i'm gonna break your little heart

Status:Online Song: Only One-Yellowcard Update: Dude. My stories were shit. I'll start new ones, no worries[: Oh and today is my teacher's anniversary with her husband. I feel like a creeper 0.o name's emma. I can be friends with so many different people. Labels are silly. I like to debate, rant, etc. [: Discussion sometime? Any topic. [: I hate when people "feel sorry" for me. It's pathetic. Let me live my own life. I LOVE YOU! talk to me, i can make you laugh! well maybe. [: Free Market Society. Taxation is Theft. Cheese. Did you know Eminem lives in my closet? Every time I open it I hear him rap. Me: *opens closet door* Eminem: Tonight I'm cleaning out my closet! You should too! Me: AH! WHY ARE YOU IN THERE AGAIN!? Eminem: That's just the way I am! Me: o.0 WHo are you, exactly? Eminem: I am whatever you say I am! Me: But you're not a unicorn... Eminem: If I wasn't, why would I say I am? Me: So you are a unicorn? Eminem: ...uh.... DON'T LET EM SAY YOU AIN'T BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me: Erm, okay *rolls eyes* Anyway, I am cleaning out my closet, I'm taking you out too. Eminem: But it feels so empty without me... think i'm some wigga tryna be black. Leave it be. I am who I am. Sorry if that's a problem. Haha I'm joshin', I'm never gonna be sorry. I love people. Speak to me? [: I get mad pretty easily. Especially when mommy eats my pets. ]: R.I.P : Oswald the peach, Zucchinehh the Zucchini, Martin the Asparagus, and Jeffery the banana. You are missed. x[ I love ATL, Hey Monday, Paramore, Eminem, BMTH, Underoath, etc.

watch you take the fall
Layout by brittany @ banana hammock sammich
Picture found at Fuck yeah All Time Low