Questionable love

Love engulfs you like a tempest in the unforgiving oceans. You can never get out of its cold tight grip. People can fall in love but they can be drowned so inhumanly it scars them for life. Like me love has destroyed me repeatedly and it's hard to recover from those deep wounds. it's like I question ever falling into ever again. There's a lot of great women in my life but it always ends up a dream...
August 11th, 2009 at 09:36pm

This was my Monday

Ok my dad decides to take me and bro and my friend Sean out on a guys day out. So we went to this really good burger joint called 5 Guys. All the food was great and you can get like a whole bunch of topping on your burger for free. The place was a bit pricey but who cares my dad paid for it. So then were eating and my dad suggest we go see a movie and we were like ok and we were trying to decide...
August 4th, 2009 at 04:22am