sophianyx10 / Comments

  • HopelessRomantic91

    HopelessRomantic91 (100)

    United States

    I'm tagging you! Cool
    September 6th, 2014 at 06:52pm
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Ahahah. I am alive, my dear. Just barely though! Hahaha. But I know exactly what you mean. Like, take my Nick Jonas story. It's a love story, but it's not a fairy tale. I put the young couple through a whole lot of agony, but I like it because they just barely stick together. I dunno, it's just very real, where very real problems happen and everything. But..It's still a love story, hahah.<3
    December 5th, 2011 at 12:48am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Actually, that usually works for me a lot with any of my love interests that I write about (haha), but I dunno if it's so much lack of inspiration as it is motivation or something. I have no idea what's going on with me, haha. Because just listening to a Bruno song will give me inspiration, but then I just can't find the motivation to write. I dunno, maybe if I get going I'll find some. Maybe I'll try right now. =D

    Thank you, my darling.
    April 11th, 2011 at 07:05am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    I missed all of you! I wanna update so bad but I'm still having trouble finding the inspiration. =[
    April 10th, 2011 at 10:52pm
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    I sure did. =]
    That's also where i got the idea to put the quote at the top, because the one in the song is originally from a poem, but they change it a little in the song, so when I put it on there I made it more like the origingal. =]
    March 19th, 2011 at 02:30am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    I LOVE IT!!!
    I LOVE the banner, and the layout is sooo pretty! Thank you so much of thinking of me and my story. You make awesome layouts!
    Thank youuuu. <3

    You're loved by,
    March 6th, 2011 at 02:50am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Oh my Lord, yessss.
    It was AMAZING. I was ranting about it forever. Haha.
    And I know!! They made it into a Doo Wop song. It was amazing. Then he played drums for that girl. Ugh, I just about wet my panties. hahaha.
    I mean, he's just...UGH! I am so in love with that man. Hahah.

    I'm so glad you commented me about it, because I've been dying to talk about it with a fellow Bruno lover.

    February 21st, 2011 at 01:17am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    OH MY SHIT, I did it again!
    What the fuck is with me? I can't help but blab to you! I'm so sorry!

    Do you see that monster of a fucking comment??
    Jesus, I am SO sorry!!!
    January 27th, 2011 at 02:30am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Of course I care! You can talk to me all day about this stuff, and I'd still care and always find a response. But, Aw, you just made me feel so much better since I now know I'm not the only one who is in love with someone I don't know. But, I know exactly what I mean. I also fantasize about being Bruno's girlfriend or wife, and that's pretty much what writing fan fictions does for me. It lets me fantasize out lout without looking upon as being weird hahah. And for me, Bruno only has one flaw, and that's his height, and even that isn't considered a flaw for me. I mean, I'm 5'9", so like a man who is my height or taller, but, if Bruno were to have me, I wouldn't give two shits. Hahah. But, I am pretty confident in the fact that if I were to ever have met Bruno and had a chance to actually talk to him and hang out for a little bit, that we would become fast friends at least. Everything I know about him points to it. As for becoming his girlfriend, I don't really know what he likes in a girl when looking for a girlfriend, so I dunno. But, if he likes the same qualities in them that he has in girl version, then I'm all good. Hahah. I definitely don't mind that he smokes, because I also smoke (Which means you don't really like me. =[ haha). But, I plan on quitting. It just doesn't bug me any because I know what it's like to be called out on all the time for smoking. People constantly being like "You should quit" "It's so bad for you" "It's a nasty habit", and, honestly, it gets really annoying. I mean, it's the 21st century, I know I should quit because it's bad for me, so stop telling me! Hahah.
    I also know what you mean by saying "Taylor is more of a person than a celebrity". I have a saying, "Being an actor/musician is different than being a celebrity." An actor/musician is someone who is in it for an actual love for the craft, and a celebrity, although some may love the craft, also just want to be approached and have their faces posted everywhere, and their names heard on everyone' lips. Not to mention the money, but that's always a bonus. Take Shia LaBeouf for example. He's an actor. When do you ever see scandalous stories about him in the newspaper, or see him making public apologies? Never, because he stays out of the spotlight when it is not work related. Then, look at someone like Lindsey Lohan. She wants nothing more than attention, attention, attention, and ultimately, it completely fucked her over.

    Anyway, bottom line is, I know exactly where you're coming from on everything. Oh, and, I have a friend who looks a lot like Bruno. He's not dark skinned, but he has the same eyes and facial features as him. But, he's also taller, haha. Either way, I've liked him for a long time, long before Bruno started his rise to fame, but knowing now that someone as amazing as Bruno looks like my friend (Mike) only made me like him more. Haha. Plus, Mike is such a freaking sweetheart, he's really funny, but also a stud. Like, he's got an amazing body and would kick ass to protect someone he cares about (Believe me, I know. He's already beaten up 2 guys in my name, hahaha). He's admitted to liking me too, but we never started dating because even though he really wanted a relationship, I just wasn't ready at the time, and I'm still not ready for an actual relationship because I know that I wouldn't be able to give him the same commitment that he's promised me so many times since I have yet to fall in love, and I feel that if he ever told me that he loves me while we were dating and I didn't feel the same, it would cause a lot of problems like it has for me in the past.
    hahah, what the hell?! Why did I just get into that?
    I have no excuse, it just kind of happened before I realized that I was blabbing to you like you cared about my personal relationship with this man. hahah.

