Just a Dream... / Comments

  • Oh really? Wow that's pretty good.
    Well I'm mostly likely just going to stay until Year 12.
    Unless something extraordinary happens and I decide to leave next year.
    LOOL. Alright then, I'd be freaked out too.
    May 12th, 2011 at 10:59am
  • Yes, it is the last time! Wooo ! But then there's school certificate next year. Lol. What? Seriously? That's nice I suppose, but also a bit weird! Haha, did you reply back?
    May 11th, 2011 at 12:33pm
  • Ah yes that's what it's called. Lol. Really? Wow I didn't hear that. That's so stupid. Well nothing like that has happened at our school .. I think, haha. Ah thanks. I did the first exam today it's not too bad. But I'm just worried for the Maths one.
    Lol, I had Joe before but then I changed it to Nick. ;D I like them both and Kevin of course. <3
    May 10th, 2011 at 10:30am
  • Haha lucky :D They brought it when I was in Year 6 or so. But before that they called it something else, lol. I'm not too worried, well besides the maths. I'm not good at that ! :L
    Oh right, lols. Yes he sure does, there's pictures of Joe as well, but I felt like putting Nick up instead. xD
    May 6th, 2011 at 12:04pm
  • claire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you need to update your story
    i have been waiting for the next part for ages,
    please :) x
    May 3rd, 2011 at 10:09pm
  • haha i like being weird tho :P its different from everyone else
    i suppose i will forgive you for being so demanding lol, yeh would have gone all over lol, i love it, been everywhere, we can go out for dinner at college now and not just round the corner haha. we have a week off at the end of the month so we having a road trip to flmaingo land, i was like 'OMG ROAD TRIP, WHERE CAN WE GO BIATCHES?' lmao i got sooo excited.
    haha i done exactly the same when we were off, was meant to do all my work so i didnt have loads to do when we got back but i just completely ignored it and went out drinking instead lmao good times
    im great, havent been upto much really, shopping college and work. yeh most places were closed but it didnt really affect me because i wasnt at college or work so it was just another normal day for me, i slept through the wedding, was all ready to boycott it and then got dragged to a party for it, i got that bored i started watching shrek and saying all the words to it lmao
    May 3rd, 2011 at 10:08pm
  • Haha sadly they don't. Oh wow, HSC ! Well best of luck for your studies and all. I have NAPLAN coming up, but that's not as big of a deal as yours ! Loool. Oh, lots of people have asked lols. It's my dear friend Mr Nicholas Jonas, haha :) He sure does have a good body. <3
    May 2nd, 2011 at 10:50am
  • Aw, yeah. Aha, I have no idea how many days I have left. :/
    Aha, that's cool. Don't worry; I'm on here when I should be researching for a paper. So I know what it's like to be doing something less important when you should be focusing on something more important. lol.
    lol. You actually said that out loud? lol. That's funny. I don't blame your sister for saying that, haha. My sister used to have a huge crush on Johnny Knoxille, like, when they first started out, oddly enough, and it was just so weird cause he's so much older than her. lol. She doesn't now, though, but she still thinks he's funny and has, like, the best laugh. Which he totally does. And Bam, haha, along with Johnny and Ryan Dunn, he's my favorite too. :P They're all such idiots, but you can't help but love them. lol.
    Haha, yeah, it was probably someone else then. My bad. Gah, I need to get a better memory. lol. :P
    May 2nd, 2011 at 12:16am
  • CLAIRE!! Omgosh I know right? I've missed them as well ♥ I've been alright I suppose. And school is .. okay. No rest for me, lots of homework and its only the first week haha. How's Year 12 going for ya?
    April 30th, 2011 at 10:36am
  • Aw, I'm sorry. Hate school; it's always gets in the way. lol.
    Yeah, they are really good. Although people are kind of saying the new one isn't though. :/ Hm... oh well. I still want to see it. :D
    Oh my gosh... no way! Haha, have you seen my profile info section? Because I just so happen to love thos Jackass guys... well, next to the Jonas Brothers, of course. ;) They're pretty awesome. Aha. :D Kind of why I featured Bam in Wish You Were Here. :P
    I have a feeling we discussed this before. lol. Sorry if we have; I'm forgetful. Although it may be someone else I'm thinking of. Idk.
    April 26th, 2011 at 01:44am
  • haha aww i like that, thats a nice way to look at it lol
    we were always meant to be friends :P i like it
    well i suppose, just coz u demanded so nicely lol
    how u been? havent been on for a while coz its our break and been everywhere coz we got a car now haha good times
    April 20th, 2011 at 09:36pm
  • :P
    You're so lucky. lol. That's what I love about breaks. :)
    Um... not really. lol. But that's not too surprising. You?
    Hm... have you heard of the movie Scream? And like... the whole series? Scream 4 just came out today, and I kind of want to see it. :)
    April 16th, 2011 at 05:41am
  • It's okay; I understand. :) School comes first. :)
    Um... nothing really. I haven't had much time on here myself; because of school and all. I really can't wait until summer. lol. That's for sure.
    How about you? Anything new? :)
    April 13th, 2011 at 02:04am
  • Yeah just got on hols. I've got 20 days! Sooo happy!
    April 10th, 2011 at 12:37pm
  • Yeahhhhhhhhh, shifts are okay. I'm working weekends, but it's good enough hours for me.
    April 7th, 2011 at 12:42pm
  • CLAIRE ! (:
    April 1st, 2011 at 09:10am
  • yeah =) it still makes me laugh and smile, you should try watching Pans llabrynth. its REALLY good!! makes me cry at the ending. ='(
    March 30th, 2011 at 07:36pm
  • haha funny but painful times
    what we do for our stars lol
    aww i love dead man walking, haha when they started playing it me and my friend turned to each other at the same time and screamed exactly the same thing 'i love this songggg!!!!!' haha it was creepy but normal, we do things like that a lot haha still find it weird :P
    omg! claire i have a car!!!!!! this month keeps getting better :D
    its a corsa, the colour is petrol blue, aww i love it
    we get to pick it up on thursday and mam has a weeks free insurance then we cant touch it for a week but then its my birthday the week after and i can drive again, i took it out for a test drive yesterday, it felt soo good to be driving again :D
    but im not allowed to tell anyone coz we are keeping it secret from everyone else and see what they say when its on the drive haha
    March 26th, 2011 at 09:54pm
  • Yeah I was so happy they're such cute parents lol.
    I'm all front-counterish now. It's cool. But harddddd
    March 25th, 2011 at 06:39am
  • lol. Yeah.
    That's good. :)
    Haha, well that's good that you didn't spend it procrastinating. lol. Like I did. Like I did none of that. lol. :P Hm... we don't really have midterm exams to deal with, though. Mainly my teachers are going to assign projects instead of having tests.
    It was good. I went to the mall and to the movies. :D How was your day? :D
    March 24th, 2011 at 12:18am