Castiel. / Comments

  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Guilty Schmilty! It's Easter, which means that it's a holiday which means that even though calories count they really totally just don't! Silly! lol *gets chocolate internet egg* Om-nom-nom! Yumms!

    Meh, es alirght. And I wish! Sadly, I don't have any means of a VHS player or a DVD player and I'd have to watch things on my laptop, but I'm...using... it right now, haha. Aladdin was recorded on my TV, though, so.

    Ugh! Well, gah, I've cut someone out before. But she used to pet me before, and want to hold my hand and stuff. She got really too close and I just couldn't breathe so I let her go. It was horrible for me to do, but her and I are still civilized with eachother. Even so, I feel like the bad guy now! Stay strong, though. Like Mibba, if you don't mind me saying, your 'friend' is a Butt Head!!

    I am really proud of it! *tears up* First story I've ever finished! Ever!

    Hahah it's all good. Sometime I think up this 'wonderful' story concept, write it, go back and read it and then realize that I've practically already written the same exact thing before! haha

    Well, off of myself and my friend Amily, my Claire model. The both of us combined. More of my problems with all of her... looks and then both of our interests? Uh, yeah, haha. But thank you! I sure hope so! Six pages of second chapter writen so far!

    LMAO! <3 What a hunk he sure was.

    I switched to Breaking Benjamin, though
    April 5th, 2010 at 04:47am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    I love when I look forward to writing!! And once a week! eek! That excites me! =D

    Hahaha Well, still, chocolate highs are much too much okay! Though, I must say, I haven't had any chocolate at all on this fine Easter Sunday!

    And you're welcome! I love my ears, I refuse to take them off lmao But, unfortunatley Aladdin is over ='[ I luffles him.

    I'm sorry! Geez, sometimes friends just aren't. At all. But I'm glad that you're staying strong! Good girl! =D

    Well then what a Butt Head Mibba is, then! I stick my tongue out to it, that's for sure! [lol]

    Thanks again. I wanted to make it 25 pages, but only got up to 21, hah. So I think that's what it is really. I'm glad that everyone enjoyed it though!

    True, but I just don't want to make her unbearable to readers, you know? Usually I just refuse to read about teenage girls because they're just so... annoying! haha! Oh, and you're wrong about that one girly! Gerard got his period, too, y'know! Silly, that's how he had his babies! But the story goes ALOT farther than all of that. It'll sort of be a touchy subject, actually, but I hope it'll... succeed my expectations? Yeah, yeah I'll say that haha

    [I'm listening to Elvis <3]
    April 5th, 2010 at 04:18am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    GIRL! Where have you been?!?!

    Yay! Yay for updates and yay for stories and yay for finishing them. [I like the word YAY alot] You should totally read the comment I left you! =D

    Hahah, Happy Easter to you, too! It's, like, 9:47pm for me over in RI. Late, but not late enough for me to be sleeping!

    I'm actualy... Well, as of this second I have light up bunny ears on and I'm watching Aladdin, so I'm positively AMAZING. How are you?!?!

    I bet Mibba missed you as well!

    You liked it?
    Yay! I'm really glad that you enjoyed the last chapter, I think I'm sort of iffy about it...

    And the sequel?! Ouuf, that's a douzey! But I think I can tame it. I'm really happy how it's going, I think. I decided that instead of flashbacks that the Home Movies will be better, so that's what I'm going to use! Claire will be a challange, my first time writing in a teenage girl's point of view, but it'll be something totally new! And the twins will definitely add comedic effect when needed! =D

    I said 'Yay' alot, don't worry about it lol
    April 5th, 2010 at 03:52am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Hahahaha. Yessss <3

    True, very very ture. But. It wasn't. No more sex scenes, I'm afraid. =/

    Ahh, yeah, I'm just a Mibba freak lol But you twittered me? Whow. I must be oblivious, I'm sorry I didn't even notice! =[ (i don't really know what I'm doing on there either lol)

    Well, nothing much to read yet but! The page is up! And pictures! And characters, even though I still have to add most of their descriptions...blah...

    I'm excited myself! lol And I'm writing it! haha
    March 18th, 2010 at 09:16pm
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Haha, I know. Frank is just our Hero. Mine, atleast. Well Gerard is my hero as well, but. You know. They're all my hero's, just Frank's shining majorly right now.