    ANYWAY!!!! Thanks for tolerating me, my love. You are truly amazing. <3
    You're loved by,
    January 27th, 2011 at 02:30am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Holy crap, I just saw how long my comment actually is after I posted it, and I almost shit myself.
    I'm soooooo sorry, I just wrote a freakin' novel on yer profile page, haha.
    I fully invite you to ignore and/or delete it. It's probably going to take an hour to read, even if it only took me like 5 minutes to write, hahah.

    I'm sooorrryyyy=o

    Post Script.
    I agree about marrying him and having his babies part in your comment. I would also marry him a squeeze out a couple babies for him, mostly because of what making a baby requires. ;) hahah. But, then my vahjayjay would be all....You know..Ew. Hahah. So, hopefully he wouldn't request anymore than 1 or 2 babies. But, we could still do the baby making without the aftereffects. =]
    January 26th, 2011 at 09:57am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Ugh, I know what you meeaannn. It was LITTLE different for me though. First, I heard his voice without any idea of how he looked and went "Holy shit, musical orgasm", so then I went on Youtube and looked up some live performances (I always like to hear musicans live first because that's where you really hear the talent. Album versions can be dubbed and played with to sound better. When you see/hear someone live, you really get a feel of how the song is meant to be, and how much talent they really have), and the first song that I saw him do live was Grenade. He played the guitar in the performance and it was amazing. It had a bluesy feel to it, so, as I later found out, it was a little different from the studio version, but his voice was still so flawless. But, the first thing that got me when I saw him were those eyes. Those big, adorable eyes. Then, he smiled, and it made me smile. THEN I continued to witness how much fucking passion he put into playing that one song, and I was already sold. So, I found more and more music of his while also reading biographies and such (Which I love to do when I admire a musician or any other type of artist) and found out that he played, and was very good at, a few of the same instruments as me! Guitar, piano, drums and ukulele (Like I said and listed in my previous comment, I play a few more than him, but those are 4 of the ones I enjoy playing the most and am most talented at...Well, with the exception of the ukulele. I mean, I love playing it, it's a lot of fun, but it doesn't exactly take much skill, hahah). There were also some quotes of him talking about what types of music he was into, what inspired him, who influenced him, etc. and found out that we were basically musical soul mates. Hahah. I'm sure people say it all the time, but I'm serious. We have the exact same ideas on what defines good music, we both love to play and are skilled at playing all different types of music, we were both raised on music, and were both influenced by a lot of the same artists (Two of some of my biggest influences are Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson, and it's the same for him) and musical genres. I mean, it sounds crazy, but I'm not just making it up. I was actually a little freaked out. hahah. But, that really made me fall head over heels for him, haha.
    But wait! It got worse(And longer =/ haha)...
    I then watched some interviews, and found that he was incredibly sweet, down to earth, smart, and has an incredible and versatile sense of humor. And, that was it, I was absolutely, positively, no doubt about it, never getting out of it, head-over-heels in love with Peter Hernandez. Hahaha.

    So, as you can see (haha), there was a weird process that goes into me being that into someone I don't even actually know, haha. I just think it's weird that I can fall in love with someone like Bruno, who I don't even know, so easily since I've never actually been in love with anyone that I do know! But, then again, there's no one I know that's just like Bruno! Hahaha.
    You may think I'm a freak after telling you all of this, but, I'm not, I promise. It's just how I am, I love to learn about things I'm interested in, so, if I'm interested in a musician or something, I'll learn everything you can about them, as long as it was information that was given up voluntarily (I can't stand gossip magazines and such as. It's all too personal, judgmental, and full of rumors instead of facts). And it's simply because I enjoy it. I was actually very surprised to find out how much I liked Bruno Mars since I literally don't like main stream music today. It's rare that I find a musician that I like in the mainstream scene (Like MTV, the radio, etc.) since they're all mostly over rated, fake, talentless, retarded, undeserving, and/or washed up losers who you can hardly call musicians. Hahah. But, Bruno is way different than anyone else I've ever known about in today's scene.
    Okay, so this comment came out SO FUCKING LONG and I apologize. I'm drunk, and I'm a writer so I tend to....Write too much sometimes. Hahah. And since I type so fast, I always end up blabbing on and on without realizing it since it seems like it takes no time or effort at all. hahah. You probably think I'm so creepy or something right now, but, I promise that my love for Bruno is not obsessive. I don't think that I am going to marry him someday, I don't get jealous if there's even a hint that he's dating someone, and I don't function under the illusion that we're somehow dating (Believe me, I've seen fans that crazy, ahaha). I simply respect him a lot as a musician and a person, and also happen to think he's extremely attractive and hilarious. Thus, put together, equals love on my part. Hahah.
    Oh, and, yes, if you do find the picture it would be awesome if you made the comparison thingy-mah-jig. =] But, don't stress over it or anything. I mean, it would be cool to see but not if it's too much trouble for you or anything. <3

    OKAY I AM GOING TO STOP THIS COMMENT NOW! I wouldn't blame you if you gave up, and don't feel obligated to answer back. I know it will probably take a minute to process everything I said...
    Ugh, I just can't stop fucking blabbing, can I?! hahaha.
    Okay, okay.

