I need SERIOUS advice

ZOMG!!!!!Sorry I haven't been on in forever, but i have Track now, and been too tired to get on the computer.My next testing date is March 13!!! WOOT!!!!Anywho, I'm seriously going to hurt this freakin faggot.Logan keeps trying to put his arm around me, hug me, stalk me, and call me baby.GAHH!!!!!!I think running away from him, and trying to hit him enough.So, I need advice to keep him away from...
February 26th, 2010 at 10:13pm


W00T!! [:Nothing much happened, 'cept I tried to staple a guy for making fun of how i say my R's and W's.And me and Christian got a guy to fit inside a dryer during keyboarding, which used to be Home Ec.Is it just me, or do I not get in trouble??Because the teacher didn't see me try to staple him, and today during the walk-about, me, Christian, Matt, Dylan, Killian, and Flippy (Phillip) were...
January 15th, 2010 at 10:12pm


Woah. I just found out.In late 2009, me and me bro [who's 15] had to go to a psychiatrist (sp?) to be "evaluated."Anywho, i was looking through my mom's calender thingy (forgot what it's called) and saw a peice of paper that talked about my brother and an autism website. Then my mom told me and me brotherI mean, oh my fuck. He's been with my family (me, mom,him) for 15 years and we didn't know?...
January 7th, 2010 at 10:41pm

Why do my friends always move away??

Why do all my best friends move away??Last year my friend Erin, who was born in America, moved from Italy.Then she moved back at the end of the school year.Now my friend Hunter is moving back to Nebraska!!She lives with her Aunt and Uncle now, but her mom misses her, and is making her move back...
December 17th, 2009 at 10:57pm


GAHHH!!!My Friend Cole iz ignoring me ]:The last time we talked was when we walked around outside and my friend Richard asked if we were going out.I guess that's why.At Lunch i went "HEY COLEMAN!!" because i like to call him that [:He just went of and talked to someone else.So i talked with Matt and Christian. [:I found out they're taller than me ]:Yesterday, it was REALLY stormy, they had a...
December 3rd, 2009 at 10:35pm

I WINN!!!! What was your ThanksGiving like???

IM RIGHT!!!!!!]:Remember when i said that my friend Bryant was going out with my friend???They broke up last week ]:I WIN!!!!! [:It's really sad, because they looked so cute together!!!Now he's gonna be all sad-ish during tae-kwon-do.I had an ok-ish Thanksgiving.My mom accidently went in the express lane at the toll-booth without paying. She stopped, but then this lady yelled at her in the...
November 30th, 2009 at 10:23pm


[colorpink] hallo my name is margaretSorry if that's messed up.im just trying to find out how to use the bold/color thingyI LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!Because i get to see family!!and they give me huge checks......But i have this really kewl hat i got at K-mart that sings and dances to "Have a holly jolly christmas" :DBut my mom is thinking about going to virginia to visit them this thanksgiving.That means...
November 19th, 2009 at 10:16pm


RAWR!!!!! *Bites off head*At lunch Fucking David was trying to hit Jenafer with a damn ketchup packet.He missed. Guess where it landed?The back of my white shirt.GAHHHHHHHHH!!I got someone to hit him in the face with a dirty wet mop that was laying around (:Anyhoo, we have a new kid!!!He's kinda hot.... O_____oUm... my wrist hurts.Last night at tae-kwon-do, after class my friend had gingersnaps...
November 18th, 2009 at 10:42pm

I GOT MY YELOW BELT!!!! And a Bestie is going out with Bryant.

WILLYWOBBLES ITS COLD OUTSIDEEEEE!!!! (:Sorry! i Just love saying that!!Anywho, i got my yellow belt in Tae-kwon-do!!!!!*Does happy-dance*i had to go to the headquarters to test, which to and back was altogether 7 hours. ):I was very bored and saw a homeless person with a cardboard sign saying"Everyone needs helpThank You"It was so sad.I asked my instructor, who was driving me to there, what she...
October 26th, 2009 at 09:51pm

Damn Cute Guy-Friends

DAMN!!!!!I've never been the girl to be guy-crazy, or to be thinking about a guy non-stop.i've only had two boyfriends, and i don't really care.But lately, as in yesterday, when i was daydreaming about Pretty Pretty Kiro, another guy-friend started swimming through my thoughts, and i kinda smiled.*Cries*And if you don't know who Kiro is, google Cinema Bizarre.I don't know why!!!! We're total...
October 13th, 2009 at 10:18pm


Im thinking about what to be for Halloween.Maybe a sleepy person!!!Or i shall die my hair really kewl, like black and turquoise, or white and Pink...?I actually wore my hair AU NATUREL!!! (sp?)i didn't tease it, or add hairspray. Just straightened and styled.it was wierd....My day has pretty much sucked.BECAUSE......1. SOME EVIL LITTLE CHILD *Cough Christian Cough* decided to use my head as...
September 23rd, 2009 at 07:19pm

Apologizing is for the brave of heart

YAY!!!!!i just kidnapped Bryant!!!!!!!kay, before you think im some creeper, i had to as soon as school let out.Bryant is one of my friends, and i had to apologize.We were talking in the summer, and he mentioned something about his mom getting arrested for selling drugs to teens O____ohe doesnt do any, FYIwell, technically, she not reallly his mom, since he;s adopted.anyhoo, he lives with his...
September 8th, 2009 at 10:47pm

Preppy school

GAHH!!!School starts on the 25th. ):i havent't even gone shopping yet (:I go to an all preppy school where basically everyone has blonde hair and wants to Bang! the joBros (SORRY)CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!i need Bang!But i have Random friends!!!!I really want to have some new kids in my class!!Sadly, one of my friends who i had 3 classes last year with won't be in my HR und Math. ):i have Zero idea who's...
August 22nd, 2009 at 09:49pm


Why do americans hate tourists?I live where its WAY TOO hot and have somewhat littered beaches.No, not cali.But somewhereAnyhoo, me und mom were at Food Lion, since it's closer than Harris Teeter.I was arguing with her about getting me Juicy Juice, since it the AWESOMEST JUICE IN DA WERLD!!When i ran into some people who were apperantly pissed,they told me to go back to my own country. D:<Okay,...
August 12th, 2009 at 08:14pm

Mints may make you hyper... ANd so wiLL old BiLL uNd TOm. and GusTaV.

WOOT! im not bored anymore!!!IM HYPER!!!!!from mints.Listening to *Fer sure-Medic Droid*HUMANOID!!! Shout out to Gustav for getting hit with a bottle. ):Do you like Bill's new look? For some weird reason, it just does not seem to fit him....And neither does Tom's.Black is not his color.Tis Bill's.For some reason Gustav with his glasses on looks like the lead singer from Linkin Park O____o.i do...
August 7th, 2009 at 11:37pm


Never put a glass Coke bottle in the freezer. Apparently they combust under extreme freezing-ness.Why don't companies make little memo-y thingies on them? they say everything else but that!?!Kinda off topic, but I CANT WAIT TILL SCHOOL STARTS!!!! :Pnah, JK. im not some weird girl who lives for school.IT's just that BANG! comes out the day we go back, sooooo..............I NEED THAT SUPEH KEWL...
August 7th, 2009 at 09:00pm