Castiel. / Comments

  • Hahaha. Just google "mibba layouts", and find sites with bizarre but realistic names like "Milificious Layouts" and go through their mibba layouts. It'll have html and css codes, copy and paste them into their respective places here on mibba. But where I got my layout from, is a secret ;D
    June 27th, 2010 at 01:19am
  • This just in; your fucking awesome. Thank you.
    June 26th, 2010 at 03:31am
  • Totally in love with your about section on your profile
    I may have to add you as a friend just so I can look back on it
    June 24th, 2010 at 12:46am
  • damn. I need updates NOW.
    how about they go into the club and theres like, loads of girls trying to flirt with Gerard ( one of them should WELL be me ;) ) And then one of them grabs him and shoves her tongue down her throat(*cough* me *cough* so then noels like" SHIT!" then is all depressed and stufff. Then Gerard is like " gay and a girl just kissed me" And theeeennnn There should be a depression chapter und then Gee should come round to noel's place and apologize and they should have a romantic night ;) . Thennnn he has to go back to the usa in like 2 days. Then carry on from there ;) new chapter ASAP would be AAMMMAAZZIIINNGGG XD loves <3
    May 17th, 2010 at 08:31pm

    Well, it's not you, so that mean it's me!

    Hahah. Just thought I'd let you know! <3
    May 17th, 2010 at 12:19am
  • "I'm your biggest fan" UPDATE PLEASE!? your story makes my day. i am in love.
    May 13th, 2010 at 08:40pm
  • Of course not!
    It's really cute (:
    May 3rd, 2010 at 03:47pm
  • Thank you for joining :)))

    Coco <3
    April 24th, 2010 at 04:44am
  • Woah. Okay. So, uhm, I love your story?
    Or should I say, our story!

    It's so amazing! You've written it so beautifully! Gah! It's amazing. I'm honored to be apart of it!

    But, I'm not sure what to do about Linda. Y'know, being dead and all. Hahah.
    Tell me where you want to take it and maybe I can spark up some ideas?

    April 11th, 2010 at 04:26pm
  • Ain't she a bitch? Lol, meh. I'm just lucky that I got it this week instead of two weeks when I'm in Italy. [ITALY!!!!]

    Meh, it's actually a fun project, to tell you the truth! It's an Alice In Wonderland magazine cover and they trusted me enough to draw it! haha It just takes a ton of work and time is all!

    Okay *relieved sigh* Sounds good then! It's at the top of my 'Sunday Priority List' haha! =D

    Gah, I wanted to watch that too! While you're watching it, pretend that I'm watching it with you, okay? haha The only "DVD" player I have is my laptop and I need it for the project.

    Send Bob my love <3
    April 11th, 2010 at 02:47am
  • Well, once a month when mother nature pays me a little visit she also sends some sort of 24 hour bug as well that makes me best friends with my toilet. lmao, but all is well now. I feel right as rain!

    And you're very welcome! I'm in the middle of doing my friends' English project right now, lmao, and tonight I need to literally draw on my point shoes with black Sharpie, so would you mind if I read it tomorrow?

    YAY! That sounds like good times! If I were up to par yesterday I would have probably done the same exact thing! Glad you had fun, too! =D
    April 11th, 2010 at 02:32am
  • GAH!! Sorry I didn't reply! I've been sick! Yuck!

    YES <3 Yes, I would love to help you and co-author one of you stories!!! YAY! I'm flattered and honored and whatever else is a synonym to that hahah. I'll have to read it, of course, but I totally want to! haha Thanks so much for asking me! =D

    How was your Gerard's birthday?
    I spent it throwing up! lol
    April 11th, 2010 at 02:18am
  • That seems to be life, haha.
    Or you have a story that you can't really seem to get anywhere with, and EVERYONE loves it.
    April 10th, 2010 at 11:31pm

    It's only 10:27 here, but.

    I can't wait, I'm going to celbrate ALL day. I already wrote 'GAZELLES' on my left arm, haha. And I'm doing the whole plaid skirt/band tee look tomorrow. Plus, MCRathon alllllllllll day tomorrow! GAH!!!

    Love Gerard.
    I hope he has the best birthday ever!
    PLUS, it's the first birthday that he's a daddy!
    How much you wanna bet Lynz has got Bandit all dressed up and a card and everything? Trying to teach her Happy Birthday Daddy.

    *sigh* Love <3
    April 9th, 2010 at 04:31am
  • It exed me out of the box again! Ugh, it's a butt head! lol

    And I'm not sure about flying colors, but I'll pass... Uh, I hope, haha

    REALLY? I do that with ALL of my MCR things. It's insane really. Like, weird. Yay, I'm not alone! haha What with my droor and my Box, I don't know which is worse. They're so... tidy and organized and I absolutly know when something has been touched!!

    <3 They're an amazing pair!

    And, well. Hrm. It was just a long day. Crazy day. But a good day, at the end of it =]

    Good! 'Welcome!
    April 6th, 2010 at 04:52am
  • Mibba and I are NOT friends right now.

    So, hrm. I think I said that...
    Something about my parents literally killing me if I failed again, so as long as I do my homework and such I should be fine. I think lol

    Annnd, I thought I was the only one who put things in order! haha I thought I was some kind of weird OCD nerd lol
    Plus, I <3 me some Noel and Gerard!!! [reading it RIGHTnow =D]

    I also never answered your Holiday question. Mine was lovely... ish, lmao. Kind of. But I gots me some chocolate, soo. Es niiice!

    How about you?!?!
    April 6th, 2010 at 04:20am
  • Lmao, how very lovely!!

    I SAW! I've been doing a butt-load of homework, so I haven't had time to read anything! But I put my updated stories in order from my least favorite to my favorite and read them that way and yours is in the most favorite spot! I missed it soooooooooo much! =D

    And again, thanks for putting me in it! That made my life! <3
    April 6th, 2010 at 03:48am
  • ;D

    Ouuf! Well that's no fun! But, my room's a pit too! Haha I can't find a thing!!

    Yeesh! haha

    That Jay is a dumb bum! Whoever asks you to choose friends isn't a friend! Sorry, girl. That's just... stupit! She made me mad, and I don't even know her! lol I'd slap a hoe...

    Or you can just get that mask and knife, lmao!

    Good, then, I'm glad! =]

    April 6th, 2010 at 03:38am
  • Seeeee? It's it sweeeet?! Literally, dude. lmao

    Meh, s'all goood. But Aladdin is amazing. All the way! <3 And good luck!!

    Girls in general like me a little to much! *twitch* I have nothing wrong with lesbians, I just don't like when they hit on me! haha

    And sorry, but I didn't quite catch that... You cut someone who was supposed to be your best friend? Or your so called best friend made you cut someone? And you went to meet that person in Scotland? But either the 'bestfriend' or the person from Scotland didn't like it? And you totally lost me at the driving part... [sorry, math has turned my brain into total mush!!]

    Good, I also believe in Karma and I hope she gets what's coming to her!!

    Thanks times a million. I always go back and re-read stories. I never think about people re-reading mine! hah

    YOU'RE SO RIGHT! GAH! You're a Genius!!! Oh my good golly ghosh! I've never ever thought of that before. True, very true!

    <3 Then that's pretty dern good then, eh? =D

    "I'm in loooove, UGH, I'm all shook up!"
    April 6th, 2010 at 03:12am
  • well it could be Geroel lol or Norard/Nerard XD
    April 6th, 2010 at 03:10am