    You're loved by,

    Post Script.
    Sorry again for the freakishly long comment! I blame it on the liquor!! =D
    January 26th, 2011 at 09:50am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    I don't like The Jonas Brothers either. I dislike their music, and think Joe and Kevin are ugly. Nick, on the other hand, is very attractive to me and I think most of it comes from the fact that I am also a serious musician, and he is very talented, and on the same instruments that I am talented on (Except a play a few more than him, also). But, musical talent and a great voice is very attractive to me, then add in the fact that they're also attractive physically and have a great personality and I'm sold. It's the same reason I love Bruno Mars so much. His talents, his voice, his personality, including his amazing sense of humor that I love because it's so similar to mine, and he's cuter than cute itself.. Ugh, I love that man. haha.
    But, that's crazy!!! You should put it online or something so I can see! My grandparents on my mom's side, especially my grandma, looked like they could have been movie stars of that time period when they were young. I swear, it was crazy.

    You're loved by,
    January 25th, 2011 at 03:07pm
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Hahah. I know what you mean.
    I have a Nick Jonas story that I've been writing forever called "How Can I Help You If You Won't Let Me?", and people say they love it because it's so "real", you know? Because a lot of stories on here are all rainbow fairy tales and such, but mine has a lot of real problems and heartbreak with the main characters fighting to stay together and break through it.
    Now, I know a lot of stories have that plot, but it's always cheating or something, but...Well, I won't give anything away incase you ever want to read it, but let's just say that some of the problems in mine, especially the one, is something that a lot of couples go through every day, but hardly no one writes about on here since it's so personal and heart wrenching.

    Anyway, enough blabbing about that. But, yes, I love it. And, take your time with the update. I'm 100% sure it will be worth the wait.
    you're loved by,
    January 24th, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Haha, yes, I agree as a reader, but, as a writer, sometimes it's difficult. Sometimes it goes off without a hitch, other times you have no choice but the write the predictable. And, sometimes the predictable is good when it's what you want it to be, you know? Hahah.
    You probably didn't understand that last part.

    BUT, I did read what you have so far of your Bruno story a few days or so ago. It's really awesome, I subscribed. I can't wait to read more, my darling! It's a great plot, I love the idea, and you're a very good writer.

    You're loved by,
    January 24th, 2011 at 10:13pm
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Haha, that's why I said "it could be what you think, or it may not be". Because people will think of the most predictable thing they can. But, you'll see.
    I admit, I can be a little predictable and corny sometimes, but, once you think I'm going to do something predictable...BAM. Hahaha
    But, that's why you love me...=] ahahah.
    Thanks for commenting!

    You're loved by,
    January 24th, 2011 at 05:46am
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    i posted the first chapter of Your Mine Forever & you think you could check it out & comment for me? thanks so much, i would really appreciate it!! (:
    January 13th, 2011 at 08:40pm
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    Hey, i was just you think you could check out the summary of my Taylor Lautner story & possibly comment/subscribe for me? here's the link;
    I would really appreciate it; thanks so much!!!! :D
    oh, & i'm teddi btw!(:
    December 31st, 2010 at 09:07pm
  • cookiepirate09

    cookiepirate09 (100)

    United States
    Agreeed! Boys are stupiiid, and lame at times, definitely. Lol.
    Oh haha, that is so cute. And Japan? Whoa, that is a long ways away. Do you have family there, too? But I understand. I have a crap load of younger cousins and I get tired with like two of them... so the rest I am like get the hell away from meeee. Hahaha.

    Uh, I'm alright. Working loads, so thats kinda sucky... except for the money part! :)
    December 29th, 2010 at 12:03pm
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Nah, no female. That's mostly because I like the readers to imagine how they want the lead female to look. I like to do that when I read stories as well, and I know when I see a picture of a female it obstructs the imagination sometimes. So, yes, just Mr. Hernandez in all of his short but gorgeous and talented glory. Hahaha.
    Thanks so much. You're a lamb.

    And, you're loved by,
    December 29th, 2010 at 06:47am
  • Dancing.With.Myself

    Dancing.With.Myself (100)

    United States
    Just the name of the story, that it was written by me, and credit to you for making the banner. =]
    Thank you.
    December 29th, 2010 at 03:02am