daniabee / Comments

  • That sucks that it's only the three countries. Australia probably only got it too because Jona's from there, haha.

    No, they shouldn't. They would have to do something about it because no teacher is supposed to treat a student that way or even say things like that to one. He should be fired.

    Oh dang, you lost it completely? Were you completely done with it? That really sucks. Use the draft section on Mibba to write and save it, then copy and paste to Word to edit/proofread, then copy and paste back to Mibba drafts to save. Then post. That way you;ll always have a copy saved on Mibba and it won't get lost.
    September 19th, 2010 at 08:09pm
  • Oh you're just like me. :p
    Damn, that sounds hard. I guess our courses aren't THAT different, mine involves social stuff as well, but it's a lot more turned to like, languages and stuff.

    That's okay, sweetie. (:
    I've pushed it back to the 30th, do you think that will give you enough time to write? Or do you need more time?

    I'm so excited for you because of that, I hope you have tons of fun at the show! *-*
    September 19th, 2010 at 02:48pm
  • Hey I was wondering if you read my Stephen Gomez fan fiction, it's my first one and I would like people to read it :)
    thanks :)
    September 18th, 2010 at 02:45pm
  • Yeah there is this one girl thats my friend but she loves drama so I try not to hang out with her.
    September 15th, 2010 at 10:10pm
  • Damn. :/ Is that why all of you always have those big backpacks?
    Over here as soon as you get to High School, the maximum classes you have per day is like, three, and some of them don't even need a book, like P.E. or Study Hall. So it makes our life easier. But our lockers for instances, they're a lot smaller than the ones you see on the US or over there. :x

    And yes, that's totally fine! (:
    That's okay, I hope you can recover it! Or if you don't, at least write it as closely as it was like the first time. :x

    I'm good, just being really lazy about getting on the internet, hahaha.
    But I still can't resist it!
    What about chew? :3
    September 15th, 2010 at 04:49pm
  • Hahaha. YES! OMG, I actually liked it the first time I heard it! It was so good! It kinda made me more excited for the CD release.

    Yeah, but they shouldn't treat students like that. They could like, get fired for that. At least suspended.

    I''m doing pretty okay. 'Bout to leave for my first class of the day [starts at 8am] so I'm a bit tired, haha. How about you?
    September 15th, 2010 at 04:09pm
  • Yes!

    I don't want to be, neither do you, hahahaha.

    OOOOH. Lucky! So that means you only have 60 minutes of classes, right? Mine are 90 minutes each, but then I only have like, three classes in the morning and one on the afternoon, all of 90 minutes. ><

    Yeah, that would be rad. (:
    September 13th, 2010 at 09:45pm
  • Haha, it's cool. :]

    Ohhh. Well that's cool. So do you know if they'll keep making music or this is the last one? The last CD they made was The Black Parade?
    Yeah, that's true, haha.

    Yeah but he shouldn't be telling his students things like that either, y'know?
    September 12th, 2010 at 07:02pm
  • I mean I have a couple friends but most of them are assholes so I don't hang out with them.
    September 12th, 2010 at 06:49pm
  • Yo bitch, the deadline for the most kick ass contest you'll ever enter is in five days. :o

    September 10th, 2010 at 09:57pm
  • Oh, at least you help your friends. (:
    Hahaha, good! xD

    They're really unfair and, how do I say it? Oh, snobby, when it comes to sizes. Not everyone has the same body type!
    Exactly! I'm cheering for you, lady! *-*

    Man, I have no idea what those periods everyone talks about are. ><
    Well, I support them you know, because it's hard to be a student/worker, and they just want the best for you. (:
    I don't know, anywhere really. Preferably somewhere where I can work with my schedule, for example, work on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays only or something like that. I'd like to start on a shop, because I'm good at dealing with people, hahaha.
    September 10th, 2010 at 11:07am
  • Hahahahah I love you :DD I love random excitement :D I actually had to do this project for english where we made up superhereos, and I used Zack (:

    :00000 SAME HOTEL!? :DDDDD. If you see Kyle, hug him fooooor meeeeee. Bah, sweet 16's are soooo overrated haha, I didn't even have one. I can't wait for my 18th so I can get a tattoo.
    Haha, I creeped your Mibba silly :D And I found it.
    I love Maaaaaattt. Vinny would be an awesome big bro though.

    I wouldn't shower if I touched him. Actually I would, just in spots so that I don't get the spot he touched wet hahaha.