    And thanks! =D

    You thought it'd be a sex scene, eh? One way to really tell is if i have a *Parents Strongly Cautioned* disclaimer. Plus, the titles are meant to throw readers off. I like you guys going in and expecting one thing, then getting something else! haha

    And i thought about my Grandpa, actually, for Don's loafers haha. My Papa's full blood italian, like gangster and all, and he wears leather loafers and they're, like, his life haha. So. It fit.

    Yesm, they are! Did you not check out the sequel page, Missy?! It's up! And the characters are there too!
    March 18th, 2010 at 02:45am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    I KNOW!!!!

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    Twins!! One Iero Baby just wouldn't be enough! I'm so happy for him and Jamia, like, I can't wait for them! [also, thinnnnk about it. Gerard and Lindsey have Bandit = Claire. Frank and Jamia have twins? In the sequel the Gerard and Frank have twins! Am I psychic or what?!?!? ;D]

    And go, go! Read! I hope you likes it! =]
    March 18th, 2010 at 02:18am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Ahhh. Could you imagine someone else's name there? No. I couldn't. It just isn't...right. It's real now, but it doesn't make it right.

    But i wonder. If Gerard really was that sick, wouldn't she let us know? I mean, her twitter is more personal than anything, but. I dunno. something tells me that she would? Maybe?

    I know, =/ They were a family. And we were extended members. But now? *sigh* Now, it's just broken...

    I've dedicated my whole week to My Chem. Ironically monday and yesturday i just so happened to wear a band tee shirt, tuesday i totally forgot haha, but tomorrow i'm going all out fangirl. plaid skirt, hoodie, chucks, and band tee. I'm representing that I'm sticking with them, no matter what. They've never steered us wrong and i have faith!

    Yeah. Ray and Bob. Two of the boys who weren't in the limelight as much as the rest. The least popular, if you will. They stuck together, were buddies.

    oh my goodness, i didn't even think about that! hours, probably. Poor Frankie. Atleast he had Jamia to comfort him. Imagine all of the tears everyone must've shed? Gah. All of the pain, to everyone. Atleast Frank's found music to cope and Gerard being busy. No word from Mikey, though. And Ray must just be a wreck. My heart goes out to them...

    But i also support Bob. In whatever he's off to do. He deserves the love too!
    March 5th, 2010 at 04:09am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    =/ Yeah, Bob never takes anyone's shit...

    And Lindsey would have told us if anything was/is up with Gerard. She's pretty on top of things.

    How could it just change, you know? It's never going to be the same, or mean the same things... I'm not saying that the new drummer couldn't be great, but he won't be home...

    Yeah, that's why i wear it. Some people act like they get it, but. Not so much. If you're not a My Chemical Romance fan, like a TRUE honest to god fan, then you probably wont ever get it...

    All of us fans are going nutso but i wonder how heartbroken the guys are. They haven't really showed much emotion, have they? Frank and a kickass concert, or something, but. I'm upset but they're most likely devestated
    March 4th, 2010 at 11:21pm
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Yeah. I mean, Gerard hasn't updated his twitter in monthes but he's got the band, his comics and a family to juggle. I understand that he doesn't have time. Bob just dropped everything. And i mean, why didn't he tell us? Why couldn't he man up, soften the blow. I feel kind of mad. I'd sad, ofcourse, nothing will ever be the same, but. I'm also mad...

    I have that Tee shirt. I wore it yesturday, actually. It's odd, every day this week i've worn My Chem shirts... And i thought it was from Revenge, but i can't be sure. Everyone was all, oh. uhuh. My dad asked if i was "over that drummer thing" Uhm, NO!

    Wow! I never even thought of that...And how long ago did they cancel, four weeks? Maybe they did the alternative because they weren't sure what to do, you know. Gah, whow. And Gerard didn't post that which i though was kind of fishy. Maybe he was too disappointed...*sigh*
    March 4th, 2010 at 10:47pm
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    EXACTLY! Like, i want to ask him WHY? Why would you do that to all of us? Why would you give us up, quit? But he probably does have a real reason, i suppose. It just, doesn't make sense, especially in the middle of recording? Who's going to finish the songs? Who's going to go on tour, who will they hire?! No one can really fill his spot...

    I told everyone who would listen and nobody got it. No one understands. Today i wore a shirt that i've had forever, my favorite My Chem shirt, and i think it's way back from before Revenge. There's block funhouse writing that says My Chemical Romance and it has the side of a girl's face, all in pink. The girl is crying though. I thought it fitting, but no one else understood.

