Bad Company / Comments

  • Loads of people are fleeing Quizilla and coming here =] Unfortunately, some of them are bringing their chatspeak riddled stories with them. But they're getting banned. Mibba's awesome, you'll love it here =]

    This is the only place I post my stories now. I've come a long way since "Bold Fenian Men"! Lots of things there now.

    See, I'm the other way around. I saw the movie first, and now I really wanna read the book. I love reading over movies most of the time, so I'd be really interested to read the book.

    xx Fionnuala xx
    September 3rd, 2009 at 06:36pm
  • Damn. I really want to do that in mine, but I'm too lazy to find the code for it on my own.

    I'm assuming you didn't mean it in a racist way, so, nope. I'm good.

    Nah. I live in Minnesota, sadly. I'll be moving to Ireland first chance though. . .

    I specially picked my kitten out because he's insane and pounces on people. XP And I just love cardigans because they're comfy and soft. Good for rainy days. . . I think I belong in the 1940's, honestly.

    Love Sheen
    September 3rd, 2009 at 06:29pm
  • Yeah. I just started doing mine and it still needs some major tweaking. . . Speaking of, how do you do the picture above the links? It's the only thing I can't figure out (my coding is juvenile at best).

    You have any idea how much that mini-ghetto rant made me laugh? hahaha

    My name is technically Lauren, and I've only ever met one other, but I still go by Sheen, 'cause I like it more. XD

    OOO! I LOVE RAIN! From what I can see through the crack in the curtains it's cloudy here too.

    . . . My kitten is attacking my brand new cardigan. . . I like this cardigan.

    Love Sheen
    September 3rd, 2009 at 06:12pm
  • Haha, yeah, I left Quizilla rather abruptly. I didn't think I was going to go, then one day I just stopped logging on xD Plus, on Mibba, you can change your username whenever you like, so there would have been no point. I've changed four times since joining xD

    And I see you've met Sheen =] We're always "never one without the other" xD You'll like her. She's awesome.

    Yeah! =] Fight Club is my favourite movie, so we're all friends here =] It was Sheen who told me to watch it, so I have her to thank.

    xx Fionnuala xx
    September 3rd, 2009 at 06:07pm
  • OH MY ZARQUON! Your profile makes my heart smile!

    Also, Nuala pointed you out to me because she knew your layout would make me happy. XP I'm Sheen.

    How are you this fine day (this being said, having not been outside yet today and having no idea where you are at the moment XD)?

    Love Sheen
    September 3rd, 2009 at 05:52pm
  • Haha, awesome. I wouldn't think of that either! So how are you? *gasp* It's been so long!

    By the way ... my crazy friend Sheen will probably message you in a minute. She loves Fight Club. She's spazzing out on my page at the moment xD

    xx Fionnuala xx
    September 3rd, 2009 at 05:52pm
  • Your profile ... it is love xD Makes me feel like my profile and yours are at one with each other.

    So YAY! How did you find me? I'm impressed =] I couldn't even know where to begin!

    xx Fionnuala xx
    September 3rd, 2009 at 05:43pm