SixtyNine. / Comments

  • oh, and when you start writing a new story -hint hint
    i'll make you a banner :)

    i'm still waiting for some stuff to happen for my story before i update.

    October 20th, 2008 at 10:42am
  • i'm mighty fineeee thank you :)
    i had to stop eating cheese :(
    which SUCKZORZ
    but i did my speech today
    so i'm all cruisy :)


    how are you lovelyyyyy?

    oh, and are you getting update notifimications for my story, cs there's like people that aren't =/////
    and yeah :)
    or you might be that person that unsubscribed... either way
    October 20th, 2008 at 10:36am
  • I went to check to see why I had no notification email for Even After Everything today, and then I remembered that it was over, and it made me sad. :(
    October 10th, 2008 at 02:39pm
  • Ahah, Australia. :)

    I'm posting the William Beckett interview up soon, by the way. I read over it before, and I noticed it's incredibly unoriginal, but ya know, I wasn't reallly into it back then, so I guess it's sort of... expected.

    I have 2 years and 1 term of school to go.
    I don't know what grade I'd be in England, but I'm 15 :)

    and that sucks, it's like 25 minutes car to school and then same back, but I don't even wanna think about how long on public transport :|

    Anyway, yeah, off to type up this interview,[i]mostly for you[/i] :)

    And -tear about your story ending :(
    October 9th, 2008 at 09:04am
  • haha
    i guess you have to wait to find out...
    October 8th, 2008 at 04:01am
  • I'm pretty good myself thanks.
    Coming down off the birthday high lol.
    Been up to much?

    THANKYOU for the link help. Had to whore out Twinsie's (AlyBallyBee) stories. and had to do it productively :P
    October 8th, 2008 at 12:11am
  • Simple, I only had one song :)
    But now I've got all three albums.

    And thanks aha :) he was just... being a loser and saying all this stuff he dind't know anything about and i was all "grr" aha :)

    And yeah I think it's in my room somewhere :) Aha, I'm so great, I asked him what his favourite colour was aha. :D

    But yeah, I might update again today if I get the time. Second day back at school :(

    October 7th, 2008 at 11:44pm
  • Oh Hannah dear....?

    I'm such a MibbaSpaz.
    how do you put links in your stories??

    and how are you?
    i haven't had an out of comment conversation with you in ages!
    or so it seems.
    October 7th, 2008 at 06:57pm
  • Hannah?

    Oh + I've become totally obsessed with TAI btw :)
    October 7th, 2008 at 12:14pm
  • Ahaha, yeah well Mibba hates you then. I really like to leave lots and lots of comments on your profile. It's really fun aha
    And that sucks about people still not getting notifications, one of my r/l friends didn't get it and she was getting up me for not updating aha. Though I probs won't for a while, someone full bitched out my story wihtout having read it and now it seems like shit :)
    Lovely, eh?

    Haha, well I used to be full tight with his girlfriend, and then I was doing a music mag for my school, and I asked if she could introduce us when they were in Aus, and she did, and yeah. I didn't go to the concert though aha

    Taxi drivers SUCKKKKK
    that guys sounds pretty gay, i mean, come on, as if you wouldn't stop for the screaming girls on the side of the road!
    that's like, a girl refusing to stop for extremely good looking boys on the side of the road.

    Ahahahahahahaha, a few days ago, I was reading someone's story and it had this scene with Jack Bakarat in it, and they were talking about how he was on Alex Gaskarth's pegs. And they made up this full story behind it an included a little thing about how they put it in TAI TV. And I didn't know this was true, right. And so tonight for the first time like.. ever, I'm watching TAI TV, and I just saw it, and I was like pissing myself laughing because I was like WHERE DID THAT COME FROM! ahah :D
    October 5th, 2008 at 04:31pm
  • You're welcome!
    Not sure if my interpretation was too starnge or not but i loved it =]
    October 5th, 2008 at 04:17pm
  • Thank you so much for the story comment! It means a lot.
    I will probably update relatively soon, seeing as I have way too much time on my hands at the moment.
    October 4th, 2008 at 01:35pm
  • Oh, and I think you mustn't have read my update yet, because I think you're going to yell at me for not having told you about the whole William thing yet..
    October 4th, 2008 at 11:48am
  • Oh, and you seem to like stories that are very analytical, so I just thought I'd continue leaving lots and lots of comments on your page, to tell you to read

    October 4th, 2008 at 03:31am
  • :O
    How had you not listened to anberlin before! You have to go and dance around like an idiot for me (:
    Well, I count you as lucky too. :( I'm moving to england aha.
    Well actually, I'll just plan it up all right because I'm going to finish school then travel Europe as a bar tender, so I'll like, find out where all the good bands are, and move.

    And thank you about my story :) I actually haven't formed an opinion on it aha. All these people are whoring it out, just so they can get the next one or two chapters early and it makes me giggle :)

    October 4th, 2008 at 03:08am
  • oh wow!
    your welcome!
    i just love reading that type of stuff, strange, cryptic, with a hidden meaning
    October 4th, 2008 at 01:23am
  • I read your story "downtown"
    i thought it was amazing.
    strange and twisted
    yet it could mean so much.
    October 4th, 2008 at 01:08am
  • Ha, Thank you for the comments. XD. They made me happy. So thanks. I'll try my best to get another update out later today because I've got that kind of time. =D
    October 3rd, 2008 at 08:25pm
  • Oh God.
    Thank you for the comments on my story!
    I never intended to update today, because to be honest, chapter 12 wasn't finished and i had no direction for it.
    But the rant started in my own what i was actually thinking at the time. And i annoyed my boyfriend for the first couple of lines of it and then decided it would fit really well into the story.
    So i'm so happy it was so well-received.
    October 3rd, 2008 at 07:56pm
  • Well gee, how many comments do I want to leave on your page today, seriously..
    Haha. Oh well, anyway, what I came here to tell you THIS time, is that I only just found your comment on my story, and that I don't know how I missed it, but thanks so much for actually reading it :D

    It made me very excited, and again, I was jumping around. Then my brother like stole my computer to see what I was going on about and was like "What? Who is this girl?" and I'm like "You don't understand, don't worry" and he's like "Why? Is she famous or something?" and I'm like "Not really, but she's by far the best writer I've found on this site. So it's pretty big." And then he laughed at me.
    And yes, then I had some water :)
    October 3rd, 2008 at 09:33am