    I also wrote "We'll Carry On" on my arm. I think they'll survive. I really want to say that I know they will, but heck i don't know anything anymore. They're strong. Some of the strongest men i've ever seen in my life, ever. They can do anything!
    March 4th, 2010 at 10:21pm
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States

    Ugh, I started writing last night and then i got the news about Bob and i broke down. All i could do was listen to them and cry. It's just so...gah. I don't even know what to think about it. I feel like it's just so...insane. Like, not real...
    March 4th, 2010 at 09:40pm
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    You're Welcome! =]

    Aww mann, that's yucky, i'm sorry! =/ I was sick all last week.But I hope you feel better!!!

    Meh. Writing? Hahah maybe...
    March 3rd, 2010 at 10:07pm
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Well, shucks! Thank you times a million! It was awesome! I loved it lots! =D

    So, how have you been Darling?!
    March 3rd, 2010 at 03:44am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    You honestly shouldn't have!!
    Gawwwhhhh! I'll read it immediately and tell you how much i love it, but you didn't have to really!
    March 2nd, 2010 at 03:18am
  • nicholas joseph;

    nicholas joseph; (100)

    United States
    You're very welcome. <3
    March 2nd, 2010 at 01:43am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Is there?! Lol, i'd laugh soooo hard if there was!!

    Bahahaa isn't it sad to think that we know more than professionals sometimes?! That and kind of funny...Only kind of...

    Teheheh *drool* I love it lots! <3

    Thanks, and me neither! It'll definitely be an adventure!! I just have to stop being a baby and get over the fact that after ETU is done i can't write more!! hah
    February 23rd, 2010 at 12:42am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Bahahaha Jubo Chandler, sounds normal enough! I actually like it! lol And one of my best friend's favorite TV show is Friends!!

    HAH! Professionals, right riiiiight. Yeah, we can let what they...dooo haha

    True true, i could, but it's already in the machine! And it's a tad big and black. And it's got all six children but they're like, glowing red and they're real people! and they have their masks on ofcourse...and it's just their heads and they're forming a circle around 'THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY' title haha

    I know, right? A year that has been much too short! This will be the first ever story that i've finished!

    And i couldn't keep the sequel a secret if i tried! haha It's called 'Seeing Doesn't Have To Mean Believing' =] The page is up, too! just can't post anything yet, obviously haha
    February 23rd, 2010 at 12:05am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Yay for pretending to be boys! I like Jubo! Lmao, does this Jubo fella have a last name?

    Sometimes i don't get why there has to be such things as time differences and money value, but then i just shrug and leave the batter lone before singing or somethign lmao


    It's quite a beautiful shirt. That i've worn at least four times already! But it, ofcourse, had to be washed. So now it's not all new and fresh and just bought! haha

    Thanks! =D Only two chapters left, can you believe it?! Gah! This is crazy! I haven't written those yet, but i've already finished the first chapter of the sequel...

    Internet's a total butt!
    February 22nd, 2010 at 11:41pm
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    Bahahahah! Yess. Well, are you writing to them as a boy or a girl? Like, what type of name. Because that could depend, y'know? lol

    Really? Wowza! I didn't know that! And yeah, it's kind of confusing here in america. Like, if Gerard and Lindsey tweet something about waking up and feeding Bandit or breakfast or something and it's afternoon where i am, i'm like, huh? And then i have an Oooohhh moment lol

    They totally do. They're such hams!! lol

    I ate too much today. Not good. I feel like i'm dying hahah But on the plus side i found an Umbrella Academy t-shirt for 9 dollars today!! i squeeled so loud that i scared the boy in the store. I was in awe though hahaha i told the poor kid that this was better than christmass lmao
    February 16th, 2010 at 02:45am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States

    Yay for making up fake names!! =D Well, Mr. Iero ______ 's name can stay that way for a little while, but Miss ________ ________? It should be something totally rediculous, but at the same time an actual name. Y'know? haha

    Ohhh hahaha well, in LA they're, like, 4 hours behind New York time. So it's 11:34 here it would be 7:34 in the morning there in LA.

    I bet you they are. Or, well, like you i have the same weird dreams lol but. How amazing would that be?! And they read stories and stuff!!! Gahh!!

    Aww!! Really?! Yeah, because Bella's ears are so big and her teeth remind me of Fangs. She my lil' creature of the night! haha
    February 15th, 2010 at 05:35pm