Current musical obsession: A Skylit Drive
Current book obsession: The Marvel Universe
Current television obsession: Supernatural
Current project: A digital painting of the Nephilim mentioned in CiaN

Heavenly Wars >>

AKA the AU my best friend and I are working on.
During the '70s the Archangel Michael possessed the body of a young John Winchester where he went off searching for a mate, whom he found in Brian Haner. The pair had two children, one was born a human, the other was born one of the most volatile creatures to ever exist; though, it was unknown to the humans and offspring.
In 2003 the demon Alistair found a new body, possessing a man by the name of Jacoby Shaddix. News of the Nephilim had reached hell and soon it became a race to win over these creature. The demon used Johnny Christ as a play thing, hoping to ruffle the half-arch angel's feathers enough for his true power to come out.


All credit goes to;
lips of deceit

News >>

[Date/Time] March 23. 3:51
[Listening to] the television
[Chatting to] my brain
[Food/Drink] Nothing, but I'm about to start cooking.
[Feeling] Tired as fuck
[Updated] Updated profile. Working on a layout for CiaN.

Lastest News? An update for Lobotomy should be up within the week. Thanks for everyone who's stuck with me.

Reckless Goddamn Sonuvabitch >>

Crystal. 19. Lesbian. foREVer.? Viva La Cucaracha. Brides Maid. Vault Dweller. SPN fan. Whovian.

Lobotomy and Comfort in a Needle both take place in my AU that I work on with my roommate. It is a Supernatural/Bandom crossover. And yes, I need to work on Lobotomy.

Fictional Reality >>

Who?: Johnny Christ/Jacoby Shaddix AU
Type: Fanfiction (chaptered)
Status: Slight hiatus

Comfort in a Needle
Who?: Arin Ilejay
Type: Fanfiction (chaptered)
Status: Currently working on

Too Late to Tell You
Who?: James Hart/Jacoby Shaddix
Type: Fanfiction (one-shot)
Status: Completed