The saying 'Curiosity killed the Cat?' Is something that comes to mind when describing myself. I'm what most people call to nosey for her own good. If something's wrong Imma get to the bottom of it. If for some reason you cheesin way to hard then I have to know why. That's just the way I am and I can't change it.
Boredom is my crack, heroine, acid, and whatever you can think of. I try to stay away from it but I just always seem to find myself in a boring predicament and whenever that happens I just start acting crazy. I love to read and write. Even though I love reading more, writing is something I love to do it's just that I can do the prologue and first chapter tops before I just keep putting it off.

May 13, 2010 | 11:22 p.m,

Update:Nothing Yet

Not Easily Broken
Status; Planning
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Short summery

Status; Planning
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Short summery

I wish
Status; Planning
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Short summery

Day Dreams
Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Short summery

Characters; Girl/Guy
Summery; Short summery

Before Edited
Winter Layout by Natalie at Desperately In Love