' idea yet, but I thought of it on my own :L I also think your idea is quite good :L I just think its stupid when people just get an unoriginal tattoo. Theres this one and I see like 5 guys a day with it, with a load of lines on there upper arm. Its like jeez [I]get some fucking originality[/I] :L
    December 6th, 2010 at 08:21pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Kinda like you, I also want a lad of tattoos that mean stuff to me. Me and my best friend want to get a matching one as well and I wanna get the deathbat somewhere :) I also wanna get 'fuck you!' on each finger(like Johnny Christ has beer and wine) xD But I'm scared if I get that no one will [I]ever[/I] take me seriously :L
    December 5th, 2010 at 11:22am
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I also want snake bits and want that chin thing The Rev has. I'll probably just get a load of piercings for the sake of it and never wear them, but juts have them for emergencys ;) I might also get a bull ring :L (But I wouldnt wear all of these at the same time :L )
    I also want tattoos, like a sleeve thingy, but my friend says that would look weird on a girl, but I still like it :L What kind of tattoos do you want? I have yo wait for ages until Im old old enough to get half of these and I dont think my school [I]or[/I] my parents will allow most of them though :P
    December 4th, 2010 at 09:56pm
  • TheDrugInMeIsYou

    TheDrugInMeIsYou (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lets just say, my parents dont exactly know either :l
    I really want my nose pierced. Does it hurt? I might me getting the top of my ear done/belly button/ tragus(or whatever its called) depending on my behaviour :L I really want all three done. I've just got twice on each ear at the moment :L
    December 4th, 2010 at 09:42pm