    Ugh, I've had loads of homework and what not, so I can only update and reply on weekends pretty much if I'm lucky.

    I'm suuuper, you?
    September 10th, 2010 at 12:52am
  • Yeah school goes by pretty fast tho.I have a few friends but alot of the kids in my class are bitches or assholes.I have a few friends tho.So it's cool.I sit next to the boy I like in most of my classes,so that's always nice.
    September 8th, 2010 at 10:03pm
  • Haha, I'm trying for more! Yep! I think I've updated for him twice this past weekend.

    Haha, apparently. They have a new CD coming out? I thought they were...done?
    Yeah, it's not a bad song. The video made me like it, haha. I really like the video a lot.

    Whaaaat? Are you serious? What kind of fuck does he think he is!? That's so fucked up, it really really is.
    September 8th, 2010 at 09:08pm
  • Oh I get what you mean, hahaha.
    And I'm not a know-it-all! D: I'm just... curious. xD

    Exactly! I mean, it's pretty to see models with them but then when you start thinking about it, it's just plain stupid and uncomfortable. The sizes also suck, because the models are almost thin as paper and regular girls aren't. And the prices are ridiculous too, but that's how they make money. xD

    WOOOO! :DD
    All hail the provider.

    That's because it's where you live. (:

    I'm good, I just got my school schedule, and I'm excited about it. Three free afternoons and the others are getting off at 3PM and at 4:40PM, so it's nice. That means I'm going to be able to go look for a part-time so I can start saving up money for college so my parents won't pay it all on their own. :3
    September 8th, 2010 at 01:07pm
  • Haha, don't even worry about it's cool. And thank you for the story comment!

    I hope so too. They say that every album they put out, they want one song to be like, for fun. Like how Young and Hopeless had "Girls and Boys", The Chronicles of Life And Death had "I Just Want To Live" and so on, they said that "Like It's Her Birthday" is that "fun" song, so there's still hope.
    Haha, I sing along to everything. ;] In a sense, it's more "mainstream", but not completely. It's more leaning towards that than what they used to.

    Ahaha, whaaat? That's kinda creepy in a way, haha. And it's mean. Even still teachers aren't supposed to talk about their students like that.
    Ah dang. Because she is a witch!
    September 7th, 2010 at 08:43pm
  • Yup (:
    Plus, it's something that I'm already accostumed to, speaking different languages. Awe, thank you, I will pray for you too so you can follow your dreams *-*
    I understand what you mean, of course that high fashion provides you a lot more money, but it's more likely to go wrong than if you stuck by doing the stuff that Jak Vanec does. Plus, it's always cooler because even the older girls, like around 25 and so on, are getting more into those types of shirts and those bracelets, so it's nice. :3

    Is it fixed yet? :o
    Poor phone of yours T^T

    Every part of the world has got to have some flaws right? I guess that because we live in it, we notice them more than other people do. ^^'
    September 7th, 2010 at 12:17pm
  • Hahah yeah, but technically speaking you're like Alex :D

    Hahah yeah I have! It's hilarious! And they all had to drink that nasty stuff and they all puked bahah xD

    Hahah same here! I'd talk back to my keyboard and be all "Hell nawwww, I'm replyin'. Suck it up and be a [b]man![/b]!"
    Sam Milton is what I'm under on Faceboooook.
    Hahah hell yeah same here. I think I'd rather have Alex as my older brother, that way I can date Vinny if I so choose haha

    Oh I sooo get what you mean. Any kind of physical contact with Zack Merrick is where it's at.

    Sorry about the late reply by the way, I haven't had internet access, and when I looked through my comments I didn't remember commenting you back so I had to go through your comments to double check haha.
    September 5th, 2010 at 05:06pm
  • I wanted my school to start three weeks ago.I don't really like summer.It gets boring after awhile.I don't do much summer things anyways.I want to go to school but I don't have many friends there.
    September 4th, 2010 at 03:45pm
  • You sound just like me! *-*
    I also have a back-up plan if I don't make it as a tour manager, I'm going to get a degree on Translation (which is one of my favorite things evaaaar along with TM) and then we'll see. (:

    You're officially off school for two weeks now, aren't you? :3
    Yeaah, as a joke of course xD
    I love his videos, and he also seems like such a genuine person, you know?

    It does really, but after you've lived here for, oh I don't know, ever since you were born, it gets boring because you know the place like the back of your hands.

    I'm sure you'll be able to get your thoughts together and be a good girl. :p
    September 4th, 2010 at 03:17pm