Advice Collum starts again

So, advice for those who think "long term relationships" are just the best in the world... Why do people constantly think that it is the best for them? Are you afraid to let people see who you really are so you just hide behind a phone or computer? Get out in the world and show your true colors! You would be soo surprised at the people you could find that would love you! Times may be hard, but you...
July 18th, 2010 at 11:51pm

Life in my Shoes-2

Ha ha ha ha...i dont know that that was about but yeah. Last time I talked about my moving me talk about my dad and his new wife.Life can be quite hard knowing that your parents don't love each other anymore or that they never did. Going through a divorce, no matter how young or old you are can always be devistating.I was only 5 years of age when my mother filed for a...
August 3rd, 2009 at 12:37am

Life in my shoes...

Hey fellow readers. Life in my shoes will be an on going journal. It's always going to be give advice and to tell you what it's like to be me.I am 15 years old and all I really know about life is that its not always easy. I am a mover... I constantly move. I think my mom just gets bored with staying in one place and goes to the next. I cant excatly count how many schools ive been too and...
July 31st, 2009 at 06:08am